Stockton Urban Waterbodies Pathogen TMDL
To request a copy of documents listed on this page, please contact Jessica Rader at or (916) 464-3199.
Stockton Urban Waterbodies Pathogen TMDL
EPA Approval of Stockton Urban Waterbodies Pathogen TMDL
- EPA Approval Letter
This letter from Alexis Strauss (Director, Water Division, USEPA Region 9) includes a brief discussion of, and approval for, the Stockton Urban Waterbodies Pathogen TMDL.
Final TMDL Report and Board Resolution
- Final Board Resolution
- Final TMDL Report with Response to Comments
- Final TMDL Staff Report
- Attachment A
- Attachment B
- Attachment C (Response to Comments)
- Final TMDL Staff Report
Supporting Documents
- City of Stockton Pathogen Plan
- City of Stockton 13267 (Issued 14 November 2007)
- City of Stockton and County of San Joaquin Storm Water Discharges From Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
- Resolution No. R5-2007-0173, Waste Discharge Requirements/Monitoring & Reporting Program/NPDES Permit CAS083470, Adopted on 6 December 2007
- Resolution No. R5-2004-0139, Approval of the Storm Water Management Plans, Adopted on 15 October 2004
- Resolution No. R5-2002-0181, Waste Discharge Requirements/Monitoring & Reporting Program, Adopted on 18 October 2002