Functions of the Office of Enforcement - Investigation


Operator Certification Program:

The State Water Board enforces the laws and regulations governing waste water treatment plant (WWTP) operators. Although the Office of Operator Certification in the Division of Financial Assistance administers the operator certification program, the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) investigates potential cases of wrongdoing and takes enforcement action when warranted.

tank being lifted

Underground Storage Tank Enforcement:

The UST Enforcement Unit supports UST Leak Prevention and Cleanup Programs and the Cleanup Fund Program, by investigating violations of UST construction, monitoring and cleanup requirements, and by reviewing allegations of fraud against the UST Cleanup Fund. For UST leak prevention matters which, by statute, there is no administrative enforcement available, we will refer enforcement matters to the Attorney General’s Office or local prosecutors for action.   Report Fraud

UST Tank Tester Licensing Program:

The State Water Board can take administrative enforcement action against licensed tank testers. There are about 150 licensed tank testers in California. Tank testers test UST systems to verify that the systems are not leaking and are in compliance.