Permits Search Tool | Permits by Year
CA0003778 Order No. 79-175 ====== Status: Historical ====== CI - 5427
Effective Date: 1979-11-26
Name : Shell Oil Products US
Address : P.O. Box 817
Wilmington, CA 90748
Contact : Gwen Taylor
Phone/Email : (310) 522-6441
Name : L.A. Refining Co. (Wilmington)
Address : 2101 E Pacific Coast Hwy
Wilmington, CA 90744
Contact : Martin Medina
Phone/Email : (310) 522-6231
Order/Permit Information:
Permit Type : NEW, I, NPDES
Threat To Water Quality : 1
Complexity : A
Order Title :
Receiving Water:
Watershed Waterbody
1. Dominguez Channel and Los Angeles Harbor/Long Beach Harbor WMA Dominguez Channel
Other Related Permit(s):
Order Number
1. R4-2005-0059
2. 99-093
3. 79-175
4. 84-053
5. R4-2010-0179
6. R4-2017-0095