[an error occurred while processing this directive]
On August 15, 2000, the Executive Officer issued Administrative Civil Liability No. 00-103, in the amount of $55,075 to Rose Hills Memorial Park, located at 388 South Workman Mill Road, in the City of Whittier, for discharges to waters of the State in violation of Order 87-089 and the California Water Code and for the non-submittal of monitoring reports.
Inc., Azusa At the Board meeting on June 29, 2000, the Board adopted revised Waste Discharge Requirements (including a requirement for groundwater monitoring) for Southdown's sand and gravel mining and concrete manufacturing operations, located in Azusa. On July 28, 2000, Southdown filed a petition the State Board for review of the Regional Board's actions, and requested that State Board stay the petition for an interim period.
Issued to Malibu Bay Club Inc. On August 15, 2000, the Executive Officer issued Administrative Civil Liability No. 00-116, in the amount of $46,530 to the Malibu Bay Club, Inc. for discharges of primary treated sewage to the ground surface at the Malibu Bay Club condominium complex, located at 41000 Pacific Coast Highway, in Ventura County. The discharge, observed by the Ventura County Environmental Health Division during the course of two inspections in January 2000, was in violation of Order No. 94-136.
Wildlife Waystation, Inc. The Wildlife Waystation Inc. operates the Wildlife Waystation located at 14831 Little Tujunga Canyon Road, San Fernando, California 91342. On May 5, the Executive Officer issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) and a Cleanup and Abatement Order to ensure that the water quality of the streams in the area are adequately protected, that the appropriate 'Best Management Practices' (BMPs) are implemented, and requiring submittal of a completed Report of Waste Discharge. On August 9, 2000, Regional Board staff participated in a Los Angeles county-hosted meeting with the Wildlife Waystation. The Los Angeles County Department of Fish and Game were also present. The meeting was held to update all parties on the progress the Wildlife Waystation was making in coming into compliance with the Department of Fish and Game, LA County, and Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements.
of Los Angeles - Fourth Semi-Annual Progress Meeting
for Cease and Desist Order 98-073 Regional Board staff participated in the Fourth Annual Progress Meeting for Cease and Desist Order (CDO) No. 98-073 on August 10, 2000. City staff from the Bureaus of Sanitation and Engineering provided an update on the CDO mandated tasks to prevent wet weather sanitary sewer overflows in the Hyperion Service Collection System. The City has completed several of the CDO mandated tasks and is working to complete the remaining tasks on schedule. Major issues include revising the CDO to provide a conditional deferral for the Northeast Interceptor Sewer, which the Regional Board will consider on August 31, 2000. Additionally, the City informed the Regional Board that the East Central Interceptor Sewer construction contract will be re-bid due to legal and contractual issues. The City is evaluating the effect of the re-bid on the schedule.
Storm Water Program
Ventura County Municipal Storm Water Permit The Regional Board reissued the municipal storm water permit for Ventura County at its July 27 meeting. The permit includes requirements for new development and redevelopment incorporated in the Storm Water Quality Urban Impact Mitigation Plan (SQUIMP). These requirements are similar to those in the SUSMP for Los Angeles County. Notable improvements include numerical mitigation criteria for flow-based BMPs and narrative criteria to protect stream habitat and prevent down-stream erosion.
Annual Report Review - Industrial Regional Board staff completed a review of 2586 of the 1998-99 annual reports (100 percent) submitted under the State General Industrial Storm Water Permit. A total of 2298 annual reports have been received for the 1999-00 reporting year and reviewed for completeness. Regional Board staff will follow-up with violation notices to the 400 facilities that have failed to report.
Inspections - Industrial/Construction Board staff completed 182 industrial compliance inspections (101 percent) and 459 construction compliance inspections (102 percent) for the 1999-00 program year under the workplan. In addition, under a cooperative special project, Regional Board staff and City of Los Angeles inspectors visited 1737 facilities in a four square mile industrial zone in Los Angeles and identified 202 industrial storm water permit non-filers. Regional Board will now follow through with enforcement action against these facilities to compel filing.
