Stormwater - Industrial General Permit
General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (Industrial General Permit):
Section 402 p of the Federal Clean Water Act requires industries that fall under certain Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes and that discharge stormwater into a storm drain system or to surface waters to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. In California, these industrial facilities may comply with the Clean Water Act Section 402 p by applying for coverage under the State's General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (Industrial General Permit) or by applying for an individual NPDES Permit.
The Industrial General Permit is an NPDES permit that regulates stormwater discharges from any facility associated with 10 broad categories of industrial activities. These categories of industrial activities are based on the SIC codes. The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) and Regional Water Quality Control Boards (collectively, the Water Boards) enforce the Industrial General Permit.
The Industrial General Permit requires the implementation of Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT) and Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT) to achieve performance standards, as well as the development of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and a monitoring plan. The SWPPP identifies the site-specific sources of pollutants and describes the best management practices implemented at the facility to prevent dry weather runoff and to reduce pollutants in stormwater discharges.
Annually, dischargers are to submit an ad hoc report, and an annual report to the Water Board via the online data base system SMARTS. SMARTS stands for Stormwater Multiple Application and Report Tracking System.

- Prepare and implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and a monitoring plan.
- Submit the annual report by July 15 of each year via the online SMARTS database.
- Submit the adhoc reports (sampling results) within 30 days via the online SMARTS database.
- If you made significant revisions to your SWPPP, report these changes via SMARTS within 30 days. Report any non-significant revisions at least once every three months.
- Upload SWPPP updates to the online database SMARTS, at least once a quarter.
Due Date |
Action Item |
Description of Item |
General Permit Section |
July 15 of each reporting year |
Annual Report |
Submit and certify the annual report via SMARTS |
Section XVI.A |
Inactive mining sites inspection |
Inactive mining sites must be inspected to confirm their inactive mining operation continues to meet conditions in General Permit Section XIII.A and certify via SMARTS |
Section XIII.C.2 |
October 1 of each reporting year |
NEC recertification |
Complete the NEC checklist and certify via SMARTS |
Section XVII.G |
Level 1 ERA Evaluation |
Dischargers in Level 1 Status must work with a Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner (QISP) to complete a Level 1 Exceedance Response Action (ERA) Evaluation |
Section XII.C.1.a |
January 1 of each reporting year |
Level 1 ERA Report |
Dischargers in Level 1 Status must work with a QISP to prepare a Level 1 ERA Report based on the Level 1 ERA Evaluation; the report must be submitted and certified via SMARTS. |
Section XII.C.2.a.ii |
Level 2 ERA Action Plan |
Dischargers in Level 2 Status must work with a QISP to identify which of the demonstrations in General Permit Section XII.D.2.a through c the Discharger has selected to perform |
Section XII.D.1.a |
Level 2 ERA Technical Report |
Dischargers in Level 2 Status must work with a QISP to prepare submit a report including one or more of the demonstrations listed in General Permit Section XII.D.2.a through c |
Section XII.D.2 |
Within 30 days of obtaining laboratory results |
Ad Hoc Monitoring Report |
Sampling results from a Qualified Storm Event (QSE) must be submitted and certified via SMARTS |
Section XI.B.11.a |
Within 30 days of revising the SWPPP |
Submit and certify via SMARTS SWPPP within 30 days whenever the SWPPP contains significant revisions including additional BMPs incompliance with Level 1 and Level 2 status |
Section X.B.2 and XII.D.2 |
Current Industrial General Permit (EFFECTIVE July 1st 2015)
The following tools were designed to assist the regulated community in meeting the Industrial General Permit requirements.
- List of SIC Codes of Industries that Require Coverage under the Industrial General Permit:
- Determining your Facility's SIC Code:
- Copy of the Industrial General Permit:
- Obtaining an Exemption from the Industrial General Permit:
Facilities whose SIC code is listed in the Federal regulations as needing to obtain coverage under the Industrial General Permit ( see number 1 above) but that do not discharge stormwater associated with industrial activities are not required to obtain coverage under the Industrial General Permit. Those facilities must submit a Notice of Non-Applicability through the SMARTS database. In order to qualify for a NONA, the facility must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- The facility is engineered and constructed to have contained the maximum historic precipitation event (or series of events) using the precipitation data collected from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency's website (or other nearby precipitation data available from other government agencies) so that there will be no discharge of industrial stormwater to waters of the United States; or
- The facility is located in basins or other physical locations that are not hydrologically connected to waters of the United States.
- When claiming the no-discharge option, facilities shall submit and certify via SMARTS both the NONA and a No Discharge Technical Report. The No Discharge Technical Report shall demonstrate the facility meets the eligibility requirements described above.
- The No Discharge Technical Report shall be signed (wet signature license number) by a California licensed professional engineer.
- Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner (QISP) list:
- Time Schedule Order Application Guide
TMDL Mapping Tool Guide:
The following SIC Code Manual produced by the Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget provides detailed explanations for each SIC code title and description of industries:
The California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) has approved the first California Industrial General Stormwater Permit (IGP) Trainers of Record (ToR) for the new IGP. ToRs will be conducting in-person trainings for the Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner (QISP) beginning in early 2016. The IGP ToRs/QISPs listed below are eligible to assist New Dischargers with the 303(d) listed impaired water body requirements in Section VII.B. For more information see the following link: Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner (QISP)
The following TMDL Mapping Tool Guide has been developed by Region 4 to assist Dischargers in using the Industrial General Permit Map Tool: TMDL Mapping Tool
The link to the Industrial General Permit Map Tool is as follows:
DISCLAIMER: The map tool is for information only and there is no explicit or implied assurance of the accuracy for the information provided. The map tool will help Dischargers determine potentially applicable TMDL requirements based upon facility location, but it is ultimately the responsibility of the Discharger to identify applicable TMDL requirements by identifying the facility's: 1) receiving waterbody(ies), 2) the pollutants discharged, and 3) applicable requirements in Attachment E of the Industrial General Permit.
Discharger's Guide to:
- TMDL Mapping Tool Guide
- Senate Bill 205 - Business License Requirements
- Discharger Guides on Navigating through the SMARTS Database
- Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner
- Discharger's Guide to SMARTS (July, 2015)
- Discharger's Guide to:
- Setup and Account Management
- Active Coverage Management
- Reporting
- Terminating Permit Coverage
Quick Linkks:
The Statewide Stormwater Industrial General Permit (IGP) requires the development of a new statewide training program for professionals to assist industrial stormwater dischargers with permit compliance and onsite compliance actions. Professionals conducting this work must obtain a Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner (QISP) training certificate through the newly developed QISP Training Program. The purpose of the QISP Training Program is to: (1) standardize statewide knowledge regarding permit compliance, and (2) assure statewide application of required data quality assurance protocols and sampling methods for stormwater monitoring.
The QISP Training Program has been under development for the past three years by the IGP Training Team, a team of volunteer professionals led by the Office of Water Programs, Sacramento State University, the State Water Board stormwater staff, and the California Stormwater Quality Association. On May 1, 2016 QISP candidates will be able to access the online system and register for the online QISP Training Program. Once completing the training, QISPs will assist industrial facility dischargers with the appropriate onsite best management practice (BMP) implementation and monitoring and reporting to address: (1) stormwater monitoring results that exceeds the Numeric Action Levels in the IGP, and (2) discharges to impaired water bodies.
Steps to Becoming a QISP (part online and part in-person)
- Register and pay a fee with the Office of Water Programs, Sacramento State University/the California Stormwater Quality Association;
- Complete the online training;
- Take an online midterm exam;
- Attend a one-day in-person training with an Industrial General Permit Trainer of Record(s) (IGP ToR); and,
- Take an online final exam
The candidate will obtain their QISP training certificate after passing the final exam.
QISPs are required to renew their training certificate; the renewal process will be similar to the Construction General Permit Training Program renewal process.
For More information, please review the California Stormwater Quality Association QISP Fact Sheet:
Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner (QISP) Fact Sheet
Sign up for the QISP Training Program by going to the California State University, Sacramento Office of Water Programs (OWP) website at:
The California Department of Consumer Affairs, Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists (CBPELSG) provides the licensure and regulation of professional civil, industrial, chemical, and mechanical engineers and professional geologists in California. The State Water Board developed a specialized self-guided State Water Board-sponsored registration and training program specifically for these CPBELSG licensed engineers and geologists in good standing with CBPELSG.
To complete the training and self-certification, create an account on the Office of Water Programs website at Click Stormwater Certificates then click IGP CBPELSG.
- For more information, please contact Pavlova Vitale at or at (213) 576-6751.
Permiso General Industrial para Agua de Lluvia Relacionada a Actividades Industriales (2014-0057-DWQ) |
¿Qué es éste permiso? El Permiso General Industrial regula descargas industriales de agua de lluvia y descargas autorizadas de instalaciones industriales en California que no son de agua de lluvia. El Permiso General Industrial es llamado un permiso general debido a que muchas instalaciones industriales están cubiertas por el mismo permiso, pero cumplen con los requisitos del permiso en sus instalaciones industriales individuales. La Junta Estatal de Control de Recursos de Agua y las Juntas Regionales de Control de Calidad de Agua (colectivamente las Juntas de Agua) están encargadas de implementar y hacer cumplir los requisitos del Permiso General Industrial. En inglés, la Junta Estatal de Agua se conoce como la State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) y las Juntas Regionales de Agua se conocen como Regional Water Quality Control Boards (colectivamente las Water Boards) ¿Quién necesita éste permiso? Industrias como fabricantes, vertederos (basureros), minería, energía de vapor, instalaciones de desechos peligrosos, instalaciones de transporte con mantenimiento de vehículo, plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, instalaciones de reciclaje, e instalaciones de petróleo y gasolina que no califican para una exención. Ver el anexo A del permiso para una lista completa de instalaciones cubiertas por el Permiso General Industrial. |
Presentaciones y Videos:
- Taller de Cumplimiento de Aguas Pluviales en Pacoima (Nov, 2016) Español: Folleto, Presentation
Costo del Permiso Industrial de Aguas Pluviales: $1,400
Calculadora Nacional de Aguas Pluviales de la EPA (en Inglés)
Excerpt from the General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (General Permit); Order No. 2014-0057-DWQ
Pages 37- 48
A. Visual Observations
1. Monthly Visual Observations
a. At least once per calendar month, the Discharger shall visually observe each drainage area for the following:
i. The presence or indications of prior, current, or potential unauthorized NSWDs and their sources;
ii. Authorized NSWDs, sources, and associated BMPs to ensure compliance with Section IV.B.3; and,
iii. Outdoor industrial equipment and storage areas, outdoor industrial activities areas, BMPs, and all other potential source of industrial pollutants.
