Issuance of Administrative Civil Liability No. R6-2024-0044
The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region (Lahontan Water Board) Prosecution Team issued Administrative Civil Liability Complaint No. R6T-2023-0027 (Complaint) on Jul 28, 2023, to David Park and Park Livestock Co. (Dischargers). The Complaint alleges that the Dischargers violated provisions of the Water Code and the Clean Water Act when they discharged waste to the West Walker River. The Complaint proposes the Water Board impose civil liability of $3,053,026.42 against David Park and Park Livestock Co. for the violations alleged in the ACL Complaint.
The parties (Prosecution Team and Respondents) submitted evidence and briefing on this matter in accordance with the applicable Hearing Procedures for the matter. A hearing was held on August 19, 2024, to receive evidence and testimony regarding the alleged violations.
At the regularly scheduled Board Meeting held on November 13, 2024, in Bishop, CA, the Regional Board considered the revised proposed Administrative Civil liability Complaint R6T-2023-0027 Issued to David Park and Park Livestock Co. The Water Board imposed civil liability of $20,000 against David Park and Park Livestock Co. for the violations in the ACL. Please see the Administrative Civil Liability R6-2024-0044 Issued to David Park and Park Livestock Co. for more information.