Grants and Contracts - Central Coast Water Board
Central Coast Water Board
319(h) Grant Projects in Region 3
Grant Number | Title of Project | Awarded Amount | Funding Source | Regional Board Staff | Agency Grantee |
Term | Scope of Work | Reports |
D20413309 | Werner Lake Restoration and Water Quality Improvement Planning Project | $249,422 | 319h NPS | Katie McNeill | Elkhorn Slough Foundation | 2025-2027 | Develop a Restoration Plan that includes the necessary planning to protect and restore Werner Lake by reducing nonpoint source inputs from upland areas and into Elkhorn Slough | In Progress |
D2013308 | Scott Creek Post-Fire Recovery Sediment Prevention and Forest Management Project | $625,525 | 319h NPS | Katie McNeill | Peninsula Open Space Trust | 2022-2025 | Prevent sediment from entering the high quality waters of the north fork of Little Creek, a tributary of Scott Creek, by replacing four culverts destroyed by the San Mateo-Santa Cruz Unit (CZU) Lightning Complex wildfire | In Progress |
D2013307 | Sediment Reductions for Improved Water Quality in Chorro and Los Osos Creeks | $536,034 | 319h NPS | Katie McNeill | Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District | 2022-2025 | Install rangeland and irrigated lands best management practices to implement Total Maximum Daily Loads, and reduce nutrient and sediment loading to Chorro Creek, Los Osos Creek, and the Morro Bay estuary. | In Progress |
D2013306 | Carpinteria Creek Sediment Reduction and Habitat Enhancement Project | $789,653 | 319h NPS | Katie McNeill | Earth Island Institute/South Coast Habitat Restoration | 2021-2024 | Restore the aquatic habitat in Carpinteria Creek following the Thomas Fire and Debris Flow to implement the 319(h) Carpenteria Watershed Assessment and Restoration Plan (Carp Plan). Construct five restoration sites identified through field reconnaissance/surveys of the creek corridor in Winter 2019 to remediate impairments and restore salmonid fisheris in Carpinteria Creek. | In Progress |
D1913305 | Oso Flaco Lake Remediation Project | $545,931 | 319h NPS | Peter Meertens | Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District | 2020-2023 | Remove contaminated sediment to preventing it from entering Oso Flaco Lake and install pesticide associated sediment control best management practices (BMPs) including a sediment basin, vegetated ditch, and culvert to reduce erosion | In Progress |
D1913304 | San Lorenzo River Watershed Targeted Sediment Reduction | $799,913 | 319h NPS | Katie McNeill | Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County | 2020-2023 | Implement rural road erosion control and home drainage best management practices (BMPs) to address water quality impairments and impacts to anadromous fish habitat in the San Lorenzo River due to sediment derived from historic logging roads and increased development in the watershed. | In Progress |
D1813303 | Lower Salinas Water Quality Treatment Projects, PIN 41690 | $509,117 | 319h NPS | Katie McNeill | Resource Conservation District of Monterey County | 2019-2022 | Reduce nitrate concentrations in waters pulled from agricultural drainways in the Lower Salinas and Moro Cojo watersheds by installing three farm runoff water treatment systems. | In Progress |
TBD | Elkhorn Slough Nutrients | $350,000 | DiscretionaryContract | Shanta Keeling | Southern California CoastaWater Research Project | 2019-2021 | Model the nutrient loading to Elkhorn Slough | In Progress |
D1813302 | Carpinteria Creek Watershed: Post Fire/Flood Habitat & Sediment Assessment | $99,557 | 319h NPS | Katie McNeill | Earth Island Institute/South Coast Habitat Restoration | 2018-2019 | Assess impacts of the Thomas Fire and subsequent rain/debris flow events in the Carpinteria Creek Watershed, and develop a restoration plan and site-specific concept designs that include erosion and sediment source control management measures to benefit water quality and aquatic habitat. | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
18-030-130 | Water Quality Criteria | $97,448 | Discretionary Contract | Peter Meertens | UC Davis | 2018-2019 | Derivation of Water Quality Criteria for Methomyl, Clothianidin, and Thiamethoxam using the UC Davis Method | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
D171330 Pin# 37412 | Upper Zayante Creek Stream Wood Enhancement Project | $498,426 | 319h NPS | Katie McNeill | Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County | 4/1/18-5/31/21 | Increase large woody debris to improve stream habitat conditions for threatened and endangered anadromous fisheries in the San Lorenzo River Watershed. | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
D1613301 Pin# 32648 | Pajaro Watershed Toxicity Reduction Project | $499,715 | 319h NPS | Corinne Huckaby | Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County | 4/1/17-5/31/20 | Implement practices to reduce pesticide loading and toxicity from agricultural land uses in the Lower Pajaro, Lower Llagas, and the Watsonville Slough | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
17-046-130 | Water Quality Criteria | $47,944 | Discretionary Contract | Peter Meertens | UC Davis | 2017-2018 | Derivation of Water Quality Criteria for Imidacloprid Using the UC Davis Method |
Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
D1513301 Pin# 28163 | Pajaro Watershed Livestock and Land Program | $662,570 | 319h NPS | Katie McNeill | Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County | 4/1/16-6/30/19 | Implement practices to reduce fecal coliform and sediment loading from domestic animals on rural residential properties | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