b. The monthly visual observations shall be conducted during daylight hours of scheduled facility operating hours and on days without precipitation.
c. The Discharger shall provide an explanation in the Annual Report for uncompleted monthly visual observations.
2. Sampling Event Visual Observations
Sampling event visual observations shall be conducted at the same time sampling occurs at a discharge location. At each discharge location where a sample is obtained, the Discharger shall observe the discharge of stormwater associated with industrial activity.
a. The Discharger shall ensure that visual observations of stormwater discharged from containment sources (e.g. secondary containment or storage ponds) are conducted at the time that the discharge is sampled.
b. Any Discharger employing volume-based or flow-based treatment BMPs shall sample any bypass that occurs while the visual observations and sampling of stormwater discharges are conducted.
c. The Discharger shall visually observe and record the presence or absence of floating and suspended materials, oil and grease, discolorations, turbidity, odors, trash/debris, and source(s) of any discharged pollutants.
d. In the event that a discharge location is not visually observed during the sampling event, the Discharger shall record which discharge locations were not observed during sampling or that there was no discharge from the discharge location.
e. The Discharger shall provide an explanation in the Annual Report for uncompleted sampling event visual observations.
3. Visual Observation Records
The Discharger shall maintain records of all visual observations. Records shall include the date, approximate time, locations observed, presence and probable source of any observed pollutants, name of person(s) that conducted the observations, and any response actions and/or additional SWPPP revisions necessary in response to the visual observations.
4. The Discharger shall revise BMPs as necessary when the visual observations indicate pollutant sources have not been adequately addressed in the SWPPP.
- Report a Non-Filer - let us know if a business or construction site does not have a Stormwater Permit
- Municipal Stormwater Program
Ivar Ridgeway, Supervisor (213) 620-2150 - Regional Dewatering Permit
Augustine Anijielo, Supervisor (213) 576-6657 - Industrial and Construction Stormwater Programs, Compliance & Enforcement, Non-Filer, and SB 205 / SB 891
Nerissa Schrader, Supervisor (213) 620-2237 - Ventura County & LA County – Santa Clarita Valley and Gateway Cities
Andrew Veloz (213) 620-2243 - Ventura County & LA County – Westside Cities and San Fernando Valley
Sean Lee (213) 620-2202 - LA County – San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, and Central Los Angeles
Luz Vargas (213) 620-2219 - LA County – San Gabriel Valley, Santa Clarita Valley, South Bay Cities, and Gateway Cities
Lesley Walther (213) 620-2120 - LA County – South Bay Cities, Central Los Angeles, and Gateway Cities
Edlin Gonzalez (213) 620-2696 - 2022 Reissued Construction General Permit
Andrew Veloz (213) 620-2243 - CGP Annual Report
Edlin Gonzalez (213) 620-2696 - Non-Filer
Sean Lee (213) 620-2202 - NONA / NDTR
Lesley Walther (213) 620-2120 - Advanced BMPs
Luz Vargas (213) 620-2219 - Change of Information and Notice of Termination
Gina Mongiello-Lopez (213) 576-6628 - Enforcement of the Industrial and Construction Stormwater Permits:
Pavlova Vitale, Supervisor (213) 576-6751- No Exposure Certifications and Recertifications:
Lydia Kim (213) 620-2695 - Level 1 ERA Reports:
Enrique Loera (213) 620-2111 - Level 2 ERA Reports:
Enrique Loera (213) 620-2111
- Annual Reports:
Enrique Loera (213) 620-2111 - Time Schedule Orders:
Scott Landon (213) 620-2122 - Ad Hoc Reports:
Scott Landon (213) 620-2122 - Infiltration:
Geoffrey Clifford (213) 576-6722
- No Exposure Certifications and Recertifications:
- Trouble shooting log-in issues with the SMARTS database: - Any Other Inquiries:
Gina Mongiello-Lopez (213) 576-6628