TMDL - The Integrated Report

303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments and 305(b) Surface Water Quality Assessment

To request a copy of documents listed on this page or for information regarding previous Integrated Report cycles, please contact Jay Simi at or (916) 464-4833.

Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires the identification of water bodies that do not meet, or are not expected to meet, water quality standards (i.e., impaired water bodies). The affected water body, and associated pollutant or stressor, is then prioritized in the 303(d) List. The Clean Water Act further requires the development of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for each listing. In 2008, California began integrating the 303(d) List of Impaired Waters and the 305(b) Water Quality Assessment Report into a single report (Integrated Report). This Integrated Report will satisfy the requirements of both CWA Sections 303(d) and 305(b).

Since the 2020-2022 California Integrated Report cycle, the State Water Board has been administering the public process, including board hearings and development of the integrated report. While the Regional Water Boards play a significant role in the development of the integrated report, the Regional Water Boards no longer conduct individual board hearings and public comment periods. All public documents are available on the State Water Board’s program webpage.  More background information on the Integrated Report can be found in the State Water Board’s Fact Sheet.

2028 Integrated Report - Data Solicitation Open

The Central Valley Water Board will assess all readily available data for waters in the Sacramento – San Joaquin River Delta and the Tulare Lake Basin. Readily available data for the Sacramento River and the San Joaquin River watersheds will be considered during future Integrated Report Cycles. The data solicitation for the 2028 Cycle has been released. The solicitation period closes on October 23, 2024. The data solicitation can be found on the State Water Board website:

2026 Integrated Report - IN PROGRESS

The Central Valley Water Board will assess all readily available data for waters in the San Joaquin River watershed. Readily available data for the Sacramento River watershed, the Sacramento - San Joaquin River Delta, and the Tulare Lake Basin will be considered during future Integrated Report cycles. More information on the 2026 Integrated Report cycle can be found on the State Water Board website:

2024 Integrated Report - Adopted by State Water Board on February 6, 2024

The Central Valley Water Board assessed all readily available data for waters in the Sacramento River watershed. Readily available data for the San Joaquin River watershed, the Sacramento - San Joaquin River Delta, and the Tulare Lake Basin will be considered during future Integrated Report cycles. The State Water Board held an adoption hearing on February 6, 2024, and adopted the 2024 Integrated Report. The Final 2024 Integrated Report will be submitted to USEPA by April 1, 2024.More information on the 2024 Integrated Report for California, including the Notice, the draft 303(d) list, and the draft Staff Report can be found at:

2020-2022 Integrated Report - The Current 303(d) List

The Central Valley Water Board assessed all readily available data for waters in the Central Valley Region. The 2020-2022 Integrated Report was adopted by the State Water Board on January 19, 2022, and approved by U.S. EPA on May 11, 2022.

Integrated Report Listing Policy

The Water Quality Control Policy for Developing California’s Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List describes the process by which the State Water Resources Control Board and Regional Water Quality Control Boards will comply with the listing requirements of section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act.

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