Angeles County Municipal Storm Water Permit The Regional Board submitted a Post-Hearing Brief on July 7, 2000, to the State Board in the matter of the SUSMP appeal. The State Board is expected to come out with a decision in September.
of Defense Fuel Support Point Norwalk Site Activities On August 9, 2000, the Long Beach Press-Telegram printed an article titled "Chemicals up in some wells" regarding the groundwater contamination underlying the Defense Fuel Support Point (DFSP) Norwalk, also known as the Tank Farm. The following update is provided on the environmental cleanup activities of petroleum hydrocarbons that continue at the Tank Farm. The Defense Energy Support Center (DESC) and Kinder Morgan Energy Partners both conduct operations at this facility. The Tank Farm is used by the military as a fuel storage and transfer facility. Kinder Morgan operates a pump station on a two-acre easement along the facility's southern border. The military is scheduled to cease operation at the Tank Farm by December 2000. DESC and Kinder Morgan are both operating treatment systems to remediate chemicals in the soil and groundwater from past fuel releases. The primary chemicals of concern are petroleum hydrocarbons (fuel products), 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA), benzene and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE). DESC has operated a treatment system in the central area of the Tank Farm and has removed approximately 115,571 gallons of fuel since 1996. The military has recently expanded the remedial system to enhance remediation of the groundwater plume underlying the central area of the Tank Farm. The groundwater plume related to the military's past operations appears to be stable and contained in the shallow aquifer and within the Tank Farm facility. Kinder Morgan has operated treatment systems in the south-central and southeast areas, since 1995, as well as the West Side Barrier system on the Tank Farm. The treatment systems have removed approximately 315,400 gallons of fuel from the soil and have pumped and treated 20 millions gallons of groundwater. Groundwater contaminated primarily with 1,2-DCA and MTBE has migrated off-site to residential areas. The existing West Side Barrier system was installed in 1999 in order to contain and control further off-site plume migration. Kinder Morgan is in the process of evaluating possible alternatives of expanding the treatment system to an off-site location to enhance the cleanup of this off-site plume. In May 1999, MTBE was detected in the deeper groundwater aquifer (Exposition Aquifer) with concentrations up to 150 parts per billion. As a result of this detection, the monitoring frequency for the exposition wells was increased from semi-annual to monthly in July 1999. The concentration of MTBE decreased to non-detect in October 1999. According to the last groundwater monitoring report (July 2000) the concentrations in these wells continue to be non-detect. Cross-contamination during the sampling activities could be a possibility for this detection in the Exposition Aquifer. Kinder Morgan will continue to monitor these wells quarterly and are considering installing an additional well to monitor the effects, if any, of the shallow groundwater remediation system to the deeper aquifer.
Landfills Unit Chiquita
Canyon Landfill Based on a site inspection on August 9, 2000 and review of the construction quality assurance report for the final construction of Cells 1 and 2A, staff approved this area for placement of municipal solid waste. On August 11, 2000, staff approved the seismic slope stability design for Cells 1 and 2A based on review comments received from the Department of Water Resources (DWR) in their letter dated July 31, 2000. The State Water Board has a contract with the Division of Dam Safety of DWR to review the seismic safety aspect of liner designs for municipal solid waste landfills.
Canyon Landfill On August 4, 2000, staff approved the seismic slope stability design for Phase IIIA based on review comments received from DWR in their letter dated July 27, 2000. On August 15th, staff inspected the final excavation grade of Phase IIIA and reviewed the geologic mapping of this area. No adverse geologic conditions were observed. In addition, on August 18, 2000, staff met with representatives of the Bureau of State Audits, who are conducting an audit of Sunshine Canyon Landfill for the Legislative Audit Committee, to discuss the responsibilities of the Regional Board in permitting and overseeing this site.
