San Diego Region - Certified Projects (401 Certifications - 2010)

Date of Action
Certification Number



Guava Street Improvement Project, 12/23/2010, City of Murrieta. The project will elevate and replace an existing paved section of Guava Street and its approaches beginning at the intersection with Adams to the west and extending to Jefferson Avenue to the east. Currently an unnamed blue-line stream (referred to by Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conversation District as "Line D") bisects Guava Street from the north and flows over and westerly along-side the roadway, before reaching an improperly sized culvert, where flows are directed at a ninety degree angle south to Murrieta Creek. The project will raise Guava Street and result in the construction of an underground box culvert from the intersection of the streambed to Murrieta Creek. The construction of the box culvert will require the placement of fill, resulting in 0.26 acre (493 linear feet) of permanent impacts to the Line D stream.

Amendment 1

State Route 76 (SR-76) Melrose Drive to South Mission Road Project, 12/13/2010, California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS), District 11. Amendment to the original certification to change the temporary impacts and the compensatory mitigation. Caltrans requests to remove an unauthorized levee and re-grade an unauthorized pond to restore a property newly acquired by Caltrans back to its original grade. A tenant living on the acquired property had illegally constructed the levee and pond for a gravity flow water system to his house.


31372 Trigo Trail, 12/10/2010, Canyon Palms Properties, LLC. The project involves the redevelopment of a single family residence at 31372 Trigo Trail in the community of Coto de Caza, Orange County. The project will recreate a severely degraded on-site ephemeral drainage by placing approximately two-thirds of the drainage in a 36-inch buried pipe and lining the remainder with grouted rip-rap.


Dry Dock Maintenance Dredging Project, 12/08/2010, BAE Systems San Diego. The proposed project is the maintenance dredging of approximately 7,000 cubic yards of marine sediment from the existing dry dock sump located between Pier 2 and Pier 2 within BAE Systems leasehold. The sump is a deep depression in the harbor bottom that is used to lower the dry dock into during ship loading and unloading operations.


North Education Center, 12/01/2010, Palomar Community College District. The proposed project is the construction of the North Education Center (a community college) and Horse Ranch Creek Road in two phases. Phase one will be the construction of Horse Ranch Creek Road and approximately one-half of the campus. Phase two will complete construction of the campus. Horse Ranch Creek Road would serve as the main access to the Palomar College site. The road would be constructed off-site, adjacent to the eastern boundary of the project site from the existing northern segment of Pankey Road to the north to SR 76/Pala Road to the south.

Amendment 1

Pier 3 Fender Pile Backing Project, 10/27/2010, BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair. Amendment to the certification to install 18 (instead of 16) fender piles at 9 (instead of 8) locations on Pier 3 to support 9 (instead of 8) steel backing plates and fender cushions on Pier 3 at the BAE Systems ship repair facility in San Diego Bay, San Diego, CA.


Storm Water Facility Map 134, 10/14/2010, City of San Diego, Storm Water Department. The City of San Diego is proposing to maintain a concrete lined streambed of an unnamed tributary to the Otay River through periodic removal of trash, debris, hydrophytic vegetation, and accumulated sediments for the purpose of flood control protection.


Plano Foremain Protection and Emergency Berm Restoration, 10/05/2010, Santa Margarita Water District. The project will install protective rock materials between and downstream of two adjacent pipeline crossings within Tijeras Creek, as well as restore a downstream site that was bermed due to a sewage spill into Tijeras Creek. The berm restoration will also involve upstream bio-engineering bank stabilization.


Carlsbad High School at College Boulevard and Cannon Project, 09/22/2010, Carlsbad Unified School District. The Carlsbad Unified School District proposes the High School at College Boulevard and Cannon Road, which consists of the construction and operation of a new high school with approximately 140,000 square feet, including classroom buildings that contain a library, administration offices, and food services facilities, a fine arts center, a gymnasium, a press box, San Diego Gas & Electric building, parking lot, and sports fields.

Amendment 2

Tijuana River Valley Emergency Channel Maintenance, 09/22/2010, Amendment to the original certification to extend maintenance activities until April 15, 2010, increase impacts, and increase mitigation ratio and requirements.


