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2012 Draft NPDES Industrial General Permit

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New! 2012 Draft NPDES Industrial General Permit

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) is accepting written comments on the draft Industrial General Permit.

The State Water Board will also hold a public hearing to accept oral comments on the draft Industrial General Permit. A quorum of the Board may be present; however, no State Water Board action will be taken. The date/time and location of the hearing are:

October 17, 2012 - 9 am
Joe Serna Jr. – Cal/EPA Building
Coastal Hearing Room
1001 I Street, Second Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Venue Information
Capacity: 140
State Water Board Presentation
CASQA Presentation
CCKA/Environmental Stakeholder Presentation


State Water Board IGP 2012 Presentation for the Staff Informal workshops

The State Water Board staff held four informal staff workshops in August and September 2012. The purpose of the staff workshops was for State Water Board staff to answer questions and receive informal feedback on the 2012 Draft NPDES Industrial General Permit. Although a quorum of the State Water Board may be present at the staff workshops, the State Water Board will not take any action during the staff workshop. The location and time of the staff workshops that were conducted were as follows:

Webex and Face-to Face Workshop on Industrial General Permit Training Elements
Monday, September 24, 2012
9:00am - 12:00pm
Sierra Hearing Room
Joe Serna Jr.
CalEPA Building
1001 I Street, Second Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

Agenda | Training Presentation

Venue Information
Capacity: Space is available for 90 people in the Sierra Hearing Room and Webex will allow 300 participants to call in.
Webex Registration Information, registration is required to attend this event via Webex, please use the following link to register: https://waterboards.webex.com/waterboards/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=747014690

New! Webex and Face to Face Northern California Staff Workshop
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
9:00am - 12:00pm
Joe Serna Jr.
CalEPA Building
Klammath Training Room, 2nd floor
1001 I Street, Second Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

Venue Information
Capacity: Space is available for 100 people in the Klammath Training Room and Webex will allow 300 participants to call in. Webex Registration Information, registration is required to attend this event via Webex, please use the following link to register: https://waterboards.webex.com/waterboards/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=740937720

Southern California Staff Workshop
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Noon - 3 pm
South Coast Air Quality Management District Auditorium
21865 Copley Drive
Diamond Bar, CA 91765

Venue Information
Capacity: 300 people

Northern California Staff Workshop
Friday, August 10, 2012
Noon - 3 pm
Joe Serna Jr.
CalEPA Building
Byron Sher Hearing Room
1001 I Street, Second Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

Venue Information
Capacity: 250 people


This item is subject to the ex parte communication disclosure requirements of Water Code section 13287, as explained in https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/laws_regulations/docs/exparte.pdf. Any communications between interested persons and board members (other than at a noticed board meeting or submitted as a comment letter in compliance with the public notice) must be disclosed by the interested person within seven days of the communication. Sample disclosure forms are available at: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/laws_regulations/docs/swrcb_godf_fillin.pdf

2012 Third Draft NPDES Industrial General Permit Documents for Public Comment


