Clean Water Act Section 401 – Certification and Wetlands Program

Public Notices

Applications for Water Quality Certifications, and proposed multi-regional projects.

Pursuant to federal law (Title 33, United States Code, Section 1341; Clean Water Act Section 401), applicants for a federal license or permit for activities which may discharge to waters of the United States must seek Water Quality Certification from the state with jurisdiction. Such Certification is based on a finding that the discharge will meet water quality standards and other applicable requirements. In California, Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Regional Boards) issue or deny Certification for discharges within their geographical jurisdiction. The State Water Resources Control Board has this responsibility for projects affecting waters within multiple Regional Board jurisdictions.

email  Subscribe to the CWQ401-Certification and Wetlands Program email list under "Water Quality" to receive updates about Certifications.

This information is provided in satisfaction of the public notice requirements of Section 3858, Title 23, of the California Code of Regulations, which govern the State's Certification Program.

To submit comments, or if you have questions, please contact the staff identified for the project via email, or send written comments to:

State Water Resources Control Board
Attn: [insert staff name and project name]
Wetlands Permitting, Division of Water Quality
1001 I Street, Floor 15
Sacramento, CA 95814


County Name Applicant Project Name Project Purpose Posting Date Comment Deadline Contact
Tulare Southern California Edison TD2129910 Avenue 176 Anchor Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing one anchor associated with Pole 4506756E and installing a new anchor in the same location. The new anchor hole will be hand dug and set by hand, and the original anchor will be removed by hand. 07/26/2024 08/16/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Mono Southern California Edison TD1766828 Green Creek Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The Project consists of removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 4092589E) with a new wood pole. The new pole will be set by helicopter. 07/26/2024 08/16/2024 Chris Monary
Multiple US Army Corps of Engineers- San Francisco District Reissuance of Regional General Permit 5 for Emergency Repairs The US Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District, proposes to reissue Regional General Permit 5 to provide an expediated response to public agencies and private parties for necessary emergency repair and protection measures in waters of the United States. For a description of the proposed project, see the public notice. 07/08/2024 08/22/2024 Ashley Powell
Riverside Southern California Edison TD2167323 Baker Street Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 4106899E) with a new wood pole using a truck. The pole will be accessed via an existing unnamed dirt road from Baker Street. Soil disturbance will temporarily impact wetlands. 07/02/2024 07/23/2024 Nimisha Patel
San Bernardino County Southern California Edison Doble 33kV Distribution Line Rebuild Project The proposed Project will rebuild the Doble 33kV Distribution Line, located on U.S. Forest Service (USFS) land, private land, and areas managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in unincorporated San Bernardino County, California. 06/25/2024 07/16/2024 Chris Monary
Santa Barbara Montecito Sanitary District Protective Measures of District Facilities Project 2 The Project includes permanently protecting an existing 4-foot diameter sewer manhole by replacing bank protection where it was previously present. The proposed project includes backfilling with approximately 279 square feet of angular boulders and riprap; construction of an earthen ramp to allow a rubber tracked excavator to access the manhole; and temporary displacement of angular rock on the western bank to allow for temporary access. 06/24/2024 07/15/2024 Alex Lopez
Mono Southern California Edison Multi TD Buckeye Grid Resiliency Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace six wood utility poles, install two new screw anchors, and one ground rod replacement impacting 0.044 acre of wetlands south of the community of Bridgeport. 06/24/2024 07/15/2024 Samantha Parker
Tulare Southern California Edison TD2036662 Globe Drive Deteriorated Pole and Anchor Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing 45-foot composite poles with new 50-foot composite poles (Poles 4506045E, 4506044E and 4506043E), removing and replacing existing pole anchors with new pole anchors (Pole X16277E) installing new pole anchors (4506045E and 4506044E), and replacing grounding rods (Poles 4506045E, 4506044E and 4506043E). 06/20/2024 07/11/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Mono Southern California Edison TD1962924 Jack Sawyer Road Grid Resiliency Project The Project involves the removal and replacement of three wood utility poles (Poles 2202857E, 2202858E, and 2202859E) with new wood poles, as well as the replacement of two existing down guys at the existing anchors for Poles 2202858E and 2202859E, replacement of the down guys will not result in ground disturbance. The poles will be accessed by truck directly from Jack Sawyer Road with limited area of soil disturbance (i.e. excavation, side casting and backfill). 06/13/2024 07/05/2024 Nimisha Patel
Santa Barbara Montecito Sanitary District Protective Measures of District Facilities Project 1 The purpose of the project is to repair bank protection of a sewer manhole, as well as exposure of the concrete casing of an inlet pipe. The proposed project includes removing previously placed small rock and backfilling with angular boulders, and encasing approximately 9 feet of the existing sewer main in concrete. 06/06/2024 06/27/2024 Alex Lopez
Inyo Southern California Edison TD1969308 Pine Creek Round Valley Road Grid Resiliency Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace 14 utility poles and 3 anchors, installing 4 new anchors, and trimming trees/vegetation at 9 structures within potential wetland waters of the U.S. associated with Pine Creek. The poles and anchors would be replaced by truck, crane, or hand and the work areas would be accessed by truck from Pine Creek Road. 06/07/2024 06/27/2024 Samantha Parker
Orange California Department of Transportation, District 12 State Route 91 Improvement Project between State Route 57 and State Route 55 (OCTA M2 “Project I”, EA 0K982 &0K983), Segments 2, 3 The purpose of the Project is to improve vehicle capacity and reduce traffic congestion on SR-91. For additional information, please refer to the Public Notice. 06/05/2024 06/26/2024 Tiana Huling
Ventura Crimson Midstream Pipeline, LLC D2 D3 Pipeline Inspection Project The proposed project involves excavating, exposing and inspecting a natural gas pipeline to determine if repairs are necessary. Impacts are assumed to be temporary. 06/05/2024 06/26/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Mono County Southern California Edison TD1646661 Sky Meadow Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project will replace one wood utility pole (Pole 345509S) and its anchor with a new composite pole and anchor. 06/03/2024 06/24/2024 Chris Monary
Contra Costa Kinder Morgan SFPP, L.P. (SFPP) Line Section 9 (LS-9) Anomaly Digs Project - Anomaly Digs 2022-99A/2022-19A and 2022-197A The Project involves inspection and restoration of Line Section 9 (LS-9), a 10-inch buried refined products pipeline, Anomaly Digs 2022-99A/2022-19A and 2022-197A. A stream channel (irrigation ditch D-01) intersects both workspace locations. The irrigation ditch was identified as a Water of the US. 05/30/2024 06/20/2023 Nimisha Patel
Tulare Southern California Edison TD1586878 Road 236 Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace a single wood distribution pole and rod and plate anchors with a new composite pole and two new rod and plate anchor. The project is located within a stream bank and proposes 0.01 acres of temporary impacts from a standard temporary work area and limiting soil disturbance to 10 feet around existing pole. A vacuum truck will be utilized and no dewatering plan is proposed. 05/28/2024 06/18/2024 Samantha Parker
Mono Southern California Edison Highland Transmission Wild Fire Mitigation Pole Replacement Program, Lee Vining-Poole 115 kV Subtransmission Line (WO902776935) The project proposes to replace nine (9) existing deteriorated wood transmission poles, consisting of four (4) structures with nine (9) lightweight steel-weathering (LWS-w) poles. Project impacts will come from overland access and 05/24/2024 06/14/2024 Alex Lopez
Ventura Southern California Edison TD2119114 Hinckley Lane Anchor Project The proposed Project involves four anchor installations or replacements, three of which are associated with Pole 4375283E and one of which is associated with Pole 887010E. 05/23/2024 06/13/2024 Chris Monary