Routine Maintenance of Storm Water Facilities, Maps 6 and 6a, Sorrento Valley, 09/08/2010, City of San Diego. The proposed project is the periodic removal of sediment, hydrophytic vegetation, trash, and debris from two concrete-lined storm water channels in Sorrento Valley. These man-made channels drain the industrial business areas along Sorrento Valley Road, side streets, and a section of Interstate 5.


Calavo Drive Drainage Improvement Project, 09/03/2010, County of San Diego. The proposed project is to improve the drainage facility along Calavo Drive between Rancho Road and Luisa Drive in the Mount Helix area in San Diego County, by replacement of the existing 60 inch corrugated metal pipe with a 10 -foot by 7-foot reinforced concrete box culvert and associated head and wing walls, concrete aprons, cutoff walls, and energy dissipaters at the inlet and outlet.


San Clemente TTM 16480, 09/02/2010, Three G Development. The Project will construct 9 residential home lots, as well as widen the existing paved sections of Via Soccoro and Camino San Clemente Road in San Clemente, Orange County. The development will occur on a vacant lot at the intersection of Via Soccoro and Camino San Clemente Road. The Project requires the modification and expansion of an existing on-site culvert and headwall to accommodate the required road widening. The culvert and headwall modifications will require the placement of fill resulting in 0.003 acres (28 linear feet) of permanent impacts to non-wetland waters of the United States (U.S.).

08C-078 Amendment 1

The El Camino Detention Basin Project was originally certified on 08/06/2009 for the City of Oceanside. It is now amended for the first time on 08/31/2010. The project involves the construction of a masonry wall detention structure, including the construction of a trench for wall footing and two concrete outfall structures within the Loma Alta Creek. Amendment 1 puts erosion prevention measures in place along the retaining wall.

Amendment 1

I-5/Camino Capistrano Interchange Improvements Project, Certification 12/07/09, Amended 08/26/2010, Caltrans, District 12. Amendment to change mitigation bank credits from South Orange County Team Arundo Program to the City of San Juan Capistrano.


Meadowlark Road from Clinton Keith Road to Baxter Road Construction Project, 08/23/2010, City of Murrieta. The project will widen the existing paved sections of Meadowlark Road and pave existing unpaved sections beginning at Clinton Keith Road to the south and ending at Baxter Road to the north. The project will result in the expansion of existing box culverts on paved sections to accommodate widening, and the construction of new culvert crossings to accommodate the construction of a paved roadway to replace existing unpaved low-flow crossings.


East Campus Parking Structure, 08/09/2010, University of California, San Diego. The project will construct two separate adjacent parking structures and an athletic field. The multi-level parking structures will be situated parallel to Medical Center Drive and northeast of the Cardiovascular Center.

Amendment 1

Murrieta Development, 08/06/2010, DKN Holdings, LLC. This is an amendment to compensate for temporal losses and additional impacts beyond those certified. DKN Holdings LLC has proposed conducting additional 5-year enhancement and monitoring activities within the 2,000 linear feet mitigation channel, as well as a one-time restoration of 0.13 acres off-site in the California Oaks Basin. Teracor Resource Management has submitted a Revised Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan to account for the additional proposed mitigation.


Poinsettia Place, 08/03/2010, Sierra Linda Development LLC. The project is the construction of 90 condominium units on 5-acres, within an 18.97 acre parcel. The remaining 11.55 acre of the project site will be preserved as biological open space.

Amendment 2

Valley Center North Road Improvement Project, 08/03/2010, County of San Diego. This amendment changes the mitigation site for the additional impacts to the Valley Center North Road Improvement Project. The permanent loss of 0.016 acre of jurisdictional waters of the U.S./State will be mitigated by purchasing 1.0 acre of habitat credit from Caltrans' Pilgrim Creek Mitigation Bank.


San Onofre Culvert/Slope Repair Project, 07/26/2010, California Department of Transportation, District 11. The project includes the replacement of a damaged culvert with a concrete drain and the addition of a riprap pad at the drain outlet to slow the water velocity before entering San Onofre Creek. The slope would be reconstructed and a detention basin placed at the top of the slope to allow sediment to settle out before entering the drain.


I-5/Crown Valley Parkway Interchange Improvement Project, 07/21/2010, City of Laguna Niguel. The project will widen the south side of Crown Valley Parkway and associated bridge over Oso Creek. The widening will lengthen the existing right-turn lane onto the southbound I-5 on-ramp and add a lane to the northbound I-5 entrance ramp intersection.