Sub-basin MTBE Investigation Area At present there are 26 active sites in the Charnock Sub-Basin. Of the 26 active sites, site assessment has been completed at 15 sites, whereas there are 11 sites where additional site assessment work is required. Groundwater monitoring is being performed at all the sites. A total of six sites have approved workplans for cleanup of the soil and groundwater. On August 9, 2000, the Agencies approved the workplan for an additional potential responsible party (PRP) site, for the completion of soil and groundwater assessment for AM PM (PRP No. 49). On March 10, 2000 EPA issued a Water Replacement Order to ARCO, Best California Gas Company, Chevron, CONOCO, Douglas Oil Co. of CA, Exxon, Mobil, Tosco, Unocal, Kazuho Nishida, and HLW West Corporation (other PRPs). The Board issued a support letter on March 14, 2000. On March 10, 2000, the agencies issued a draft scope of work to perform Initial Regional Response Activities scope of work (SOW) for regional investigation and propose remediation alternatives. The draft SOW was issued to Shell/Shell Products/Equilon (Shell) and other PRPs. Shell has submitted a good faith offer that met some of the requirements of the Initial Regional Response Activities Scope of Work. The offer from the other PRPs had contingencies, which the agencies could not agree. On July 5, 2000, the Regional Board staff mailed final copy of the Stipulated Agreement along with a specified Scope of Work to perform Regional Investigation and Analysis of Alternatives for both Interim Water Replacement and Interim Regional Response Actions. This item was scheduled for a public hearing at the July 27, 2000 Board meeting but was continued to the August 31, 2000 Board meeting. As part of Regional response actions, a number of groundwater monitoring wells will be installed into the Upper Silverado Aquifer to further determine the plume source and characteristics and to perform periodic groundwater monitoring. In addition, work will require development of a basin-wide flow model, development of a GIS database, an evaluation of alternate drinking water source(s) within the Charnock Sub-Basin, an evaluation of methods for treating polluted groundwater, restoration of the Charnock Sub-Basin Investigation Area to its full beneficial use as a drinking water supply, and provide a community relations plan. The activities specified within the SOW are a necessary step to restore the drinking water supply at the Charnock Wellfields. The Agencies have received Charnock Initial Regional Response Activities (CIRRA) - Task 12.1 Regional Investigation Letter Work Plan, dated August 2, 2000, from Shell. Shell is scheduled to submit the complete workplan as specified in Task 1.1 of the Scope of Work by August 17, 2000.
Wellfield MTBE Investigation The shallow aquifer and lower aquifer in the vicinity of the former Mobil Station 18-LDM have been treated with a pump and treat system since October 1997. Currently, approximately 58 gallons per minute (GPM) of groundwater are being pumped from 17 groundwater extraction wells of the lower aquifer and treated at the Mobil facility. As of June 28, 2000, the treatment system has pumped 11.6 million gallons of groundwater and removed an estimated amount of 65 pounds of TPH and 187 pounds of MTBE. The average MTBE concentration in the combined influent has been decreased from over 2,000 mg/L in 1998 to 380 mg/L in June 2000. The impacted soil in the vadose zone has been treated with a vapor extraction system (VES). The cumulative VOC mass removed is 9,208 pounds since May 1999. The VES was temporarily shut down during June 2000 due to decreased vapor concentrations. However, the VES will resume operation when the lower aquifer air sparing and vapor wells are activated. A Production Aquifer Remediation System (PARS) using activated carbon filtering to clean up the production aquifer has been in operation since May 17, 2000. PARS is composed of four carbon vessels each containing 24,000 pounds of Calgon F600 carbon. Currently groundwater from Arcadia Well No. 5 are being pumped at 300 GPM and discharged to a storm drain. As of June 30, 2000, the PARS has pumped approximately 17.7 million gallons of groundwater and removed 0.24 pounds of MTBE. The average daily influent concentrations of MTBE ranged from 0.3 mg/L (May 17) to 0.5 mg/L (July 30). PARS is still undergoing a demonstration testing. After the PARS has been adequately pilot tested for effectiveness and reliability, by the State Department of Health Services, the treated water from Arcadia Well No.5 will be routed to Santa Monica treatment plant for distribution.
