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Hearings Program

Hearings and Workshop Notices


  • December 24, 2002 – Notice of Postponement and Rescheduling of Public Hearing: The SWRCB will hold a hearing on a petition for long-term transfer involving a change in the place and purpose of use of Licenses 2685, 6047 and 11395 (Applications 1224, 10572 and 16186) of Merced Irrigation District/Modesto & Turlock Irrigation Districts.
  • December 13, 2002 – Notice of Postponement of Public Hearing and Re-Notice of Public Hearing: The SWRCB will hold a hearing to determine whether to imposed Administrative Civil Liability against: Lloyd Phelps (Complaint No. 262.5-28); Joey Ratto, Jr. (Complaint No. 262.5-29); Ronald Conn and Ron Silva, et al (Complaint No. 262.5-30).(PDF format)
  • December 3, 2002 – Notice of Status Conference – In the matter if water right Applications 30680, 30681 and 30682, by the Cities of Fairfield, Benicia and Vacaville, respectively, to divert water from Barker Slough. (PDF format)
  • November 15, 2002 – Notice of Cancellation of Public Hearing The State Water Resources Control Board has cancelled the Public Hearing on Petitions to Change Water Right Licenses 2685, 6047, and 11395 (Applications 1224, 10572, and 16186, respectively) of Merced Irrigation District (Merced River in Mariposa and Merced Counties) (PDF format)
  • November 7, 2002 – Notice of Public Hearing & Pre-Hearing Conference – The SWRCB will hold a hearing on a petition for long-term transfer involving a change in the place and purpose of use of Licenses 2685, 6047 and 11395 (Applications 1224, 10572 and 16186) of Merced Irrigation District/Modesto & Turlock Irrigation Districts. (PDF format)
  • November 07, 2002 – Notice of Public Hearing & Pre-Hearing Workshop – The SWRCB will hold a hearing to determine whether to imposed Administrative Civil Liability against: Lloyd Phelps (Complaint No. 262.5-28); Joey Ratto, Jr. (Complaint No. 262.5-29); Ronald Conn and Ron Silva, et al (Complaint No. 262.5-30). (PDF format)
  • October 28, 2002 – Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference Location Change: In the matter of Water Right Applications 30680, 30681 and 30682, by the Cities of Fairfield, Benicia and Vacaville, respectively, to Divert Water from Barker Slough. (PDF format)
  • October 28, 2002 – Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference Location Change: Regarding the approval, subject to terms and conditions, of Merced Irrigation District’s (MID) petitions to change Licenses 2685, 6047, 11395 (Applications 1224, 10572, 16186) to add El Nido Irrigation District to MID’s place of Use and to add a point of rediversion – Merced River in Mariposa and Merced Counties. (PDF format)
  • October 10, 2002 – Notice of Postponement of Public Hearing and Re-Notice of Public Hearing: Regarding the proposed revocation of Permit 20821A (Application 30119A) of Alan Hardin, et al – Hardin Creek in Napa County. (PDF format)
  • October 7, 2002 – Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference and Public Hearing – Regarding the approval, subject to terms and conditions, of Merced Irrigation District’s (MID) petitions to change Licenses 2685, 6047, 11395 (Applications 1224, 10572, 16186) to add El Nido Irrigation District to MID’s place of Use and to add a point of rediversion – Merced River in Mariposa and Merced Counties.
  • October 2, 2002 – Notice of Postponement of Public Hearing and Postponement of Pre-Hearing Conference: In the matter of Water Right Applications 30680, 30681 and 30682, by the Cities of Fairfield, Benicia and Vacaville, respectively, to Divert Water from Barker Slough. (PDF format)
  • October 1, 2002 – Notice of Preparation of Draft EIR and Request for Public Comments (Public Scoping Meeting): As to the Proposed Scope of the Draft Environmental Impact Report for Water Right Application 30166 by El Sur Ranch for Appropriation of Water from the Big Sur River Subterranean Stream (PDF format)
  • September 17, 2002 – Notice of Confirmation of Postponement of Hearing: Regarding water right Applications 30680, 30681, and 30682, respectively, by the Cities of Fairfield, Benicia and Vacaville to divert water from Barker Slough.