Kern California Department of Technology Middle-mile Broadband Network (09-39490) The Project is part of the MMBN initiative which includes an overall goal of providing an open access, state-owned, high-capacity fiber network that would carry large amounts of data at higher speeds over long distances between local networks. For additional project details, see the Public Notice. 05/23/2024 06/13/2024 Tiana Huling
Santa Barbara Montecito Sanitary District Protective Measures of District Facilities Project 3 The proposed project involves restoring erosion protection for a sewer pipeline along the west bank of San Ysidro Creek in Santa Barbara County. The permanent repairs would involve reconstructing the creek bank slope and adding embankment riprap armor along the creek bank from the sewer main to the tributary creek. 05/22/2024 06/12/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Orange California Department of Transportation State Route 57 Northbound Improvement Project (OCTA M2 Project G) The purpose of the Project is to relieve existing and future northbound SR-57 congestion and improve mobility on the regional transportation system. The Project includes widening the Santa Ana River Bridge, which would entail modifying the bridge embankments, extending four pier walls beneath the bridge, and widening the bridge deck. For more information, see the public notice document. 05/09/2024 05/30/2024 Aundrea Asbell
Tulare Southern California Edison TD1685592 Lodgepole Road Grid Resiliency Project The Project involves removing one existing wood utility pole (4632746E) and replacing it with one fire-wrapped wood utility pole over potential USACE and RWQCB wetland waters of the U.S. and State. 05/07/2024 05/28/2024 Nimisha Patel
Riverside Caltrans State Route 243 Rehabilitate Pavement and Drainage Systems Project (08-1J450) Caltrans proposes to conduct minor pavement rehabilitation; repair or replace culverts as needed; upgrade guard rails, lighting, sign panels, and curb ramps; and install roadside safety elements on State Route 243 from postmile 0.0 to 29.7 in Riverside County. For more information, please see Public Notice 5/7/2024 5/28/2024 Devin Jokerst
Mono Southern California Edison TD1963084 Point Ranch Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing one existing single wooden pole (2172154E) and replacing it with a new wood pole. 05/2/2024 05/23/2024 Alex Lopez
Napa California Department of Transportation (District 4) Napa County State Route 121 Repair and Restoration Project EA 04-0Q790 The purpose of this Project is to stabilize streambanks near washed-out and prevent further erosion and deterioration of the slopes and embankments along State Route 121. Heavy rainfalls saturated the slopes and the embankment soils, causing slope and embankment failures along State Route 121. see the public notice document. 05/1/2024 05/21/2024 Sarmad Alkayssi
San Bernardino Southern California Edison Multi TD Nipton Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace seven deteriorated wood single distribution poles located in the Ivanpah playa lakebed. The new wood poles will be set by truck within 5 feet of their existing locations. 05/02/2024 05/23/2023 Samantha Parker
Los Angeles SoCalGas L1202 C-SCC Dig 3 Project The Project includes the inspection and the repair or replacement activities associated with the existing high pressure natural gas pipeline Line 1202. 04/29/2024 05/20/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Mono County Southern California Edison TD1716576 and TD1982253 LV Ranger Station Deteriorated Pole Project The proposed Project will remove and replace four deteriorated wood poles with new poles. 04/24/2024 05/15/2024 Chris Monary
Multiple US Army Corps of Engineers – Los Angeles District Reissuance of Regional General Permit 41 for Eradication and Removal of Invasive, Non-Native Plant and Algal Species from Waters of the U.S. The US Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, proposes to reissue Regional General Permit 41 which authorizes the eradication and removal of invasive, non-native plant and algal species from waters of the U.S., including wetlands. For a description of the proposed project, see the public notice. 04/10/2024 05/28/2024 Liz Reece
Siskiyou PacifiCorp (Pacific Power, its subsidiary) Mt. Shasta City 4kV Pt. 2 Reconductoring Project The Project involves removal of four one-foot in diameter wood poles and replacement with fiberglass poles in field identified wetlands. 04/10/2024 05/01/2024 Nimisha Patel
Kern California Department of Technology Middle-mile Broadband Network (09-39510) The Project is part of the MMBN initiative which includes an overall goal of providing an open access, state-owned, high-capacity fiber network that would carry large amount of data at higher speeds over long distance between local networks. For additional projection see the Public Notice. 04/05/2024 04/26/2024 Tiana Huling
Mono Southern California Edison TD1751283 Owens River Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing two 65-foot-tall, deteriorated wood poles (Poles 2058251E and 2058252E) connected by an H-frame and replacing them with new poles on the Casa Diablo-Control 115kV circuit. 04/04/2024 04/25/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Inyo Southern California Edison TD1432907 and TD1432937 Lower Rock Creek Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves the removal and replacement of eight deteriorated wood poles with new wood poles. The new poles will be set by helicopter and accessed by foot. The new holes will be dug by hand or by a machine auger within a three-foot radius of the old poles. An NOA was previously issued for this project under the Project name TD1432907, TD1541154, and TD1432937 Lower Rock Creek Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project on December 23, 2019. The purpose of this NOI is to re-submit the same project due to the expired Nationwide Permit 12 and the subsequent issuance of Nationwide Permit 57 in 2021. 04/02/2024 04/23/2024 Alex Lopez
San Bernardino Southern California Edison TD1752037 Pinnacles Grid Reliability and Maintenance Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities located at located at 35.672606, -117.410189, is to remove and replace two (2) wood transmission poles (H-frame Structure A1533215AE/A1533215BE) 04/02/2024 04/23/2024 Samantha Parker
Los Angeles County Southern California Edison TD1983974 Cheney Dr Garapito Creek Anchor Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing one existing/old anchor, which is approximately 19 feet southeast of Pole 17538Y, and installing a new anchor approximately 30 feet southeast of Pole 17538Y 03/29/2024 04/19/2024 Chris Monary
Los Angeles SoCalGas SoCalGas Del Rey 4 Plug & Abandonment Project The project proposes to perform a complete plug and abandonment of a well at its Playa del Rey Natural Gas Storage Facility. The process of abandoning this well will include bringing in a workover rig to remove the downhole piping; setting a cement plug from total depth to surface; isolating the hydrocarbon and fresh-water bearing zones; removing the wellhead; cutting the well casing 5 to 10 feet below grade; then welding on a steel plate inscribed with the well name, API number, and date. 03/27/2024 04/17/2024 Alex Lopez
Inyo Southern California Edison Southern California Edison TD1855684 Panorama Grid Reliability and Maintenance Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 1930271E) and one associated guywire. 3/27/2024 4/17/2024 Nimisha Patel
Ventura Southern California Edison TD1978806 Glanville Road Anchor Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one anchor associated with Pole 1418972E. The new anchor will be replaced by hand approximately 17 feet north of the existing pole, closer to the pole than the existing anchor. 3/26/2024 4/16/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Kern County California Department of Technology Middle-mile Broadband Network Project (09-39470) The Project is part of the MMBN initiative which includes an overall goal of providing an open access, state-owned, high-capacity fiber network that would carry large amounts of data at higher speeds over longer distances between local networks. For additional project information, see the Public Notice 03/25/2024 4/15/2024 Tiana Huling
Mono County Southern California Edison Multi TD Bodie Park Cottonwood Canyon Road Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project will remove and replace seven wooden Utility poles with new wood poles and three anchors. 03/21/2024 4/11/2024 Chris Monary