Completion of Corrective Action at Leaking Underground Fuel Storage Tank Sites Regional Board staff have reviewed corrective actions taken for soil and/or groundwater contamination problems from leaking USTs, for the time of July 1, 2000 through August 11, 2000, and determined that no further corrective actions are required at the following site(s): I.O. Productions, Inc./Gazel Partners, Los Angeles (900480125)
Staff to Work with the UST Program Starting August 14, 2000, the USEPA Region 9 staff Greg Lovato (California Professional Engineer) joins the Regional Board UST Program under a two year placed based agreement between the Regional Board and USEPA Region 9. As a USEPA staff, Mr. Lovato will participate in the Regional Board UST Program activities related to the City of Santa Monica Charnock Wellfield MTBE pollution investigation to facilitate the joint agencies' efforts and response to solve this MTBE problem. Mr. Lovato has been a USEPA staff for the past 8 years and comes to the Regional Board with a strong technical background. His arrival will add value to the Regional Board UST Program and provide for a closer working relationship between the Regional Board and the USEPA.
PROGRAMS Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) and Basin Plan Amendments
Watershed - Chloride TMDL A draft implementation plan, a clarification of reach definition, and proposed numeric targets and water quality objectives by reach were presented at a workshop on July 12, 2000 at the Calleguas Municipal Water District to gather stakeholder comments. The action items recommended by the group are to 1) gather additional comments from growers, 2) gather additional economic information, and 3) further examine beneficial uses in Revolon Slough. The basic elements of the Basin Plan amendment for the chloride TMDL are being finalized in draft form for discussion at a public workshop this fall. For further information, to be placed on the mailing list, or to receive a copy of the material presented in the workshop, please call Melinda Becker at (213) 576-6681 or Elizabeth Erickson at (213) 576-6683.
Angeles River Trash TMDL The Draft Trash TMDL was public noticed on March 17, 2000. The TMDL establishes a numeric target of zero (0) trash, and provides a plan for progressive reduction in waste load allocations over a 10-year period. The waste load allocations would be enforced through the Municipal NPDES storm water permit issued jointly to Los Angeles County and 87 cities as co-permittees. A baseline monitoring program was proposed to quantify the current trash loadings to the river. These data would be used to calculate progressive reduction in load allocations. A formal workshop was conducted by the Regional Board staff on April 4 at the Los Angeles River Center. Since then, staff has met with representatives of the City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LADWP), and representatives of Heal the Bay and the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River Watershed Council to discuss the draft TMDL. On May 16, staff attended a meeting convened by the LADWP. Approximately 30 cities were represented at the meeting. The focus of the discussion was on the baseline monitoring program. LADWP and cities met again on June 12 in an attempt to develop an alternative baseline monitoring plan. Representatives from this working group met again with staff on Friday, June 16. Staff is tentatively scheduled to meet with LADWP and Heal the Bay during the last week in August before completing the Final Draft of the TMDL.
Clara River - Chloride Policy Public Meeting Public forums were held on August 2, 2000, at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., at the City of Santa Clarita Council Chambers to hear resident's views on the proposal to modify the chloride objectives for the reaches at Santa Paula and Santa Clarita of the Santa Clara River. The two meetings were attended by over thirty participants who discussed issues including water softeners, costs, and environmental impacts. A technical work group meeting is being scheduled and an additional public forum will be held to gather comments on the proposed course of action. The amendment brought by staff to the Board on April 13, 2000, proposes changing the chloride objectives for two reaches of the Santa Clara River, the Santa Paula reach from 80 mg/L to 100 mg/L, and the Santa Clarita reach from 100 mg/L to 143 mg/L. Compliance with these objectives may be measured as a 12-month rolling average. In addition, a maximum, not-to-exceed value of 180 mg/L would apply to both reaches. Addendum material was mailed on June 26, 2000, and includes a cost analysis requested by the Board. In addition, the addendum includes discussions of information that has been received by staff since the April 13, 2000 presentation on groundwater in Santa Clarita and endangered species (unarmored stickleback). For further information, please call Melinda Becker at (213) 576-6681 or Elizabeth Erickson at (213) 576-6683. For copies of the proposed resolution and Basin Plan amendment, or to be placed on the mailing list, call Sandra Kelley at (213) 576-6619.
