Los Angeles County MS4 Permit
New! Modification of the Los Angeles County MS4 Permit Attachment E
- Letter of Modification to MRP for Bacteria
- Attachment E (modified July 9, 2018)
- Transmittal Letter
- Order No. R4-2012-0175-A01
- Complete Amended Permit
- Amended Sections
Tentative Approval of the City of Santa Monica's Request for LID Ordinance Equivalency (posted October 5, 2015)
The Regional Water Board is required to provide public notice of the proposed equivalency determination with a minimum 30-day period for public comment. All comments must be received by 5PM on November 2, 2015. See tentative approval for comment submission instructions.LOS ANGELES COUNTY MS4 PERMIT (ORDER NO. R4-2012-0175) AS AMENDED BY THE STATE WATER BOARD ON JUNE 16, 2015 BY ORDER WQ 2015-0075 (posted July 1, 2015)
- Transmittal Letter for Amended LA County MS4 Permit
- Final State Water Board Order WQ 2015-0075
- Complete Amended Permit
- Amended Sections
Time Schedule Order No. R4-2015-0108 requiring the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County Flood Control District, the City of Beverly Hills, the City of Culver City, the City of Inglewood, and the City of West Hollywood to comply with requirements prescribed in Order No. R4-2012-0175 (NPDES Permit No. CAS004001)
- Transmittal Letter for TSO R4-2015-0108 (posted May 21, 2015)
- Final Time Schedule Order R4-2015-0108 (posted May 21, 2015)
Time Schedule Order No. R4-2014-0142 Requiring the County of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County Flood Control District and the City of Los Angeles to Comply With Requirements Pertaining to Discharges of Bacteria During Dry Weather to the Back Basins of Marina Del Rey Harbor and Marina Beach Prescribed in Order No. R4-2012-0175 (NPDES Permit NO. CAS004001)
- Transmittal Letter for TSO R4-2014-0142 (posted July 15, 2014)
- Final Time Schedule Order R4-2014-0142 (posted July 15, 2014)
Time Schedule Order No. R4-2014-0023 Requiring the City of Los Angeles (Inner Cabrillo Beach, Los Angeles Harbor) To Comply With Requirements Prescribed in Order No. R4-2012-0175 (NPDES Permit No. CAS004001)
LARWQCB Response to Petitions A-2236(a) through (kk)
Administrative Record for Order No. R4-2012-0175 (Note: Some of the files are large. Please be patient when opening the files; it may take a moment.)
Implementation of the Los Angeles County Areawide MS4 Permit
- Watershed Management Programs
- Low Impact Development Ordinances and Green Streets Policies
- Implementation Information Session #1 (February 19, 2013) Watershed Management Programs/Enhanced Watershed Management Programs
- Implementation Information Session #2 (April 16, 2013) Monitoring Requirements and IMPs and CIMPs
- Implementation Information Session #3 (June 12, 2013) First Year Reporting Requirements
Final Waste Discharge Requirements for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Discharges within the Coastal Watersheds of Los Angeles County, Except Those Discharges Originating from the City of Long Beach MS4 (posted December 5, 2012)
- Transmittal Memorandum
- Final Order No. R4-2012-0175 (Reposted December 10, 2012)
- Attachment A - Definitions
- Attachment B - Watershed Management Area Maps
- Attachment C - MS4 Maps by Watershed Management Area
- Attachment D - Standard Provisions
- Attachment E - Monitoring and Reporting Program
- Attachment F - Fact Sheet
- Attachment G - Non-Storm Water Action Levels
- Attachment H - Bioretention / Biofiltration Design Criteria
- Attachment I - Developer Technical Information and Guidelines
- Attachment J - Determination of Erosion Potential
- Attachment K - Permittees and TMDLs Matrix
- Attachment L - TMDL Provisions for Santa Clara River Watershed Management Area
- Attachment M - TMDL Provisions for Santa Monica Bay Watershed Management Area (including Malibu Creek, Ballona Creek, and Marina del Rey subwatersheds)
- Attachment N - TMDL Provisions for Dominguez Channel and Greater Harbor Waters Watershed Management Area (including Machado Lake subwatershed)
- Attachment O - TMDL Provisions for Los Angeles River Watershed Management Area
- Attachment P - TMDL Provisions for San Gabriel River Watershed Management Area
- Attachment Q - TMDL Provisions for Los Cerritos Channel and Alamitos Bay Watershed Management Area
- Attachment R - TMDL Provisions for Middle Santa Ana River Watershed Management Area
- Note: Incorrect numbering within Order No. R4-2012-0175 at Parts VI.A.7 and VI.A.13 were identified by a permittee; this typographical error has been corrected pursuant to 40 CFR section 122.63(a). Pages 42 through 46 have been updated with this correction.
