San Diego Region - San Mateo Creek Impaired Waters Implementation Plan to Address Aquatic Invasive Species
San Mateo Creek, located in northern San Diego County, is home to the federally endangered Southern California Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss), with approximately 15 miles of creek designated as critical habitat. The presence and proliferation of invasive species in San Mateo Creek is impairing the RARE Beneficial Use of San Mateo Creek for the steelhead. The San Diego Water Board has developed an invasive species Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and, on January 19, 2024, the San Diego Water Board Executive Officer certified via Resolution R9-2024-0012 that actions of other entities will correct impairments to San Mateo Creek beneficial uses caused by invasive species. The use of a TMDL enables watershed planning and restoration activities be conducted in a collaborative process using federal nonpoint source funding consistent with a watershed management plan that specifically addresses the impairment (see below). Projects undertaken by a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, Federally Recognized Tribe, or federal, state, local, or other public agency or public college that implement the watershed management plan are eligible to apply for USEPA nonpoint source funding. Additional information on funding can be found on the State’s Nonpoint Source Funding webpage or by contacting San Diego Water Board staff.
The San Diego Water Board has released a draft TMDL for public comment, with public comments due no later than 5 p.m. on November 01, 2022. The draft TMDL, Public Notice, and a Fact Sheet for the TMDL can be found below:
- Chad Loflen - Senior Environmental Scientist
(619) 521-3370