Upper Berryessa Creek Flood Risk Management Project


This page pertains to the Upper Berryessa Creek Flood Risk Management Project located in Santa Clara County (Project), co-sponsored by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and Santa Clara Valley Water District. The Project purpose is to provide flood protection to the new Milpitas BART station (currently under construction), and an estimated 3,500 homes and businesses in Milpitas and San Jose, by increasing the creek's capacity along 2.2 miles from Interstate 680 to Calaveras Boulevard. This page, while not comprehensive, contains many documents pertaining to the permit application, environmental assessments, technical reports, and correspondence with the Project co-sponsors. For additional information, please contact Susan Glendening at (510) 622-2462 or Susan.Glendening@waterboards.ca.gov.

Water Board Actions

Final Order
    District Petition of WDR
    5/12/2017 Documentation submitted with the Petition is available at this link:

    Draft Orders
    You may access the staff summary report and the associated draft order through the hyperlinks in the following Water Board agendas.

Comment Letters and Response to Comments on Draft WDRs

Clean Water Act, Section 401 Certification

Reports and Plans Submitted Pursuant to CWA, Section 401 Certification

Letters by Water Board

Letters by Dischargers

Environmental Assessments

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA)

Technical Documents and Staff Memos
