San Diego Region - Compliance Assurance Unit

Compliance Through Prompt, Fair & Consistent Formal Enforcement

We serve to ensure compliance with State and Federal laws, regulations, policies, plans and permits in an effort to preserve, enhance, and restore the quality of California' s water resources.

Compliance …

Obtaining and ensuring compliance is the fundamental manner in which we meet the state's water quality objectives. Focusing our efforts on formal enforcement actions allows us to take action where we were previously unable. This in turn frees up technical staff to provide compliance assistance to dischargers, such as updating outdated permits to conform to changing laws, technology; to review monitoring reports to determine water quality conditions; and to conduct more inspections, find and confirm that minor violations have been corrected, and

… Through Prompt, Fair & Consistent Formal Enforcement

A focused enforcement effort allows us to produce timely, evenhanded and consistent enforcement actions. Consistent and publicized enforcement actions send a strong message to dischargers that compliance is acknowledged and commended, and that violations will be met by a prompt enforcement response to deter future non-compliance. Over time, enforcement effectiveness will increase, thereby producing measurable results to be used to determine the state of compliance.

Approach …

Potential formal enforcement actions are identified within Regional Board program/units for review by the Compliance Oversight Group (COG). The COG will prioritize and select violations for formal enforcement by the Compliance Assurance Team. The team will also regionally administer CIWQS (California Integrated Water Quality System) and sanitary sewer overflow databases, attend Compliance and Assurance Roundtable meetings, and provide in-house enforcement training.


  (Page last updated 1/26/24)
