Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program - (BPTCP)

Scientific Planning And Review Committee (Sparc)


Although not legislatively mandated, SPARC brings together independent experts in the fields of toxicology, benthic ecology, organic and inorganic chemistry, program implementation and direction, experimental design, and statistics to review the approaches taken by the BPTCP. The committee has provided comments on the Program's monitoring approach(es), given input on the scientific merit of the approach(es) taken, and provided suggestions for monitoring improvement.


  • Dr. Rick Swartz, formerly of the Environmental Protection Agency
  • Ms. Rachel Friedman-Thomas, Washington State Department of Ecology
  • Dr. Bruce Thompson, San Francisco Estuarine Institute
  • Dr. Mel Suffet, Environmental Science and Engineering Program, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Dr. John Knezovich, Health & Ecological Assessment, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
  • Dr. Don Stevens, Environmental Statistics and Aquatic Monitoring, ManTech Environmental Research Services, Inc.
  • Dr. Ed Casillas, Environmental Conservation Division, National Marine Fisheries Service