Alameda County Chevron Pipe Line Company Chevron Bay Area Products Line 2021-BETSJ-003 Pipeline lnteqrity Management Repairs Project The purpose of the Project is to investigate and repair or replace one small section of the existing pipeline to address specific anomalies along the Bay Area Products Line (BAPL) Bethany to San Jose leg of the pipeline that could have compromised pipeline integrity. 03/21/2024 4/11/2024 Chris Monary
Tulare Southern California Edison TD2048509 Ave 140 Ground Rod Installation Project The proposed Project involves installing a new ground rod at Pole 1686918E. 03/18/2024 04/08/2024 Nimisha Patel
Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, Santa Barbara, and Siskiyou California Department of Fish and Wildlife 2023 Fisheries Restoration Grant Program’s Mitigated Negative Declaration Project For a description of the proposed Project, see the public notice document. 03/15/2024 04/09/2024 Stephen Barlow
Kern California Department of Technology Middle-mile Broadbrand Network (09-39500) The Project is part of the MMBN initiative which includes an overall goal of providing an open access, state-owned, high-capacity fiber network that would carry large amount of data at higher speeds over longer distances between local networks. For additional project information, see the Public Notice. 03/15/2024 04/05/2024 Tiana Huling
Imperial Southern California Edison TD1682486 Blythe Cibola Lake Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace one wooden pole (Pole 1969520E) with a new wood pole in the same location. 03/15/2024 04/05/2024 Samantha Parker
Tulare Southern California Edison TD2188495 Nelson Drive Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 2296326E) with a new wood pole. 03/11/2024 04/01/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Solano and Contra Costa County LS Power Grid California, LLC (LSPGC) Collinsville Substation In-water Geotechnical Investigation Project The proposed Project involves geotechnical soil core sampling of up to 11 locations within the Delta. 02/27/2024 03/19/2024 Chris Monary
San Louis Obispo County Avila Ranch Developers, Inc. Wet and Dry Utilities Crossing a Special Aquatic Site This project proposes to install wet and dry utilities through a Special Aquatic Site (SAS). Wet utility lines consist of sewer, recycled water, and domestic water; and dry utilities consist of gas and a dry utilities line. 02/27/2024 03/19/2024 Chris Monary
Inyo Southern California Edison TD1798439 South Fork Bishop Creek Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing and replacing one (1) deteriorated wood distribution pole. 02/23/2024 03/15/2024 Alex Lopez
San Luis Obispo Southern California Gas Company SL-44-307 Remediation Project The proposed Project is to repair existing high-pressure, natural gas pipeline (Supply Line 44-307) in order to maintain compliance with required safety regulations. 02/22/2024 03/14/2024 Nimisha Patel
Orange County Southern California Edison 904141582 Plantenders Anchor Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing one anchor associated with Pole 2044133E and installing a new anchor. 02/15/2024 03/07/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Mono Southern California Edison TD 1651996 Mammoth Rush Creek Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wooden pole and its anchor rod with a new wood pole and anchor rod approximately 60 feet west-southwest from its current location. The old pole will be accessed by foot. The new hole will be dug by hand or mechanical auger and the pole will be set by truck. Standard excavation depths range between 6 and 10 feet with a diameter of 2 to 3 feet. 02/14/2024 03/06/2024 Alex Lopez
San Bernardino County Southern California Edison TD1980974 Black Meadow Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wooden distribution pole (Pole 2350515E) with a new wood pole one foot west of the current location. 02/07/2024 02/28/2024 Chris Monary
Orange Southern California Edison TD2047463 Jeffrey Road Hicks Wash Deteriorated Pole Replacement The proposed Project involves removing and replacing a deteriorated wood utility pole (Pole 4615845E) along the Atlanta 12kV Distribution Circuit, with a new wood pole set within a concrete-filled caisson. 02/07/2024 02/28/2024 Nimisha Patel
Riverside Riverside County Flood Control Facilities Maintenance Program, RGP-99 For a description of the proposed project please see the Public Notice document. 02/06/2024 02/27/2024 Mark Chin
Inyo Kinder Morgan LS – 16 CA-245 Integrity Dig Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 12 Oil or Natural Gas Pipeline Activities is to complete direct assessments on its 10-inch LS-16 pipeline. A contractor will evaluate the current pipeline condition at CA-245 by excavation and will complete repairs, as necessary, to maintain the pipeline integrity 02/05/2024 02/26/2024 Samantha Parker
Inyo Southern California Edison TD1785976 Furnace Creek Wash Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to remove and replace a deteriorated wood utility pole (Pole 1551121E) along the Furnace Creek 33kV distribution circuit. 02/02/2024 02/23/2024 Samantha Parker
Riverside County Southern California Edison TD1837739 Bee Canyon Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 4798162E). The old wood pole will be replaced with a new CLH3 wood pole and a sono-tube that will be set by helicopter. 02/02/2024 02/23/2024 Chris Monary
San Bernadino Southern California Edison TD2072147 Phelan Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing and replacing one (1) deteriorated wood single transmission pole (Pole 4006455E). 02/01/2024 02/22/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Mono Southern California Edison TD1966912 Twin Lakes Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 4182836E) with a new composite pole. 01/30/2024 02/20/2024 Nimisha Patel
Sacramento Kinder Morgan LS-9 CA-235 Integrity Dig Project The purpose of the project is to complete direct assessments of a 10-inch underground gas pipeline for inspection and repairs. 01/29/2024 02/19/2024 Shawn Agarwal
San Joaquin County SFPP LS 9 CA-216 Integrity Dig Project Project will complete direct assessments on 10-inch Line LS-9 pipeline which SFPP is scheduling to complete as soon as authorized. SFPP will evaluate the current pipeline condition at CA-216 by excavation and will complete repairs, as necessary, to maintain the pipeline integrity. 01/25/2024 02/15/2024 Chris Monary
Riverside Southern California Edison TD1603624 Blythe Black Point Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 2311208E) with a new wood pole in a caisson, as well as the replacement of one anchor west of the pole, and the replacement of one guy line comprising an anchor located east of the pole. 01/25/2024 02/15/2024 Nimisha Patel
San Diego San Diego Gas & Electric eTS 68104.01 P131135 Pole Replacement (Project) The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities is to replace one existing wooden pole (P131135) with a weatherized steel pole of similar size. 01/25/2024 02/15/2024 Samantha Parker
Inyo Southern California Edison TD1675113 Rocking K Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood pole (Pole 1854446E) with a new composite pole and removing and replacing one anchor associated with the pole. 01/22/2024 02/12/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Los Angeles County Southern California Edison TD2067268 Ralphs Ranch Rd Pole and Anchor Replacement Project The proposed Project will remove and replace one 55-foot wood utility pole (Pole 3008977E) and its associated anchor with a new 55-foot fiberglass pole and anchor along the Latigo-Potrero 66kV Sub-transmission Line. 01/18/2024 02/08/2024 Chris Monary
Mono Southern California Edison TD1684082 Aspen Landing Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The project involves removing and replacing two wood utility poles (Poles 1937406E and 1937424E) with new wood poles, and replacing their associated anchors. Construction staging will be within the surrounding upland areas along S Landing Road. 01/17/2024 02/07/2024 Nimisha Patel
Riverside and Orange California Department of Transportation State Route 74 (08-1K690) For a description of the proposed project please see the Public Notice Document. 01/12/2024 02/06/2024 Stephen Barlow
San Bernardino Southern California Edison TD1980958 & TD1980975 Black Meadow Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing two wooden distribution poles (Poles 2350517E and 2327564E) with new wooden poles. 01/05/2024 01/26/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Alameda County Chevron Pipe Line Company Chevron Bay Area Products Line 2021-BETSJ-003 and 2021-BETSJ-004 Pipeline lnteqrity Management Repairs Project The purpose of the Project is to investigate and repair or replace two small sections of the existing pipeline to address specific anomalies along the Bay Area Products Line (BAPL) Bethany to San Jose leg of the pipeline that could have compromised pipeline integrity. 01/02/2024 01/23/2024 Chris Monary