Channel Pathogen TMDL Update The Dominguez Channel Pathogen TMDL is well underway with site visits conducted over the last two seasons, meetings with Los Angeles County Flood Control District and Department of Public Works staff, and interviews with Regional Board staff completed. Significant progress has been made regarding the site specific hydrology and dry weather inputs to the Channel. As the first of the internally developed pathogen TMDLs advancements made relating to sources of coliform in urban runoff, fate and transport and modeling as well as policy decisions concerning load allocations will be useful for upcoming pathogen TMDLs throughout the region. For further information, please call Jeremy Sokulsky at (213) 576-6807.
Angeles River Nutrient and Coliform TMDLs A nutrient and a coliform TMDL are being developed for the Los Angeles River system. A workshop was held on July 19, 2000 at the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council stakeholders' meeting. The purpose of the presentation was to provide an overview of the technical approach and schedule for developing both the nutrient and the bacteria TMDL. The presenters were Terry Fleming, United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Region 9, and Steve Weisberg of Southern California Coastal Water Research Program (SCCWRP). The draft TMDL will be completed in March 2001. In support of the TMDLs, a two-day sampling will be conducted. Water quality data and associated field information will be collected as well as data from storm drains and seepage into the river. A training session will be held on September 9, 2000 with two sampling events scheduled for September 10 and 11, 2000. We are seeking volunteers. For information on participating in the two-day sampling events, please contact Heather Trim at the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council at (213) 576-6808.
Nutrient and Coliform TMDLs The Malibu Creek nutrient TMDL is being developed concurrently with the coliform TMDL. A private consultant firm, Tetra Tech, has been contracted by the USEPA to perform modeling and other technical support to the Regional Board for this TMDL. The project team is in the process of conducting the preliminary source analysis. The draft TMDL is scheduled to be completed in December 2000. For further information, please call Rod Collins at (213) 576-6808.
Nonpoint Source Program The Nonpoint Source Program is focussing most of it's efforts this year on identifying, educating, and promoting stakeholder involvement to implement management measures that reduce NPS impacts. Staff attended several meetings and workshops during the previous month including the NPS Round table, NPS Interagency Coordination Committee, the Los Angeles and San Gabriel River Watershed Council, the Beach Water Quality Workgroup, and the 319(h)/205(j) straw poll meeting. In addition, staff participated in a stakeholder outreach with several of the Calleguas Creek farmers and the Zone Mutual Water Company. Staff also conducted site inspections at 3 nurseries. In compliance with the NPS annual work plan, staff spent considerable efforts during the past month with assistance from the TMDL and WMI staff to review and rank the ten regional draft 319(h) and 205(j) project proposals and the eighty one projects located in other regions. After a regional rank was developed for all the project proposals, staff met with the other regions and the State Board staff to develop a statewide priority list for funding. The State Board should approve or modify this priority list over the next two months. Project proponents above the funding level will be notified by the end of the year. Staff also attended the Small Community Grant Workshop to confirm the Regional Board's support (Resolution 00-014) for funding two projects in Ventura County, the Saticoy Sanitary District and the El Rio community. Staff is planning to help Ventura County conduct a medium household survey for El Rio during the weekend of August 26, 2000 to verify their eligibility for funding. Staff conducted the 1st quarterly meeting with other regional units to discuss and resolve overlaps in the programs
401 Water Quality Certification The recently revised Section 401 Water Quality Certification Regulations became effective on June 24, 2000. The revised regulations delegate the day-to-day certification actions to the Regional Board Executive Officer, update the Program's petition process to include all aggrieved parties, and more clearly defines the requirements of a complete application. Petitions must be filed within 30 days of any formal action. The
following 401 Water Quality Certification have been
issued since the program was delegated to the Regional
Project descriptions for applications currently being reviewed for certification can be viewed from our Web Page located at http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/rwqcb4. If you wish to be informed of the status and/or final certification action on any project currently being reviewed or if you wish to receive a copy of any of the certification actions described above, please contact Anthony Klecha at (213) 576-6785 or Alex Puglisi at (213) 576-6786. The public notice procedures for the 401 Water Quality Certification has been revised to provide more information to stakeholders and direct them to a contact for additional information. Additional changes will be made to the public notice procedures and the Regional Board’s web page in the near future to further increase stakeholder accessibility. Staff attended the Hydromodifications Technical Advisory Committee and the 401 Water Quality Certification round table to coordinate the regions concerns to the SWRCB and other stakeholders.