List of Attachments
- Order of Objections Regarding Revised Tentative Order and Responses to Comments
- Order of Proceedings for the Public Hearing on the Los Angeles Tentative County MS4 Permit on November 8, 2012
Second (2nd) Revised Tentative Waste Discharge Requirements for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Discharges within the Coastal Watersheds of the County of Los Angeles, Except Those Discharges Originating from the City of Long Beach (posted November 5, 2012).
List of Attachments that have been revised
- Attachment A - Definitions
- Attachment E - Monitoring and Reporting Program
- Attachment F - Fact Sheet
- Attachment G - Non-Storm Water Action Levels
- Attachment K - Permittees and TMDLs Matrix
- Attachment M - TMDL Provisions for Santa Monica Bay Watershed Management Area (including Malibu Creek, Ballona Creek, and Marina del Rey subwatersheds)
- Attachment N - TMDL Provisions for Dominguez Channel and Greater Harbor Waters Watershed Management Area (including Machado Lake subwatershed)
- Attachment R - TMDL Provisions for Middle Santa Ana River Watershed Management Area
Response to Comments on the June 6, 2012, draft of the Tentative Waste Discharge Requirements for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Discharges within the Coastal Watersheds of Los Angeles County, Except Those Discharges Originating from the City of Long Beach (posted October 23, 2012)
- Non-Stormwater Discharges Matrix
- Receiving Water Limitations Matrix
- Monitoring and Reporting Program Matrix
- Watershed Management Program Matrix
- Minimum Control Measures Matrix
- Total Maximum Daily Loads (General) Matrix
- Total Maximum Daily Loads (Specific) Matrix
- General and Miscellaneous Matrix
- Supplemental MCM Matrix (posted November 6, 2012)
- USEPA Comment Matrix (posted November 6, 2012)
Revised Tentative Waste Discharge Requirements For Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Discharges Within The Coastal Watersheds Of The County Of Los Angeles, Except Those Discharges Originating From The City Of Long Beach (posted October 18, 2012)
- Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment and Notice of Adoption Meeting
- Tentative Order No. R4-2012-XXX
- Attachment A - Definitions
- Attachment B - Maps
- Attachment C - MS4 Maps by Watershed Management Area
- Attachment D - Standard Provisions
- Attachment E - Monitoring and Reporting Program
- Attachment F - Fact Sheet
- Attachment G - Non-Storm Water Action Levels
- Attachment H - Bioretention/Biofiltration Design Criteria
- Attachment I - Developer Technical Information and Guidelines
- Attachment J - Determination of Erosion Potential
- Attachment K - Permittees and TMDLs Matrix
- Attachment L - TMDL Provisions for Santa Clara River Watershed Management Area
- Attachment M - TMDL Provisions for Santa Monica Bay Watershed Management Area (including Malibu Creek, Ballona Creek, and Marina del Rey subwatersheds)
- Attachment N - TMDL Provisions for Dominguez Channel and Greater Harbor Waters Watershed Management Area (including Machado Lake subwatershed)
- Attachment O - TMDL Provisions for Los Angeles River Watershed Management Area
- Attachment P - TMDL Provisions for San Gabriel River Watershed Management Area
- Attachment Q - TMDL Provisions for Los Cerritos Channel and Alamitos Bay Watershed Management Area
- Attachment R - TMDL Provisions for Middle Santa Ana River Watershed Management Area
- Attachments K-R combined
List of Attachments
October 4-5, 2012 Public Hearing on Tentative LA County MS4 Permit
- Order of Proceedings for the Public Hearing on the Tentative LA County MS4 Permit on October 4-5, 2012
- Order on Objections and Requests Concerning Hearing Procedures and Process
- Agenda for the Board meeting on October 4-5, 2012
Technical Comments on the June 6, 2012, draft of the Tentative Waste Discharge Requirements for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Discharges within the County of Los Angeles Flood Control District, Including the County of Los Angeles and Incorporated Cities therein, except the City of Long Beach. All comments received by July 23, 2012, are included in the following groups: (Updated August 7, 2012)
- Academia
- Building Industry
- Environmental Agencies
- Fire Deparments
- Non-Permittees
- Other Entities
- Permittees (may take a moment to open 77 MB)
- Vector Control Agencies
- Water Suppliers
- West Hollywood (Posted 10/11/12)
Tentative Waste Discharge Requirements For Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Discharges Within The County Of Los Angeles Flood Control District, Including The County of Los Angeles and Incorporated Cities Therein, Except The City Of Long Beach (posted June 6, 2012)
- Notice of Special Meeting-Board Member Field tour of Portions of the LA County MS4
- Notice of Staff Level Public Workshop on July 9, 2012
- Memo Dated June 19, 2012 to Correct Attachments F and G
- Notice of Public Hearing
- Tentative Order No. R4-2012-XXX
- Attachment A - Definitions
- Attachment B - Maps
- Attachment C - MS4 Maps by Watershed Management Area
- Attachment D - Standard Provisions
- Attachment E - Monitoring and Reporting Program
- Attachment F - Fact Sheet
- Attachment G - Non-Storm Water Action Levels
- Attachment H - Bioretention/Biofiltration Design Criteria
- Attachment I - Developer Technical Information and Guidelines
- Attachment J - Determination of Erosion Potential
- Attachment K - Permittees and TMDLs Matrix
- Attachment L - TMDL Provisions for Santa Clara River Watershed Management Area
- Attachment M - TMDL Provisions for Santa Monica Bay Watershed Management Area (including Malibu Creek, Ballona Creek, and Marina del Rey subwatersheds)
- Attachment N - TMDL Provisions for Dominguez Channel and Greater Harbor Waters Watershed Management Area (including Machado Lake subwatershed)
- Attachment O - TMDL Provisions for Los Angeles River Watershed Management Area
- Attachment P - TMDL Provisions for San Gabriel River Watershed Management Area
- Attachment Q - TMDL Provisions for Los Cerritos Channel and Alamitos Bay Watershed Management Area
- Attachment R - TMDL Provisions for Middle Santa Ana River Watershed Management Area
- Attachments K-R combined
- 2012 LA MS4 Administrative Record Index
- 2001 LA MS4 Administrative Record Index
- Marina Del Rey Bacteria TMDL Administrative Record Index
- Los Angeles River Trash TMDL Administrative Record Index
- 2010 Ventura MS4 Administrative Record Index
List of Attachments
May 3, 2012 Board Workshop
Staff Working Proposals for LA County MS4 Permit Reissuance
- Transmittal Memo for Working Proposals
- Working Proposal of Watershed Management Program Provisions
- Working Proposal of TMDL Provisions
- Permittees and TMDLs Matrix
- TMDLs Provisions for Santa Clara River WMA
- TMDLs Provisions for Santa Monica Bay WMA
- TMDLs Provisions for Dominguez Channels and Harbors WMA
- TMDLs Provisions for Los Angeles River WMA
- TMDLs Provisions for San Gabriel River WMA
- TMDLs Provisions for Los Cerritos Channel WMA
- TMDLs Provisions for Santa Ana River WMA
- List of TMDLs by Watershed Management Area
- Working Proposal of Receiving Water Limitation Provisions
April 5, 2012 Board Workshop
- Staff Presentation on Non-Stormwater Discharges from April 5, 2012 Board Workshop
- Staff Presentation on Minimum Control Measures from April 5, 2012 Board Workshop
- Minimum Control Measures ("MCMs")
- Non-Stormwater Discharges
- Transmittal Memo for Non-Stormwater Discharges
- Staff Working Proposal for Provisions Regarding Non-Stormwater Discharges
- March 1, 2012 Workshop
- November 10, 2011 Board Workshop Materials
- Memorandum to Board Regarding Key Issues Raised by Stakeholders Regarding the Reissuance of the Los Angeles County MS4 Permit
- November 10, 2011 Staff Presentation
- Public Notice of Board Workshop
- MS4 Status and Development
- Attachment A - SurveyMonkey® on-line survey
- Attachment B - TMDLs by Watershed Management Area
- Attachment C - Permittees by Watershed Management Area
- Attachment D - Permittees by AB 2554-defined Watershed Authority Group - DRAFT
- Attachment E - Summary on-line survey results
- Attachment F - Preliminary recommendations regarding SWMP permit requirements
- Summary of Survey Results on Los Angeles County MS4 Permit Structure
- Public Notice of MS4 Kick-Off Meeting
- LA County MS4 Permit - Order No. 01-182 as amended on April 14, 2011
- Transmittal Letter to LA County MS4 Co-Permittees and Interested Persons
- Final Order No. 01-182 as amended on April 14, 2011
- Public Notice to Void and Set Aside 2006 Amendment to Order No. 01-182
- Comments and Response to Comments
- Public Notice to Void and Set Aside 2006 Amendment (pursuant to L.A. Superior Court Case No. BS122724)
- Tentative Order No. 01-182 as amended pursuant to the peremptory writ of mandate in L.A. Superior Court Case No. BS122724