County Name Applicant Project Name Project Purpose Posting Date Comment Deadline Contact
Los Angeles County, Kern County Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Barren Ridge-Haskell Line 1 Transmission Line Project Barren Ridge-Haskell Line 1 Transmission Line Project Proposed amendment to order issued on June 23, 2023, to authorize additional impacts to waters of the state. All temporarily impacted waters will be restored to pre-project conditions once LADWP’s construction activities are completed. 12/27/2024 01/26/2024 Chris Monary
San Diego San Diego Gas and Electric eTS 59339 Dulzura Access Road Erosion Project SDG&E proposes to conduct road improvements along an existing dirt access road that experiences severe erosion due to stormwater runoff from the access road at that is draining into a drainage crossing. 12/22/2023 01/12/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Riverside Southern California Edison TD1729764 Domenigoni Ditch Trenching Project The project involves trenching a 65-foot-long area to install underground distribution conduit, resulting in temporary impacts to less than 0.001 acre of potentially jurisdictional non-wetland waters of the U.S. 12/21/2023 01/11/2024 Nimisha Patel
Kern County Southern California Edison TD1944678 Walker Basin Julia Lake Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one 40-foot wood utility pole (Pole 1536327E) and associated anchor with a new 45-foot wood pole and anchor. 12/20/2023 01/11/2024 Chris Monary
Inyo Southern California Edison TD695714 Furnace Creek Visitor Center Pole Replacement Project The project involves removing and replacing one deteriorated wood utility pole (Pole 1903434E). The pole will be accessed by overland truck travel from an unnamed service road. 12/14/2023 01/04/2024 Nimisha Patel
San Bernardino Southern California Edison TD1752007 Fish Rocks Grid Reliability and Maintenance Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing and replacing an H-frame transmission structure comprised of two wood transmission poles (A1533158AE and A1533158BE). 12/12/2023 01/02/2024 Shawn Agarwal
Riverside County Southern California Edison TD1942080 Blythe Main Canal Project Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 4844079E) with a new composite pole. 12/08/2023 12/29/2023 Chris Monary
Inyo County Southern California Edison TD2034044 Gerkin Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves the removal and replacement of one wood utility pole and anchor along an electricity distribution line. The new pole will be set in the same hole from which the existing pole is removed and the anchor will be installed approximately 15 feet to the south. Work will be performed using a boom truck and pole auger drill. 12/07/2023 12/28/2023 Alex Lopez
Madera City of Madera Madera Water Main Replacement Crossing Fresno River The project involves removing the exposed segment of existing water main and replacing it with approximately 200 linear feet of 16-inch diameter ductile iron water main. 12/5/2023 12/26/2023 Nimisha Patel
Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Ventura Equinor Wind US LLC Equinor California Offshore Wind – Geophysical, Geotechnical, and Benthic Sampling Project The purpose of the project is to conduct marine site characterization survey activities in California state waters at discrete locations for proposed offshore cable corridors at Moss Landing, Morro Bay, vicinity of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, and vicinity of Port Hueneme. 11/28/2023 12/19/2023 Chris Monary
San Diego San Diego Gas and Electric Company eTS 51322 P717992 Pole Removal Project The purpose of the Project is to remove the existing Pole P717992, thereby removing this pole from wetlands and reducing the need for operations and maintenance activities within this area. 11/17/2023 12/8/2023 Shawn Agarwal
Sonoma County City of Santa Rosa Robles Sewer Trunk Lining from West of Arlington Avenue to East of Sunland Avenue The project intends to rehabilitate a deteriorated sewer line using trenchless cured-in-place pipe. 11/14/2023 12/5/2023 Alex Lopez
Siskiyou Pacific Power NW Mount Shasta Tap Line Part 2 Reconductor Project Project impacts include the removal and replacement of twelve poles, seven anchors, and reconductoring associated with these new poles. All of these poles are located in field identified wetlands. 11/3/2023 11/27/2023 Chris Monary
Siskiyou Pacific Power NW Mount Shasta Tap Line Part 1 Reconductor Project Proposed work includes reconductoring approximately 3.65 miles of existing overhead distribution power lines within Siskiyou County. Reconductoring involves replacing the conductors (wires) of the existing distribution power lines with covered conductors. The Project also involves replacing wood poles with fiberglass or steel poles, including three (3) poles within a field-identified wetland, and updating system protection and other equipment as needed. 10/31/2023 11/21/2023 Nimisha Patel
Humboldt Pacific Gas and Electric D-1537 L-137B MP 6.448 ECDA Dig Project The project involves the inspection and repair of a buried 8-inch gas transmission pipeline. Pipeline segments will be accessed via bell hole excavation. 10/27/2023 11/17/2023 Alex Lopez
Mono Southern California Edison TD1966911 Hunewell Ranch Twin Lakes Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The project involves removing and replacing six wood utility poles: Poles 2377752E, 2357430E, 4013789E, 4013790E, 4013791E, 4013792E; with new wood poles. The replacement of Poles 2377752E, 2357430E, 4013789E, 4013790E, 4013791E, and 4013792E will result in 0.034 acres (144 linear feet) of temporary impacts to USACE/RWQCB jurisdictional wetland waters of the U.S./State, and 0.034 acres (144 linear feet) of temporary impacts to CDFW jurisdictional wetland. 10/24/2023 11/14/2023 Chris Monary
Mono Southern California Edison TD1889580 Petroglyph Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (45654S) with a new wood pole and replacing two associated anchors. The pole and anchors will be replaced by truck. 10/20/2023 11/13/2023 Nimisha Patel
Alpine California Department of Transportation State Route 4 Pavement Anchor Project (Caltrans EA 10-0J720) (Project) The Project proposes to rehabilitate the existing asphalt concrete pavement on State Route 4 in Alpine County from postmiles 0.0 to 31.67, see public notice document 10/18/2023 11/8/2023 Aundrea Asbell
Mono Southern California Edison TD1756979 Montgomery Creek Grid Reliability and Maintenance Pole Replacement Project The Project involves removing and replacing eleven (11) deteriorated wood single distribution poles, and replacing one (1) existing anchor at Pole 245771S. 10/12/2023 11/2/2023 Shawn Agarwal
Mono County Southern California Edison Southern California Edison Multi TD S. Landing Grid Reliability and Maintenance Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing and replacing one wood H-frame transmission structure, removing and replacing four wood single distribution poles, and installing one new anchor. Equipment to be used includes a crane, a helicopter, line trucks, and various hand tools and support vehicles. 10/9/2023 10/30/2023 Alex Lopez
Riverside Southern California Edison TD1280139 Palm Springs Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The project involves the removal and replacement of one deteriorated wood pole (Pole 2329796E) with one new wood pole. There will be limited soil distribution from excavation, side casting and backfill work within jurisdictional wetland waters. 9/20/2023 10/11/2023 Nimisha Patel
Ventura Southern California Edison TD1838827 Balcom Canyon Road Pole Replacement Project The project involves removing existing wood pole (1437849E) and replacing it with a new wood pole as well as installing a caisson. 9/19/2023 10/10/2023 Nimisha Patel
Mono Southern California Edison Multi TD Reversed Creek Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The Project includes removing and replacing four wood transmission poles (H-frame Structures 2045834E/2045835E and 1960540E/1960541E), one anchor at Structure 2045834E/2045835E, and four anchors at Structure 1960540E/1960541E, located within jurisdictional wetlands. 9/19/2023 10/10/2023 Shawn Agarwal
Kern County Southern California Edison TD1968245 Old Well Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing four wood utility poles, one of which will affect waters of the State. The new Pole 928588E will be set outside of the jurisdictional limit of State waters. The old pole will be removed and disposed of at an approved facility and the hole will be backfilled with remaining soil from the new hole excavation. 9/18/2023 10/9/2023 Alex Lopez
San Bernardino California Department of Transportation SBD-18 Drainage/Culverts and ITS (Project) The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to rehabilitate 26 culverts on State Route 18 (SR-18), see public notice document. 9/18/2023 10/10/2023 Stephen Barlow
Riverside Southern California Edison TD1748727 Conine 12kV Roberts Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 198848E) with a new wood pole, removing an existing adjacent pole stump several feet to the south of the existing pole, and replacing one existing anchor approximately 33 feet north of the pole and outside of jurisdictional resources. 9/15/2023 10/6/2023 Shawn Agarwal