MANAGEMENT Calleguas Creek Watershed The Water Quality/Water Resources Subcommittee last met on July 12. Regional Board representatives gave a progress report on the chloride TMDL currently underway in the watershed. Data generated by the Surface Water and Groundwater Elements of the Calleguas Creek Characterization Study Monitoring Program are being evaluated and a report is in progress which should be finalized within the next one to two months. Another component of the program, funded by Clean Water Act 205(j) monies, is evaluating nonpoint source contributions and has developed preliminary loadings for nitrogen and phosphorus. The Subcommittee is currently in the process of drafting a Water Resources/Water Quality Chapter in the Calleguas Creek Watershed Management Plan. The Flood Protection/Sedimentation Subcommittee last met on July 10. They are currently involved with discussions on conducting a hydrologic study of the watershed. The Public Education/Outreach Subcommittee met on July 6. It has completed the first edition of a newsletter to cover watershed issues and events. Additionally, the group has produced a color brochure on the management plan process in the watershed. A Land Use Subcommittee has recently been formed and will include representatives from local planning agencies. Its first meeting was held on June 14. The Habitat/Recreation Subcommittee met on August 1 and continues work on a wetlands study which includes a habitat mapping component. A general inventory of wetlands in the watershed is complete and potential sites for restoration have been identified. A Biology Advisory Group has been formed to aid this Subcommittee in review of technical materials. It has met on April 11, May 2, and June 6. The Steering Committee for the Watershed Management Plan met on March 30. A draft Table of Contents for the Calleguas Creek Watershed Management Plan being developed has been prepared. The full Management Committee also last met on March 30. Its next meeting will be in September on a date to be determined. Information about the management committee and its subcommittees can be found at http://www.calleguas.com/cc.htm.
Los Angeles River Watershed The Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council meets on the third Wednesday of each month. The Council’s Internet address is http://www.lasgriverswatershed.org. On August 10, 1999, members of the Watershed Council assisted the California Coastal Conservancy in conducting a tour of potential restoration sites in the lower watershed as part of a meeting of the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project. These sites may be viewed at http://www.coastalconservancy.ca.gov/scwrp/index.html. The Friends of the LA River has a Los Angeles River e-mail discussion forum. To subscribe, e-mail to la-river-discuss-subscribe@makelist.com. To view archives of past Los Angeles River discussions on the Internet, go to http://www.egroups.com/list/la-river-discuss.
San Gabriel River Watershed A "State of the Watershed" report is available for the San Gabriel River Watershed which was prepared by Regional Board staff. The report describes the watershed, with its many diversion structures and recharge areas, and summarizes available water quality data in a manner easily understood by the layperson. The complete set of data evaluated for the report (as well as the report itself) is available electronically by contacting Shirley Birosik at sbirosik@rb4.swrcb.ca.gov. Hardcopies of the report are also available. The Friends of the San Gabriel River is becoming an active stakeholder in the watershed and submitted comments on the aforementioned watershed report.