Interstate 805 at Post Mile 24.7 Culvert Replacement, 07/21/2010, California Department of Transportation, District 11. Caltrans proposes to replace a corrugated metal pipe (CMP) at Interstate 805 Post Mile 24.7 between Governor Drive and Nobel Drive. The CMP lies under Interstate 805 and carries flow for an unnamed tributary to Rose Canyon Creek. The CMP will be repaired by "pipe jacking," a trenchless technique for installing underground pipelines.

Amendment 1

Buena Vista Creekwalk Trail and Channel Stabilization Project, 07/14/2010, The City of Vista. The proposed changes as described in the amendment request would include a temporary flow diversion to install a 140 foot-long plantable rock gabion. The temporary flow diversion would provide a more stable, dry work surface for the contractor. The City of Vista would install a 40 foot long temporary by-pass pipe to divert flows away from the work area. The pipe would be reinforced with several sandbags to ensure it remains in place during gabion installation. The pipe is expected to remain in place for 5 days. No vegetation is located in the area of the by-pass pipe and no additional impacts are expected. Thus, no additional mitigation is proposed.

07C-022 Amendment 1

Opportunistic Beach Restoration Program, 07/13/2010, City of Oceanside. The proposed amendment as described in the amendment request would change the grain size distribution for the beach restoration program. The sediment would contain no more than 25% of fine grained sediment. Fine grained sediment is defined as particles that are smaller than 0.74 mm. The proposed changes will also disallow activities to be conducted within 500 yards of a Western Snowy Plover breeding colony from May 1 through September 30. These changes are consistent with other RGP 67 and 401 Certifications issued for other opportunistic beach fill programs within the region.


Western Bypass Bridge Project, 05/24/2010, City of Temecula. The project involves the construction of a bridge over Murrieta Creek generally located at the intersection of Temecula Parkway and Front Street (Wester Bypass terminus). The Project also includes the extension of the paved portion of Pujol Street south to the future bridge crossing on the eastern side of Murreita Creek.


Oceanside Opportunistic Beach Restoration Program, 05/20/2010, City of Oceanside. The proposed project is the placement of up to 150,000 cubic yards of sand per year (for no more than 5 years) on South Oceanside Beach for beach sand nourishment. The sand would be placed as a beach berm and as low tide mound placement. Placement would occur from September through March. Beach-quality sand would be opportunistically sourced from upland and dredging sites and stored at the City-owned El Corazon Quarry site in Oceanside until placed on the beach. The sand will not contain more than 25% fine grained sediment.

Amendment 2

Rosemary's Mountain Quarry and State Route 76 Realignment Project, 05/20/2010, Granite Construction. This amendment to the certification proposes the substitution of Best Management Practices in order for higher efficacy and lower cost. Changes will include the use of a catch basin with hydrodynamic solids filtration, CDS brand or equivalent, one oil/water separator, BioClean brand nutrient separating baffle box with Up Flow Media Filter utilizing BioMediaGreen, and one media filter, BioClean brand Nutrient Separating Baffle Box with Up Flow Media Filter utilizing BioMediaGreen.


South San Diego Bay Coastal Wetland Restoration and Enhancement Project, 05/18/2010, San Diego Unified Port District. The project is to restore and enhance approximately 285 acres of coastal habitat within south San Diego Bay. The areas include the Chula Vista Wildlife Reserve and Western Salt Ponds (Ponds 10, 10A and 11) to support a range of high quality coastal habitats for fish birds, and other wildlife. The elevation on Chula Vista Wildlife Reserve will be lowered to support low and mid salt marsh habitat creating up to 67,500 cubic yards of fill material. Within Ponds 10, 10A and 11 elevations to support cordgrass-dominated salt marsh will be achieved through regarding and use of fill generated by grading at Chula Vista Wildlife Reserve.

Amendment 1

Santa Margarita River Bridge Replacement and Second Track Project, 05/18/2010, North County Transit District. Amendment to the certification to modify the proposed method of construction for the replacement of the existing single-track rail bridge. Under the amendment a pre-construction eelgrass survey will be conducted. Prior to the start of coffer dam installation a Caulerpa taxifolia survey will be conducted.