Los Angeles County Southern California Edison TD1399542 Anchor and Pole Removal Project The Project involves removal of idle facilities, which consist of six poles and four anchors along the Antler & Utopia 12 kV circuit (Pole numbers: 1819928E, 1819929E, 1819930E, 1819931E, 4133703E, 1819933E). Crews will then use hand tools to excavate around the base of each pole, which will be hoisted out of the work area by crane for disposal at an approved facility. 09/7/2023 09/28/2023 Alex Lopez
Shasta County Western Area Power Administration Round Mountain Cottonwood (RDM-CW) Tower 13/4 Replacement Project The proposed Project would remove a culvert blockage, maintain and stabilize the existing culvert, and restore the original roadbed contours, reducing further erosion and sedimentation. The existing culvert will remain in place. 09/7/2023 09/28/2023 Chris Monary
San Bernardino Southern California Edison TD1723648 Porta Mediterranean Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The Project involves removing and replacing one wooden pole (Pole 2176252E) and its caisson with a new lightweight steel pole and caisson five feet south of the existing wood pole location in the Santa Ana River. 9/5/2023 9/26/2023 Shawn Agarwal
San Bernardino Southern California Edison TD1451965 & TD1649927 Eastern Trail End Camp Deteriorated Pole and Anchor Replacement Project The Project involves removing and replacing two deteriorated wood distribution poles with new wood poles as well as removing and replacing two existing anchors. 09/01/2023 09/22/2023 Nimisha Patel
San Luis Obispo Southern California Gas Company Line 307 Toro Creek Road Exposure Repair Project The Project includes work within an unnamed side tributary to Toro Creek to inspect and recoat Line 307. Line 307 is a 20-inch, high pressure gas line that has become exposed and has damaged coating and visible corrosion. 08/31/2023 09/21/2023 Nimisha Patel
Siskiyou County Pacific Power Mt. Shasta Taps Part 5 Reconductoring Project Project impacts include relocation of (2) poles out of a field-identified wetland, relocation of one (1) pole within a wetland, and replacement of five (5) anchors. 08/31/2023 09/21/2023 Alex Lopez
Mono County Southern California Edison Multi TD Watterson Trough Grid Pole Replacement Project The Project involves removing and replacing four (4) wood H-frame transmission poles, and removing and replacing one (1) anchor associated with H-frame Structure. 08/29/2023 09/19/2023 Chris Monary
Ventura County Southern California Edison TD1367680 Lake Eleanor Pole and Anchor Replacement Project The Project includes replacing two wood utility poles (1848395E and 1848399E) with new steel poles and three associated anchors 08/18/2023 09/8/2023 Chris Monary
Multiple US Army Corps of Engineers – Los Angeles District Reissuance of Regional General Permit 63 for Repair and Protection Activities in Emergency Situations The US Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, proposes to reissue Regional General Permit 63 to provide an expediated response to public agencies and private parties for necessary emergency repair and protection measures in waters of the United States. For a description of the proposed project, see the public notice. 08/16/2023 10/2/2023 Liz Reece
San Diego San Diego Gas and Electric Company Line 1600 Couser Canyon Hydrotest Project The purpose of the Project is to conduct hydrostatic strength testing of approximately 5.13 miles of an existing 16-inch-diameter natural gas pipeline. 8/16/2023 9/6/2023 Shawn Agarwal
Siskiyou Pacific Power Pacific Power Mt. Shasta City 4kV Pt. 1 Reconductor Project Proposed work includes reconductoring the existing 0.2 mile of existing overhead distribution lines within Siskiyou County. The Project also involves replacing wood poles with fiberglass poles, including five (5) poles within a field-identified wetland, and updating system protection and other equipment as needed. 06/23/2023 07/14/2023 Alex Lopez
Orange County Southern California Edison TD1713916 Newport Avon Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing and replacing one wood distribution pole. 08/3/2023 08/24/2023 Chris Monary
Riverside City of Wildomar Bundy Canyon Road Improvement Project, Segment 2 (Project) This Project is to improve traffic circulation and to allow for planned future growth in the area, as designated in the 2003 Riverside County General Plan, by providing additional travel lanes and improving safety. As currently planned, the overall Bundy Canyon Road Improvement Project consists of three segments, this application is only for Segment 2, which would occur along Bundy Canyon Road from about 1,400 feet east of Oak Canyon Dr, to about 500 feet west of Harvest Way.
For a description of the project see the public notice.
08/01/2023 08/22/2023 Tiana Huling
Inyo Southern California Edison Southern California Edison’s TD1820394 Homewood Canyon Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The project involves removal and replacement of one deteriorated wood distribution pole (Pole 225645S) with a new wood pole two feet west of the existing pole. Soil disturbance (i.e., excavation by truck-mounted or handheld auger, side casting and backfill) would be limited to approximately 10 feet around the pole location, as well as a general 25-foot temporary work area around the pole for the staging and operation of construction vehicles and equipment. 07/21/2023 08/11/2023 Nimisha Patel
San Diego County San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) SDG&E eTS 63586.01 TL674 Pole Replacement Project SDG&E is proposing to replace two H-frame wood poles with H-frame steel engineered poles and remove one H-frame wood pole from service. 07/14/2023 08/3/2023 Alex Lopez
Statewide United States Army Corps of Engineers Middle-mile Broadband Network Initiative The initiative is to install fiber optic infrastructure throughout California.
07/14/2023 08/12/2023 Reed Hoshovsky
Kern Southern California Edison TD2081578 Dailey Road Pole and Anchor Removal Project The Project involves the removal of one deteriorated wood pole (Pole 445818E) and a screw anchor, which are located in an unnamed ephemeral stream. 07/13/2023 08/2/2023 Shawn Agarwal
Los Angeles Southern California Edison TD1996979 San Francisquito Pole Removal Project The proposed project involves removing one deteriorated wood distribution pole and two associated screw anchors. 07/3/2023 07/23/2023 Shawn Agarwal
Siskiyou County Pacific Power Weed West 6CU Highway 99 Part 1 Reconductor Project Proposed work includes reconductoring approximately 0.2 mile of existing 4 kilovolt overhead distribution power lines within Siskiyou County. Reconductoring involves replacing the conductors (wires) of the existing distribution power lines with covered conductors. The Project also involves replacing wood poles with fiberglass poles, including one (1) pole within a field-identified wetland, and updating system protection and other equipment as needed. 07/3/2023 07/23/2023 Alex Lopez
Yuba County Beale Air Force Base Doolittle Power Station Repair and Upgrade Transmission Line Project Electric transmission and telecommunications lines will be installed at a connection point to the future solar array area and transition to an underground conduit system. 06/29/2023 07/20/2023 Chris Monary
Siskiyou County Pacific Power Siskiyou Lake Part 1 Reconductor Project Proposed work includes reconductoring the existing 12.47 kilovolt overhead distribution power lines within Shasta County 06/29/2023 07/20/2023 Chris Monary
Monterey County Pacific Gas and Electric Gas Line 301G Identified Dig at Mile Posts 14.00-24.33 (ID-642G) Project, Monterey County To investigate and inspect a portion of natural gas pipeline in a wetland complex south of Elkhorn Slough. 6/29/2023 7/19/2023 Alex Lopez
Siskiyou Pacific Power Weed NE Hwy 97 Part 1 Project The proposed Project includes reconductoring approximately 4.97 miles of existing 12.5 kilovolt overhead distribution power lines within Siskiyou County. The Project also involves replacing select wood poles with fiberglass poles, including one (1) pole within a field-identified wetland, and updating system protection and other equipment as needed. 06/28/2022 07/18/2023 Shawn Agarwal
Ventura Southern California Edison TD1992161 South Mountain Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing one wood utility pole (pole 1896785E) for replacement with one new wood pole and caisson. 06/26/2022 07/16/2023 Shawn Agarwal
Siskiyou County Pacific Power Seaid Creek Road Part 2 Reconductor Project Pacific Power is planning fire hardening and reconductoring activities on their existing 12 kilovolt (kV) overhead distribution lines. 06/23/2023 07/14/2023 Chris Monary
Shasta Pacific Power Nutglade Part 2 Reconductoring Project Proposed work includes reconductoring the existing 2.54 kilovolt overhead distribution power lines within Shasta County. The Project also involves replacing select wood poles with fiberglass poles, including two (2) poles within a field-identified wetland, and updating system protection and other equipment as needed. 06/14/2022 07/04/2023 Shawn Agarwal
Siskiyou County Pacific Power North Weed Part 2 Reconductor Project

