California Environmental Reporting System (CERS)

Reporting Abandoned USTs (April 20, 2023)

Question: Should abandoned underground storage tanks (USTs) be reported in CERS?

Answer: Abandoned USTs are USTs that are no longer operational, do not have a current operating or temporary closure permit, and have not been either decommissioned before January 1, 1984 or permanently closed pursuant to California Code of Regulations, title 23, division 3, chapter 16 (UST Regulations), section 2672. Abandoned USTs must be recorded in CERS as “Applicable” for reporting and inspection purposes unless the owner has submitted the closure permit application to the Unified Program Agency (UPA) within 30 days of discovering the tank. Failure to notify the UPA of the discovery of an abandoned UST(s) and failure to provide a proposal to close or remove the UST(s) may result in enforcement action including civil penalties of up to $5,000 per day per tank.

Tank systems that are exempt from Health and Safety Code 6.7, section 25281(y)(1) or UST Regulations, section 2621 are not USTs and must not be reported in CERS. For more information contact your local UPA. For help contacting the appropriate agency, use the CalEPA Unified Program directory.

Code references:

California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Section 2670(f): At least 30 days prior to closure a proposal to close must be submitted to the UPA.