ETS 6006 Carlsbad Pole Replacements, P26567 & P265268, 05/11/2010, San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E). The project is the replacement of two utility poles in the salt marsh of Buena Vista Lagoon. The pole replacements will involve the use of a linetruck to pull out the existing poles from the ground. Once the poles have been removed the linetruck will then set the new poles into the existing holes. A second line truck will be used to support the conductors during the change out. Once the lines are transferred to the new poles, the old poles will be transferred from the site using a bucket truck.


Agua Hedionda Bridge 230.6, 05/10/2010, North County Transit District. This project proposes to construct a second (double) track and rail corridor at Mile Post 230.6 over Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and along an approximately 2.4 mile-long segment of railroad right-of-way on the inland (east) side of the existing track between Mile Post 229.4 and Mile Post 231.8. The proposed project will include related crossovers and signals, and improvements to railroad/highway at-grade intersections. The purpose of the proposed project is to enhance the flow and efficiency of train movement on the Los Angeles to San Diego (LOSSAN) rail corridor, and to ensure the passenger train service can operate on a reliable schedule.

Amendment 1

PDMWD Eastern Service Area Secondary Connection Project, 04/28/2010, Padre Dam Municipal Water District (PDMWD). This amendment allows annual monitoring reports to be turned in prior to January 31 of each year instead of December 1 of each year.


Shore Power Project at B Street Pier and Embarcadero Wharf, 04/21/2010, San Diego Unified Port District. The project is to install under deck electrical utilities for shore power equipment on the west end of the B Street Pier and along the Embarcadero Wharf in San Diego Bay.

Amendment 1

Encinas Creek Bridge Replacement Project, 04/20/2010, City of Carlsbad. The amendment allows the city to install a prefabricated arch concrete bridge structure in place of the existing concrete bridge. Similar to the existing bridge, the new bridge would be a culvert style bridge with a concrete base that would be covered with sand and cobble over time. The proposed new structure would be approximately 26 feet and 2 inches narrower than the existing bridge. This proposed reduction in width is because the bridge is currently oversized. In addition, to minimize the construction impact on the west side, the wingwalls would be placed parallel to the roadway


Spring Valley Access Road Regrade Project, 04/19/2010, San Diego Gas and Electric. The project is to regrade and to repair the existing utility access road located near Spring Valley in the Jamacha hydrologic sub-area of the Sweetwater Watershed. The work to be done includes some vegetation removal and the installation of turf block concrete grid paving units at three separate road sections. Turf block was chosen as an alternative to placement of traditional solid concrete and to avoid culverting of streams which could have significant impacts on water quality.

Amendment 1

Ivy Street Bridge Replacement Project, 04/08/2010, City of Murrieta. The amendment allows for increased on-site mitigation. It also removes annual monitoring requirements due to the anticipated restoration of Murrieta Creek at the Project location as part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Murrieta Creek Flood Control and Restoration Project. It also changes construction conditions to only allow work during the avian nesting season if threatened or endangered species are not observed in the area.

Amendment 1

Tijuana River Valley Emergency Channel Maintenance, 04/05/2010, City of San Diego. This amendment changes the final date for vegetation removal and project completion. The extended due date only allows for completion of the project within the 2009-2010 rainy season and does not allow for additional work under this certification during the 2010-2011 rainy season.


Los Penasquitos Bridge Replacement Project, 03/23/2010, North County Transit District. The project proposes replacement of three aging trestle railroad bridges (bridges 246.1, 246.9, and 247.1) along the Los Angeles to San Diego rail corridor (LOSSAN) in northern San Diego County.

Amendment 2

San Elijo Road County Dip Segment, 03/17/2010, City of San Marcos. The amendment changes the mitigation requirement No. 14 contained within the Clean Water Act. Any temporary disturbance of the mitigation area which occurs as a result of the necessary maintenance of existing structures within or adjacent to these areas will be immediately restored to pre-existing topographic and vegetative conditions upon completion of maintenance activities.