Santa Monica Bay Watershed The Modeling and Monitoring Subcommittee of the Malibu Creek Watershed Advisory Council has drafted a watershed-wide monitoring program for the Malibu Creek Watershed. The group last met on May 6, 1999. A draft monitoring program has been distributed to stakeholders for comment. A major task will be finding partners to participate in this voluntary program to assess and help correct the water quality concerns in this area. No further meetings are currently scheduled for this group. The Malibu Lagoon Task Force last met on August 15. The Task Force is concerned with lagoon water level management and all aspects of the UCLA study of the lagoon. The UCLA study covers a hydrologic evaluation, appropriateness of various biological and water quality objectives, water level management, eutrophication issues, pathogens, and the historical condition of the lagoon. The study was funded by a California Coastal Conservancy grant with assistance by local agencies. A facilitator is leading the group toward refining the future goals of the Task Force which include developing a priority list of restoration options. The Malibu Creek Watershed Advisory Council last met on July 16. A watershed committee has been meeting in the Topanga Creek Watershed. A major near-term goal of this watershed committee is to prioritize potential actions previously identified in a draft Topanga Creek Watershed Management Study and start a coordinated resource management planning (CRMP) process. A longer-term goal is preparation of a watershed management plan that will help address a number of issues including flood control in the canyon. The committee last met on April 27. A seminar on May 13 concerning septic system regulations and fire safe vegetation management was held in lieu of a regular meeting. The group’s Technical Advisory Committee met on June 15 to aid in finalization of the QA/QC Plan for the Topanga Creek Water Quality Study (funded through 205(j) monies) and review data collected thus far. The June 10 seminar on grading and drainage best management practices has been rescheduled to September 16. An "envisioning" conference is scheduled for September 30. The Committee’s website address is http://www.TopangaOnline.com/twc/. Other Santa Monica Bay Watershed activities are covered under the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project item.
Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project The Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project is a partnership of public agencies working cooperatively to acquire, restore, and enhance coastal wetlands and watersheds between Point Conception and the International border with Mexico. Using a non-regulatory approach and an ecosystem perspective, the Wetlands Project works to identify wetland acquisition and restoration priorities, prepare plans for these priority sites, pool funds to undertake these projects, implement priority plans, and oversee post-project maintenance and monitoring. The goal of the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project is to accelerate the pace, the extent, and the effectiveness of coastal wetland restoration in Southern California through developing and implementing a regional prioritization plan for the acquisition, restoration, and enhancement of Southern California's coastal wetlands and watersheds. Ultimately, the Wetlands Project's efforts will result in a long-term increase in the quantity and quality of the region's wetlands. The Wetlands Recovery Project is headed by Board of Governors comprised of top officials from each of the participating agencies. The Southern California Wetlands Managers Group and the Public Advisory Committee serve as advisory committees to the Board. The Wetlands Managers Group is responsible for drafting the regional restoration plan and advising the Governing Board on regional acquisition, restoration, and enhancement priorities. The Wetlands Project has also established a panel of scientists to advise on regional goals, specific objectives, project criteria, and priorities. Governing Board meetings are public and are noticed at least 10 days prior to each meeting. If you sign up on the Wetlands Project email list, you will receive email notification of all board meetings. Minutes from previous meetings and other information about the group may be found on their website at http://www.coastalconservancy.ca.gov/scwrp/index.html. Each spring the Wetlands Recovery Project accepts proposals for acquisition, restoration, and enhancement projects for coastal wetlands and watersheds in Southern California. The Wetlands Recovery Project Managers Group recommended a list of priority projects for fiscal year 2000-2001 to the Governing Board at the Board’s June 9 meeting. The list was adopted with a minor change (a Topanga Watershed project was added). A key consideration is whether projects will actually be able to use funds for on the groundwork in the upcoming fiscal year. Other potential projects are entered into a database for re-consideration in the future. The Wetlands Recovery Project does not have adequate funds for all of the projects on the priority list, so it has adopted a policy of "first-ready, first-funded." A project is more than a wetland or watershed that needs help. It must be a specific action. To be considered a priority project, acquisitions must have willing sellers and restoration work must have a local agency or non-profit that can carry out the work with the assistance of the Coastal Conservancy. The Wetlands Recovery Project helps to identify and fund worthy projects, but does not carry out the work. Limited funds are available for planning. Projects closer to the coast or clearly benefiting coastal resources will receive preference. A list of the current priority projects is provided on the website as well.