  • September 13, 2002 – Notice of Public Hearing – Regarding the proposed revocation of Permit 20821A (Application 30119A) of Alan Hardin, et al – Hardin Creek in Napa County.(PDF format)
  • September 6, 2002 – Notice of Public Workshop: Progress Report on Phase 8 Negotiations.
  • June 24, 2002 – Revised Notice of Public Hearing, Regarding water right Applications 30680, 30681, and 30682, respectively, by the Cities of Fairfield, Benicia and Vacaville to divert water from Barker Slough. (This Hearing Notice replaces the original Hearing Notice issued on March 28, 2002 and the supplemental Hearing Notice issued on April 17, 2002. On May 8, 2002, the SWRCB issued a notice postponing the above hearing. This notice provides new dates for the hearing, acknowledges that notices of intent to appear already have been filed for this hearing, and supplies a service list for the participants’ use in exchanging exhibits.
  • June 17, 2002 – Notice of Revised Hearing Date and Board Meeting: Exhibit Index and Notice of Intent to Appear, Mailing List, Regarding Petitions to Revise the SWRCB's Declaration of Fully Appropriated Stream for the Santa Ana River System.
  • May 23, 2002 – Notice of Field Orientation Tour, Regarding the matter of Applications 30038, 30083, 30160, 30175, 30178, 30260, 30355 and 30374: Determination of legal classification of groundwater.
  • May 8, 2002 – Notice of Postponement of Hearing, Regarding water right Applications 30680, 30681, and 30682, respectively, by the Cities of Fairfield, Benicia and Vacaville to divert water from Barker Slough.
  • April 17, 2002 – Supplemental Hearing Notice, This notice supplements the March 28, 2002 Notice of Public Hearing On Water Right Applications 30680, 30681, and 30682, respectively, by the Cities of Fairfield, Benicia and Vacaville to divert water from Barker Slough.
  • March 29, 2002 – Supplemental Hearing Notice, Revised Notice of Public Hearing on the Amended Joint Petition of the Imperial Irrigation District and the San Diego County Water Authority
  • March 28, 2002 – Notice of Public Hearing, Regarding water right Applications 30680, 30681, and 30682, respectively, by the Cities of Fairfield, Benicia and Vacaville to divert water from Barker Slough.
  • March 21, 2002 – Notice of Public Workshop: Progress Report on Phase 8 Negotiations
  • March 19, 2002 – Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference and Public Hearing: [ Exhibit Index Notice of Intent to Appear, Mailing List, Regarding Petitions to Revise the SWRCB's Declaration of Fully Appropriated Stream for the Santa Ana River System.
  • March 7, 2002 – Notice of Public Workshop, Regarding Professor Joseph Sax's Report on the Legal Classification of Groundwater.
  • March 6, 2002 – Notice of Pre-Hearing Conference and Public Hearing, Regarding a Petition Filed by Southern California Water Company to Revise the SWRCB's Declaration of Fully Appropriated Stream for the American River in Sacramento County.
  • March 5, 2002 – Notice of Public Hearing, Regarding the Matter of Permit 14853 (Application 21883) of North Gualala Water Company, Regarding Legal Classification of Groundwater Appropriated Under Permit 14853.
  • February 6, 2002 – Cover Letter for the February 5, 2002 Revised Notice of Public Hearing and Amendment to Long-Term Transfer Petition, Regarding the Amended Joint Petition of the Imperial Irrigation District and the San Diego County Water Authority for Approval of a Long-Term Transfer of Conserved Water Pursuant to an Agreement between IID and SDCWA, and Approval of Changes in Point of Diversion, Place of Use, and Purpose of Use under Permit No. 7643 (Application 7482).
  • January 29, 2002 – Notice of Public Workshops, Regarding two public workshops to receive comments on the report regarding the legal classification of groundwater that represents the work and recommendations of Professor Joseph Sax.



