KHSA 2010 Monitoring Plan

On November 13, 2008, the United States, the states of California and Oregon, and PacifiCorp executed an Agreement in Principle (AIP) describing a framework for possible removal of several PacifiCorp's dams on the Klamath River. Interim Measure 12 of the AIP stipulated a water quality monitoring program, including on-going monitoring of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) and associated toxins. Water quality monitoring conducted in 2009 was conducted under the plan: AIP Interim Measure 12: Water Quality Monitoring Activities, Monitoring Year 2009. The Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA) signed on February 18, 2010, supersedes the AIP. Interim Measure 15 of KHSA states that PacifiCorp shall fund long-term baseline water quality monitoring to support dam removal, nutrient removal, and permitting studies, and also will fund blue-green algae (BGA) and BGA toxin monitoring as necessary to protect public health. The 2010 KHSA Monitoring Plan replaces the previous plan and is being used to guide monitoring for the current year.

Klamath River AIP 2009 Monitoring Plan:

Appendix A – Cyanobacteria Sampling SOP (pdf, 3 Mb)
Applendix B –
                        -PacifiCorp 2008 Water Quality Sampling Plan (pdf, 143 Kb)
                        -PacifiCorp 2008 Analytic Methods & MRLs for Water Quality Samples (pdf, 13 Kb)
            Karuk Tribe Department of Natural Resources
                        -Karuk Sampling Analysis Plan (Draft) (pdf, 1 Mb)
                        -Appendix A-1 KTWQP Churn Splitter Field Sampling (pdf, 5 Kb)
                        -Appendix B-1 KTWQP Chain of Custody Forms (pdf, 37 Kb)
                        -Appendix C-1 KTWQP Periphyton Grid datasheet (pdf, 5 Kb)
                        -Appendix D-1 Datasonde Instructions & Calibration SOPs (pdf, 36 Kb)
                        -Appendix E-1 Aquatic Analysts Algae Analytical & QA Procedures (pdf, 22 Kb)
                        -Appendix F-1 Aquatic Research Inc QA-QC Plan (pdf, 2 Mb)
                        -Appendix G-1 CDFG Lab Analysis SOP (pdf, 11 Kb)
                        -Appendix H-1 CDFG Lab LCMS-MS Procedures (pdf, 11 Kb)
            Yurok Tribe Environmental Program
                        -Yurok Sampling Analysis Plan (pdf, 3 Mb)
                        -Appendix A-1a YTEP Churn Splitter Field Sampling SOP (pdf, 15 Kb)
                        -Appendix A-1b YTEP Churn Splitter Cleaning SOP (pdf, 4 Kb)
                        -Appendix B-1 YTEP Nutrient Phytoplankton Periphyton and Algal Toxin Sampling Datasheet (pdf, 4 Kb)
                        -Appendix D-1 YTEP Periphyton Grid Datasheet (pdf, 4 Kb)
                        -Appendix X YTEP Periphyton Sampling Protocol (pdf, 60 Kb)
            U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
                        -USBR Water Quality Sampling Protocols Link-Keno (pdf, 31 Kb)
                        -USBR Zooplankton Sampling Protocol (pdf, 7 Kb)

  (Page last updated 8/24/17)