- Order No. 01-182 as amended pursuant to the peremptory writ of mandate in L.A. Superior Court Case No. BS122724
- Strikeout Version of Order No. 01-182 as amended pursuant to the peremptory writ of mandate in L.A. Superior Court Case No. BS122724
- LA County MS4 Permit - Trash TMDL Compliance Reporting Forms
- Best Management Practices (BMPs) Certification:
- LA County MS4 Permit - Final Documents
- LA County MS4 Permit - Re-opener to Incorporate Provisions Consistent with the Assumptions and Requirements of the Los Angeles River Watershed Trash TMDL
- Hearing Notice
- Permit Findings
- Permit Provisions Part I
- Permit Provisions Part II
- Permit Provisions Appendix 7-1
- Permit Provisions Appendix 7-2
- Fact Sheet
- Administrative Record Index
- Order on Party Status
- Amendment to the Order on Party Status
- Order on Requests for Additional Evidence
- Response to Comments on July 29, 2009 Public Workshop
- Response to Comments on October 8, 2009 Public Notice Documents
- Revised Tentative Findings
- Revised Tentative Permit Provisions, Part 4
- Revised Tentative Permit Provisions, Parts 5 and 7
- Comments Received During October 8-November 9, 2009 Public Comment Period
- City of Hidden Hills
- City of Los Angeles
- City of Monrovia, Department of Public Works
- City of San Fernando
- City of San Marino
- City of South El Monte
- City of Vernon
- County of Los Angeles
- County of Los Angeles Flood Control District
- Joyce Dillard
- Heal the Bay
- Los Angeles Stormwater Quality Partnership
- Rutan, Attorney at Law
- Ray Tahir
- Comment Letters Received in Response to the July 29, 2009 Public Workshop
- City of Arcadia
- City of Artesia
- City of Bellflower
- City of Bell Gardens
- City of Carson
- City of Claremont
- City of Commerce
- City of Downey (7/21/09)
- City of Downey (7/28/09)
- City of Duarte
- City of Gardena
- City of Inglewood
- City of LaCanda Flintridge
- City of Monrovia
- City of Pico Rivera
- City of Rosemead
- City of San Gabriel
- City of Signal Hill (7/23/09)
- City of Signal Hill (7/29/09)
- City of Vernon
- City of West Covina
- City of Whittier
- County of Los Angeles, DPW
- Charles Abbott Associates, Inc
- Heal the Bay
- Los Angeles Stormwater Quality Partnership (LASQP)
- Richards/Watson/Gershon
- Santa Monica Baykeeper
- Rutan, Attorneys at Law
- Notice of Public Workshop on Incorporating Provisions of the LosAngeles River Watershed Trash TMDL into the Los Angeles County Storm Water Municipal Permit
- Current
Permit: 2001
Los Angeles County Municipal Permit (Order
No. 01-182; NPDES No. CAS0041 as Amended
by Regional Order R4-2007-0042 on August
9, 2007)
- 2001
LA MS4 Permit: Los
Angeles County Municipal Permit (Order
No. 01-182; NPDES No. CAS0041)
- Revised Monitoring and Reporting Program (June 15, 2005)
- Attachment U1
- Revised Attachment U2
- Attachment U3
- Attachment U4 (pdf or word)
- Annual Reports
- Permits Renewal
- Other related documents
- Revised Monitoring and Reporting Program (June 15, 2005)
- Draft
Technical Manuals / Documentation
- Draft Technical Manual for Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs) in the County of Los Angeles, February 2, 2004. Please click on link below to go to the ftp site:
- Draft Technical Manual (February 2004)
Writ Impact
Impact of peremptory writ of mandate on enrollments under the general industrial and general construction storm water permits, (posted July 17, 2008)
- Public notice of proposed changes to the Santa Monica bay shoreline monitoring requirements contained in the monitoring and reporting program under the Los Angeles County Municipal Stormwater Discharge Permit to conform to monitoring requirements of the Santa Monica Bay Beaches Bacterial TMDLs
- Final
Regional Board Resolution on the Impacts from
Hydromodification on the Water Quality and Beneficial
Uses of Water Courses in the Los Angeles Region
- Storm
Water - Administrative Civil Liability (ACL)
Complaint for Public Comments
- Resources
Program Supervisor
Ivar Ridgeway
(213) 620-2150
Senior Environmental Scientist (Supervisor)
Alireza Rahmani
(213) 576-6692
Water Resource Control Engineer
Angineh Shahnazarian
(213) 576-6617
Environmental Scientist
Erum Razzak
(213) 620-2095
Environmental ScientistFarzad Kasmaei
(213) 576-6695
Water Resource Control EngineerHarumi Goya
(213) 620-2283
Engineering Geologist
Jessica Pearson
(213) 576-6786
Water Resource Control Engineer
Susana Vargas
(213) 576-6688
Water Resource Control Engineer