Reconductoring involves replacing the conductors (wires) of the existing distribution power lines with covered conductors. The Project proposes to replace one (1) wood distribution pole within a field-identified wetland, with a fiberglass pole, as part of a larger reconductoring plan.

06/13/2023 07/03/2023 Alex Lopez
Multiple US Army Corps of Engineers- Sacramento District Reissuance of Regional General Permit 8 for Repair and Protection Activities in Emergency Situations The US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, proposes to reissue Regional General Permit 8 to provide an expediated response to public agencies and private parties for necessary emergency repair and protection measures in waters of the United States. For a description of the proposed project, see the public notice. 06/12/2023 07/24/2023 Ashley Powell
Riverside Southern California Edison TD1964053 Hidden Valley Nature Anchor Replacement & Installation Project The proposed project involves the removal and replacement of one anchor in the same location, and the installation of a second anchor attached to distribution Pole 1205843E along the La Sierra 12kV circuit. 06/09/2022 07/01/2023 Shawn Agarwal
San Bernardino County Federal Highway Authority Mojave National Preserve Road Repairs (Project) This Project is to perform repairs to storm-damaged roadways in the Mojave National Preserve to reopen access for travelers. For a description of the proposed Project, see the public notice document. 06/06/2022 06/27/2023 Reed Hoshovsky
Fresno Lake of the Woods Mutual Water Company Water System Improvement Project (Project) The primary purpose of the Project is to trench, install, and backfill public water system pipelines, including approximately 15 linear feet within Cuddy Creek, an ephemeral stream in the community. 06/02/2022 06/23/2023 Samantha Parker
Statewide United States Army Corps of Engineers Middle-Mile Broadband Network (Second Notice) This Project is to install fiber optic infrastructure throughout California. For a description of the proposed Project, see the public notice document. 05/30/2023 07/14/2023 Stephen Barlow
Los Angeles County, Kern County Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Barren Ridge-Haskell Line 1 Transmission Line Project

The project proposes to replace 243 existing lattice steel towers along the Barren Ridge-Haskell Transmission Line with stronger towers in order to support heavier conductor wire that will allow for upgraded transmission capacity.

05/24/2023 06/22/2023 Alex Lopez
San Diego County San Diego Gas and Electric Line 1600 Rice Canyon Hydrotest Project The purpose of the project is to conduct hydrostatic strength testing of approximately 3.2 miles of an existing natural gas line. Prior to conducting the hydrostatic test, SDG&E will first remove four pressure-control fittings, 17 elbow bends, and six wrinkle bends. Two spans will require support during the hydrotest. The Project also involves installing 710 feet of new 10-inch permanent bypass. 05/24/2023 06/13/2023 Alex Lopez
San Bernadino County Southern California Edison TD1645877 and TD1685221 Prado Transfer Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing and replacing deteriorated wood poles, and/or anchor removal and/or replacement of 13 poles along the Butterfield 12kV circuit. 05/22/2023 06/12/2023 Chris Monary
Mono County Southern California Edison TD1672770 Green Creek Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project Pole 1875399E The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one deteriorated wood distribution pole (Pole 1875399E) with a new lightweight steel pole with a 20-foot x 36-inch caisson. 05/16/2023 06/6/2023 Chris Monary
Tulare Southern California Edison TD1881914 Springville 2 Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project (Project) The primary purpose of the Project is to remove and replace a 40-foot composite pole from within a wetland. The new pole will be installed in a caisson. 05/12/2023 06/2/2023 Samantha Parker
San Bernardino Southern California Edison TD1774474 Barstow Irwin Rd. Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing and replacing two deteriorated 55-foot wood poles (Poles 1613639E and 1613640E) with new 55-foot wood poles. Depending upon soil conditions the poles may be installed within corrugated plastic sonotubes. 05/9/2023 05/29/2023 Alex Lopez
Inyo, Tulare Trout Unlimited Kern Plateau Meadow Restoration Project The Project includes replacement of the existing wood pole (Pole 4881245E) with a new wood pole (New Pole 4881245E) of the same size. The work location will be accessed on foot. The hole for the new pole will be dug by hand within three feet of the existing pole and will be approximately 2-3 feet in diameter and between 6-10 feet deep. 05/3/2023 05/31/2023 Sarmad Alkayssi
San Bernardino DesertXpress Enterprises LLC Brightline West Cajon Pass Project The Project includes the construction and operation of a passenger-only high-speed rail system between the Apple Valley Station and the Rancho Cucamonga station.

Public Notice Document
04/21/2023 05/12/2023 Stephen Barlow
Riverside County Southern California Edison TD1321037 Eastern Morongo Creek Deteriorated Pole Replacement The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 1685578E) with a new lightweight steel pole with a 20-foot x 36-inch caisson. 04/20/2023 05/12/2023 Chris Monary
Mendocino Pacific Gas and Electric Company Bell Springs Road Water Crossing Improvements (Project) The primary purpose of the Project is to complete road maintenance activities to approximately 0.25 mile access roads serving the Garberville-Laytonville transmission line. The work includes installing an 18 inch culvert for a roadside ditch, a 24 inch culvert at an ephemeral drainage, and constructing a rock ford crossing where two ephemeral drainages meet. 04/20/2022 05/11/2023 Samantha Parker
Inyo County Southern California Edison TD1544914 Furnace Creek 33kV Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of the project is to remove and replace one deteriorated wood pole (Pole 1532363E) with a new wood pole. 04/19/2023 05/11/2023 Robert Stoddard
Orange Southern California Edison TD1417247 & TD1710394 Mission Viejo La Paz Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing and replacing two deteriorated 55-foot wood poles (Poles 1613639E and 1613640E) with new 55-foot wood poles. Depending upon soil conditions the poles may be installed within corrugated plastic sonotubes. 04/17/2022 05/7/2023 Alex Lopez
San Diego San Diego Gas & Electric eTS 48596 Pendleton Maintenance Pad (Project) The primary purpose of the Project is to grade an access road and construct a maintenance pad for pole Z246992 to provide year-round and reliable access by SDG&E equipment vehicles and crews to provide maintenance and repairs. 04/14/2022 05/5/2023 Samantha Parker
Marin California Department of Transportation, District 4 Marin State Route 1 Capital Preventive Maintenance Project (EA 04-1J960) Preserve and extend the life of the existing pavement along SR 1 in Marin County. The Project is also needed to repair and upgrade SR 1 facilities to meet current Caltrans standards and comply with Design Information Bulletin 81-02: CAPM Guidelines.
Public Notice Document
4/7/2023 5/5/2023 Sarmad Alkayssi
Statewide U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Certification of the Corps’ Wildfire Regional General Permit Wildfire related activities that involve a discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands.

Public Notice Document
4/3/2023 5/18/2023 Chris Monary
Alameda County Pacific Gas and Electric Company Grant-Eastshore #1 115 kV Tower 000/007 Screw Anchor Installation Project The purpose of this project is to install screw anchors to provide additional support to Tower 000/007 on the Grant-Eastshore #1 115 kV electrical power line. 03/31/2023 04/21/2023 Robert Stoddard
Los Angeles County Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCVWA) Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCVWA) Castaic Well #1 Discharge Project The SCVWA is proposing to install a new 1,097-foot underground 12-inch drain line from the existing Castaic Well #1 at the project’s western extent to the project’s eastern extent in Castaic Creek. 3/24/2023 4/13/2023 Alex Lopez
Orange Orange County Public Works Ocean Outlets Maintenance Program This Project proposes to perform routine maintenance operations at five ocean outlets.

For a description of the proposed Project, see the public notice document
03/22/2023 04/12/2023 Mark Chin
Statewide United State Army Corps of Engineers Middle-Mile Broadband Network This Project is to install fiber optic infrastructure throughout California.