D1513302 Pin#28168 | Oso Flaco Lake Planning and Assessment Project | $161,400 | 319h NPS | Peter Meertens | California Department of Parks and Recreation | 3/1/16-3/31/19 | Assess the extent of legacy pesticide comtamination and develop a plan of action for dealing with the contamination. | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
01-RB-11 | Neonicotinoid Threshold Evaluation | $39, 344 | Unocal Settlement | Katie McNeill | UC Davis | 2015-2021 | Develop acute and chronic effects thresholds for two neonicotinoid insecticides, clothianidin and thiamethoxam | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
14-424-253 Pin# 25816 | Pinto Lake Restoration Project | $750,000 | 319h NPS | Shanta Keeling | City of Watsonville | 6/5/15 - 6/30/18 | Restore natural lake by treating nutrient loading that is driving toxic cyanobacteria blooms. | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
12-414-553-0 Pin#14999 | Salinas Valley Watershed Irrigation and Nutrient Management Program | $ 1,250,000 | Prop 84 AWQGP | Katie McNeill | Coastal Conservation and Research | 3/1/13 - 3/31/17 | Construct irrigation and nutrient management practices in the Salinas watershed. | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
14-475-553 Pin#14985 |
Central Coast Irrigation and Nutrient Management Program - Santa Maria Watershed | $1,250,000 | Prop 84 AWQGP | Katie McNeill | City of Santa Maria | 10/1/14 - 4/30/17 | Construct irrigation and nutrient management practices in the Santa Maria watersheds. | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
13-515-553 Pin#15004 | Implementation of Irrigation and Nutrient Management Projects in the Lower Pajaro Watershed | $500,000 | Prop 84 AWQGP | Katie McNeill | Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County | 6/1/2014 - 3/31/17 | Construct irrigation and nutrient management practices in the Pajaro watershed. | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
20140636 PJ-61 | Safe Drinking Water Grants for Limited Resource Growers | $23,202 | PG&E Settlement | Katie McNeill | Coalition for Urban Rural Environmental Stewardship | 8/1/14-3/20/16 | Provide interim drinking water to limited resource growers in the Salinas watershed | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
20140638, 20150696, 20170000 | Safe Drinking Water Grants for Disadvantaged Communities | $94,798 | PG&E Settlement | Katie McNeill | Environmental Justice Coalition for Water | 8/1/14 - 2/24/17 | Provide interim drinking water to disadvantaged communitites in the Salinas watershed, North Monterey County Safe Drinking Water Education and Outreach Project (Royal Oaks), Safe Drinking Water (Las Lomas) | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
01-RB-11 | Santa Maria Monitoring and Assessment | $11,130 | Unocal Settlement | Katie McNeill | UC Davis/Coastal Conservation and Research | 5/1/16 - 12/31/16 | Monitoring, Assessment, and Feasibility Study | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
12-407-253 Pin#23219 | Morro Bay Watershed Erosion Prevention Project | $ 415,570 | 319h NPS | Howard Kolb | The Bay Foundation of Morro Bay-NEP | 1/31/13 - 6/30/16 | Reduce excess sediment delivery to streams by implementing cost-effective erosion control measures applied to high priority roads along Chorro Creak and its tributaries. | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
12-408-253 Pin#23209 | Rural Roads Erosion Control Assistance Project | $587,185 | 319h NPS | Alison Jones | Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County | 04/01/13-06/30/16 | Provide technical and cost-share assistance to private road associations to construct BMPs that reduce road derived sedmment loads in critical TMDL-listed watersheds. | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
12-078-130 | Oso Flaco TMDL Implementation | $150,000 | TMDL | Peter Meertens | Coastal San Luis RCD | 4/10/13 - 12/31/14 | Implement and demonstrate on-farm water quality management practices in the Oso Flaco watershed | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
12-074-130 | Pajaro River Sediment TMDL Indicators | $150,000 | TMDL | Howard Kolb | UC SantaBarbara | 11/01/12 -10/31/14 | Characterize Benthic Communities and Instream Physical Habitat in Pajaro River Watershed | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
10-440-553-0 Pin#18998 | Morro Bay Agricultural Water Quality Enhancement Program | $465,500 | 319h NPS | Katie McNeill | Coastal San Luis RCD | 6/30/11 - 12/31/16 | Design and implement ag water quality improvement projects that will result in significant reductions in pollutant loading to Morro Bay. | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
09-350-553-0 Pin#10976 | Pajaro Watershed Agriculture Irrigation and Nutrient Management | $750,000 | Prop 50 - AWQGP | Katie McNeill | Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County | 6/30/10 - 3/31/13 | Catalyze implementation of Agricultural irrigation and nutrient MPS through technical, permitting, and cost-share assistance, and will serve as a model for Ag BMP implementation in the Pajaro Watershed. | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |
10-443-553 | Pinto Lake TMDL Planning & Assessment Project | $125,000 | 319h NPS | Katie McNeill | City of Watsonville | 12/01/10-07/31/13 | Identify the causes of cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms (CHABs) as well as implementation solutions to eradicate/reduce CHABs Pinto Lake. | Contact Grant Manager for Final and Summary Reports |