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Water Recycling Funding Program (WRFP)

Planning Grant Application

  Forms or
Sample Submittals

Planning Grant Application Form

Sample This form provides the SWRCB with the contact information of the Authorized Representative, Project location, Requested Amount, and needs to be signed according to the agency's funding resolution.
Study Scope Study Scope Components No sample exists

Please follow the Study Scope described in appendix A of the Water Recycling Funding Program Guidelines.

Funding Resolution

PDF Sample The Resolution from the local agency authorizing the grant application and the job title of the Authorizing Representative (AR). If the AR would like to have a designee to sign on their behalf, the AR will need to include a memo giving the name and job title of the designee. Without a letter from the AR, the AR is the only individual who may sign any documents.
Proof of Compliance of Water Conservation Plan PDF No sample currently exists Proof of Compliance with the Division of Financial Assistance water conservation plan (Appendix H of CWSRF Policy).
AB 2572 Compliance Certification for Compliance Sample

Certification For Compliance began being required as an attachment for funding on January 1, 2010. Please download, follow the instructions for completion, and submit the signed copy along with the application package.

AB 1420

SB 1420 Compliance Link Sample The AB 1420 package must be submitted to the Department of Water Resources (DWR). DWR will make a determination and provide a letter stating their determination. This letter is what is required for this application.



(Updated 10/23/15)


