Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands
To request a copy of documents listed on this page, please contact Eric Warren at Eric.Warren@waterboards.ca.gov.
Tulare Lake Basin Area Coalitions
- Waste Discharge Requirements General Order for Growers within the Tulare Lake Basin Area that are Members of a Third-Party Group, Order R5-2013-0120-09, *Includes revisions through 22 April 2021
- Revisions
- 09: Order No. R5-2021-0018, Amending Waste Discharge Requirements, Adopted on 22 April 2021
- 08: Order No. R5-2013-0120, Revision of Monitoring and Reporting Program, Issued by the Executive Officer on 28 February 2020
- 07: Order No. R5-2019-0001, Amending Waste Discharge Requirements, Adopted on 7 February 2019
- 06: Order No. R5-2013-0120, Revision of Monitoring and Reporting Program, Issued by the Executive Officer on 5 May 2017
- 05: Order No. R5-2013-0120, Revision of Monitoring and Reporting Program, Issued by the Executive Officer on 25 April 2017
- 04: Order No. R5-2016-0095, Amending Waste Discharge Requirements, Adopted on 6 December 2016
- 03: Order No. R5-2016-0015, Amending Waste Discharge Requirements, Adopted on 19 February 2016
- 02: Order No. R5-2015-0115, Revisions to Waste Discharge Requirements, Adopted on 2 October 2015
- 01: Order No. R5-2014-0143, Revising Order, Adopted on 4 December 2014
- Revisions
- Order R5-2013-0120, Waste Discharge Requirements General Order for Growers within the Tulare Lake Basin Area that are Members of a Third-Party Group, Adopted on 19 September 2013
- Notices of Applicability issued by the name of the Third-Party Group under this Order:
- Buena vista Coalition
- Cawelo Water District Coalition
- Kaweah Basin Water Quality Association
- Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority
- Kings River Watershed Coalition Authority
- Tule Basin Water Quality Coalition
- Westside Water Quality Coalition
- Notices of Applicability issued by the name of the Third-Party Group under this Order: