Town of Paradise and City of Chico Sewer Regionalization Project Advisory Committee

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Sewer Regionalization Project Advisory Committee

Figure 1 Proposed Sewer Service Area, HDR Engineering
Figure 1 - Proposed Sewer Service Area, HDR Engineering

Through its work on the Paradise Sewer Project, the Town of Paradise (Town) has identified a connection to the Chico Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) as its preferred alternative for wastewater treatment and disposal, and has approached the City of Chico (City) to partner in the exploration of the feasibility of such a regional project. The proposed sewer service area would serve 1,469 parcels through the Skyway, Clark Road, and Pearson Road corridors including most businesses in the Town, as shown in blue (Figure 1).

The Town and City Councils have agreed to form a Sewer Regionalization Project Advisory Committee (Committee) as a mechanism for exploring this proposal. The Central Valley Water Board will facilitate the activities of the Committee.

Membership and Proposed Role of the Committee

Membership on the Committee is limited to the Mayors and Vice Mayors from the Town and City because they serve as the two signatory parties to the Cooperative Work Agreement (CWA) and eventual signatories to a future inter-municipal agreement (IMA) if applicable. The desired role of the Committee will be to:

  • Monitor progress of the Paradise Sewer Project, including:
    • The Project’s Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (projected completion date of August 2022), and
    • Efforts conducted under the Town and City’s CWA
  • Develop the Principles of Agreement for IMA between the Town and City, and make a recommendation on those Principles to the two Councils as applicable.
  • Guide public participation in the EIR process which will happen separately but in parallel with the Committee’s work.

It is anticipated the Committee will meet for the duration of the EIR process and may continue to meet if committee members feel it is valuable. The Committee is not an official “commenting body” on the EIR.

Meeting Format


  • The Committee anticipates meeting once a month, as scheduled by the Central Valley Water Board, with each meeting lasting approximately two hours as approved by the Committee. The Committee may also consider holding meetings more frequently or in association with project milestones.
  • Facilitation: Meetings will be facilitated by Central Valley Water Board staff, recognizing that this Committee will provide updates and recommendations back to the two Councils.
    • The Central Valley Water Board will administer the meetings. Clint Snyder, Assistant Executive Officer, or his designee will facilitate the meetings.
  • Date of First Meeting: 8 March 2021 and will likely extend at least through August 2022, the EIRs anticipated completion date.


  • The Mayor and Vice Mayor from the Town and City have been designated as official Committee members. The Mayor and Vice Mayor of each respective Council should choose one alternate to sit in on committee meetings if either one is absent.
  • Staff from the Town and City may attend as directed by Town and City Managers and may bring specific subject matter experts to present materials as needed.
  • Staff and/or Board members of Butte LAFCo, Butte County Board of Supervisors and other community stakeholders and organizations may also attend the meetings to observe and provide input.

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