Murrieta Higher Education Facility Development Plan, 03/10/2010, Murrieta Education Center, LLC. The project is a multi-use commercial and educational development in the City of Murrieta, Riverside County. The project site contains northern and southern unnamed on-site drainages, each of which convey flows from east of the project site downstream into Murrieta Creek. Construction of the project would result in permanent impacts at the two


San Diego Gas and Electric, 03/03/2010, Access Road Regrading Project. The project is to regrade and repair the existing transmission access road located near Crest in the Dehesa hydrologic sub-area of the Sweetwater Watershed. The portion of the access road to be regarded is approximately 665 feet in length and approximately 12 feet in width. The proposed repairs include installation of a concrete v-ditch along the edge of portions of the road, and two culverts with associated energy dissipaters

Amendment 1

Saddleback Meadows, 03/03/2010, California Quartet. The amendment changes the project design back to the original Certification. The amendment changes the number of lots from 226 to 283.


Marina Cortez, 03/01/2010, Marina Cortez Marina Replacement and Slope Protection. The project proposes to install a new dock system at Marina Cortez, along Harbor Island in San Diego Bay, to replace an existing severely aged dock. The new dock area will result in an overall reduction of existing shade impacts by 19, 304 square feet. Of the existing 267 piles, 179 will remain in place and 88 will be relocated. The project also includes planting along the shoreline with native vegetation for erosion protection.

Amendment 1

Capistrano Beach Storm Drain Phase II Maintenance Project, 02/26/2010, the City of Dana Point. Amendments to allow City to continue to perform maintenance activities during the storm season each year. Activities include excavating the outlet pipes (which are routinely covered with sand from tidal activity) in advance of storms.


Lake Cuyamaca Project for San Diego Gas & Electric certified on 02/22/2010. The project regards the replacement of a utility pole near Lake Cuyamaca in the Boulder Creek hydrologic area of the San Diego River Watershed


Clinton Keith Road Extension Project West, 02/11/2010, Riverside County Transportation Department. This project is a portion of the extension, widening, and realignment of Clinton Keith from the Interstate 215 to State Route 79 in Riverside County. The project will extend the western portion of Clinton Keith from I-215 to Liberty Lane. The western extension of Clinton Keith requires the placement of a bridge over Warm Springs Creek, as well as the placement of larger culverts at Drainages A and B, which in total would result in permanent impacts of 0.31 acre (1,850 linear feet) and temporary impacts of 0.01 acre (360 linear feet) to non-wetland waters of the United States.

Amendment 1

Oak County II Trails Project, 02/11/2010, County of San Diego. Amendment to maintenance requiremens for an approximately four-mile, non-motorized public multi-use figure-eight loop trail (for hiking, biking and equestrian users) which includes creation of a fenced 0.95 acre equestrian staging area and parking, creation of 2-miles of new trails, and replacement of the existing culvert on the ranch road to allow emergency access, ranger patrol, management and monitoring activities during all weather types.


City of Encinitas Opportunistic Beach Restoration Program, 01/29/2010, the City of Encinitas. The project proposes to place a maximum of up to 150,000 cubic yards per year (for five years) of beach-quality sand from upland projects on Batiquitos and Moonlight Beaches. The sand placed on the beach will provide erosion control, recreational benefits, and habitat enhancement. The sand will not contain more than 25% fine-grained sediment.


Kelly Drive Channel Repair Project, 01/27/2010, City of Carlsbad. The project will replace the lost soil with a slurry, reconstruct the damaged concrete with wire-reinforced concrete, and replace the missing riprap with 1/4-ton riprap. The channel and riprap will be restored and the visible surface will be similar to the original design. Sediment and vegetation accumulated on the channel bed will be removed.

Amendment 1

San Elijo Road, County Dip Segment, 01/25/2010, the City of Carlsbad. Amendment to mitigation requirements in response to violation of the Certification alleged in Notice of Violation No. R9-2008-0083.


PDMWD Eastern Service Area Secondary Connection Project, 01/20/2010, Padre Dam Municipal Water District. This capital improvement project will install additional pipelines, a 12 million gallon-per-day pump station, a 2.5 million gallon reservoir and a forebay drain near the intersection of Los Coches Creek and Sierra Alta Way in Lakeside, San Diego County.

Amendment 1

Twin Oaks Valley Road Extension Project, 01/07/10, the City of San Marcos. This amendment is needed to address the change in mitigation requirements to resolve violations of the certification, as identified in Notice of Violation R9-2008-083.


Escondido Creek and Harmony Grove Material Removal Project, 01/05/10, City of Escondido. The project includes the removal of approximately 1,985 cubic yards of sediment and vegetated debris from the channel.