Clean Water Act Section 401 – Certification and Wetlands Program

Public Notices 2010

Applications for Water Quality Certification – Proposed Multi-Regional Projects

Pursuant to federal law (Title 33, United States Code, Section 1341; Clean Water Act Section 401), applicants for a federal license or permit for activities which may discharge to waters of the United States must seek Water Quality Certification from the state with jurisdiction. Such Certification is based on a finding that the discharge will meet water quality standards and other applicable requirements. In California, Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regional Boards) issue or deny Certification for discharges within their geographical jurisdiction. The State Water Resources Control Board has this responsibility for projects affecting waters within multiple Regional Board jurisdictions.

email  Subscribe to the CWQ401-Certification and Wetlands Program email list under "Water Quality" to receive updates about Certifications.

This information is provided in satisfaction of the public notice requirements of Section 3858, Title 23, of the California Code of Regulations, which govern the State's Certification Program.


Posting Date
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