Watershed Management Initiative Chapter Each Regional Board updates on an annual basis a "chapter" on how that Board is implementing watershed management in the Region. The consolidated statewide chapter is the basis for many funding decisions including allocating money for monitoring, TMDL development, and grant monies disbursement. Each Region’s Chapter is updated on an annual basis. The last update occurred in January 2000 and includes information on Regional Board implementation of the state’s upgraded nonpoint source management program. Copies of this Region's current Chapter (as well as Appendices) and/or its Executive Summary may be obtained by contacting the Regional Board office, Regional Programs Section secretary. The document may also be sent out electronically (in MSWord97) and is also available on the Regional Board’s webpage (under Regional Programs) at http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/~rwqcb4. The next update of this document is scheduled for the end of November of this year.
Regional Board staff were invited on August 10, 2000, to participate and support the Egypt Study Tour (EST), an event provided by the USAID to familiarize Egyptian officials, with the legal and regulatory environment of water/wastewater services in the United States. Dennis Dasker & Debbie Smith welcomed the EST and Magdy Baiady and Veronica Cuevas-Alpuche gave presentations. The Egyptian visitors included three Governors, one Congressman, technical staff, and their American coordinators. Staff presented our strategy in developing NPDES permits and monitoring and enforcement actions by the Regional Board. Staff introduced interesting new skills and methodologies to this group that could be adapted on a larger scale in their own country. Staff working with Non-Chapter 15 Waste Discharge Requirements also participated in the presentations, providing information on current water reclamation projects. It is expected that the information gathered during their visit, may enhance their local authorities, ability to educated and spread the awareness of risk doing otherwise.
Agency Presentation Regional Board Member Susan Cloke and Board Staff Dr. Xavier Swamikannu presented policy and technical aspects of the Board's pioneering Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) requirements before the California Coastal Commission on August 9, 2000, in Huntington Beach. The California Coastal Commission directed its staff to require that all new development and redevelopment projects in the coastal zone subject to Commission permits conform to the 85th percentile rainfall/runoff numerical mitigation criteria for structural and treatment control Best Management Practices (BMPs).
of Environmental Health for Soils Meeting On July 19, 2000, Regional Board staff, Dr. Yue Rong participated in the scientific advisory board meeting for planning of the 11th Annual West Coast Conference on Contaminated Soils, Sediments, and Water. The conference will be sponsored by the Association of Environmental Health for Soils and will be scheduled during March 2001. The scientific advisory board reviewed possible topics and suggested conference sessions. The conference has been held annually in California and has attracted many regulators across the state.
Program Workshop On August 10, 2000, the Regional Board Underground Storage Tank Section co-sponsored a workshop with the County of Ventura, Environmental Health Department. The public workshop focused on current activities related to the UST Program and provided an update of new sampling and analytical testing requirements for petroleum impacted sites, product demonstrations for soil sampling equipment, an update on the Regional Boards geographic information system (GIS) capabilities, and an overview of the Geographic Environmental Information Management System (GEIMS) and the Geotracker Database System. Regional Board staff made presentations on the different subjects. In addition, Mark Weiner from Del Mar Analytical Laboratory provided information from the testing laboratory perspective on the use of EPA Method 5035. Sam Yazdani of Soil Core, Inc. and Jay Bernarding of En Novative Technologies both introduced their respective soil sampling products related to the EPA Method 5035 sampling procedure. Approximately 55 people attended the workshop, which included regulators, UST owners/operators, environmental consultants, and testing laboratories.
Report As of August 31, 2000 our staff total is 144 including:
Staff is currently taking steps to fill the following positions:
Since July 31 the following appointments have been made: Shelley Luce, Environmental
Specialist III in the Standards and TMDL Unit, appointed
08/01/00. The following promotion
was made: |