For a description of the proposed Project, see the public notice document.

03/09/2023 03/30/2023 Stephen Barlow
Siskiyou County Pacific Power Weed West and Old Highway 99 Part 3 Reconductoring Project The purpose of this project is to remove a one-foot diameter wood pole from a pasture wetland and placement of clean soil in the hole left by the pole removal. 03/07/2023 03/28/2023 Samantha Parker
Riverside County Southern California Edison TD1835818 Rushmore Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this project is to remove an existing wood utility pole set in caisson and replace with a new wood pole and caisson. 03/06/2023 03/27/2023 Samantha Parker
Mono County Southern California Edison TD1711077 Lake Crowley Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this project is to replace existing deteriorated wooden poles (1787242E and 1787243E) with similar sized steel poles. 03/03/2023 03/24/2023 Robert Stoddard
Kern County CalTrans Middle Mile Broadband Network (MMBBN) #1 The Middle-Mile Broadband Network project will install broadband infrastructure along the State Highway System necessary to bring internet connectivity to homes, businesses, and community institutions per Senate Bill (SB) 156. Project #1 is one segment of this infrastructure. 03/02/2023 03/22/2023 Alex Lopez
Del Norte, Humboldt, Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Sonoma California Department of Fish and Wildlife 2022 Fisheries Habitat Restoration Projects

The purpose of this project is to restore degraded anadromous fish habitat in coastal streams through a variety of salmonid habitat restoration projects.

For a description of the proposed Project, see the public notice document.

03/02/2023 03/23/2023 Stephen Barlow
Ventura County Southern California Edison TD1847919 East Pleasant Valley Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this project is to remove and replace one wood utility pole (Pole 958817E) with a new composite pole inside a steel caisson. 02/22/2023 03/15/2023 Robert Stoddard
Mono County Southern California Edison TD1750049 Lee Vining Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this project is to remove and replace a deteriorated wooden transmission H-Frame structure (Poles 1960501E and 1960502E) with steel poles and caissons within the Inyo National Forest. 2/22/2023 3/15/2023 Samantha Parker
Ventura County Southern California Edison TD1675192 McGrath Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing one deteriorated wood distribution pole (Pole 1561767E) and replacing it with a new wood distribution pole within a three-foot radius of the old pole and anchor removal/replacement within 8 feet of the old anchor location along the CARNGGIE 16kV circuit. 02/8/2023 02/28/2023 Alex Lopez
Alameda, Contra Costa, Matin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Sonoma Pacific Gas & Electric Company PG&E Bay Area Operations and Maintenance Program The proposed Order would provide coverage for PG&E’s Bay Area Operation and Maintenance Program activities required to maintain safe and operable electrical and gas utility infrastructure. The program includes discharges of dredged or fill material to all waters of the state, including federal and non-federal waters. Covered activities include activities required to maintain safe and operable electrical and gas utility infrastructure including operation and maintenance of PG&E’s gas and electrical transmission and distribution systems and minor new construction. 2/07/2023 3/09/2023 Samantha Parker
Imperial County Southern California Edison TD1682141 Blythe Walters Camp Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this project is to remove and replace one wooden pole (Pole 1969523E) with a new wood pole. 02/07/2023 03/01/2023 Robert Stoddard
San Diego San Diego Gas & Electric eTS 56914 Z81053 Drainage Crossing Project (Project) The primary purpose of the Project is to repair an existing damaged access road crossing that is inundated during the wet season which makes it difficult for utility vehicles to pass. Preventative maintenance will improve road safety conditions and help vehicles pass during the wet season. 2/02/2023 2/24/2023 Samantha Parker
San Bernardino County Southern California Edison TD1766006 Barstow Fort Irwin Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this project is to remove and replace one deteriorated wooden transmission pole (Pole A257234E) with a new wood pole. 01/31/2023 02/21/2023 Robert Stoddard
Santa Barbara County Southern California Gas Company Line 36-1007, Dig #3 Anomaly Repair Project The purpose of this project is to inspect a pipeline anomaly and make repairs to the affected section. 01/26/2023 02/17/2023 Chris Monary
Mono County Southern California Edison Southern California Edison TD1684080 Crooked-Rock Creek Marsh Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing two (2) deteriorated wood distribution poles (Poles 1854185E and 1854187E) and replacing them with new wood distribution poles. The new poles will be set by truck from the existing road, on foot using hand tools otherwise. 01/24/2023 02/13/2023 Alex Lopez
Solano, Sacramento Sacramento Municipal Utility District Solano 4 Wind The purpose of this project is to construct 19 new wind turbine generators at the Solano County Wind Resource Area. 01/20/2023 02/10/2023 Mark Chin
San Benito County Pacific Gas and Electric Company Gas Line 300 Identified Dig at Mile Posts 458.54 and 458.55 The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 12 Oil or Natural Gas Pipeline Activities project is to identify, inspect, and potentially repair anomalies along the pipeline. 01/18/2023 02/08/2023 Robert Stoddard
Sacramento County Sacramento Municipal Utility District SMUD Pole 1117A Replacement The purpose of this project is to replace Pole 1117A with a new, hybrid pole composed of steel upper sections and concrete base sections. 01/13/2023 02/03/2023 Chris Monary
San Bernardino County Southern California Edison TD1657927/TD1805441 Flamingo Pipes Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities project is to remove and replace two electrical distribution poles. 01/13/2023 02/02/2023 Alex Lopez
Ventura County Southern California Edison TD1657448 Todd Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this project is to remove and replace one existing wood pole (SCE Pole 798839E) and install one anchor and caisson associated with Pole 798839E. 01/11/2023 02/01/2023 Robert Stoddard


County Name Applicant Project Name Project Purpose Posting Date Comment Deadline Contact
Santa Barbara County Southern California Gas Company Line 247 Dig 10 Anomaly Repair Project The purpose of this project is to inspect and repair/replace approximately 215 linear feet of Line 247, which crosses underneath Dos Pueblos Creek. 12/29/2022 01/19/2023 Chris Monary
San Diego San Diego Gas & Electric CNF, TL626 Road Decommissioning The primary purpose of the Project is to decommission access roads for TL626, one site which requires the removal of a 30-in corrugated metal pipe culvert. 12/22/2022 01/12/2023 Samantha Parker
Ventura County Southern California Edison TD191174 Big Rock Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of the project is to remove a wooden pole and anchor and replace with a new in-kind wood pole to be set within a caisson 12/22/2022 1/12/2023 Robert Stoddard
Ventura County Southern California Edison TD1918082 Twin Peaks Ranch Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 1616222E) with a new wood pole. The pole’s existing anchor will remain in place and be re-used. The new hole will be dug by hand approximately one foot south of the old pole, with dimensions of approximately 2-3 feet in diameter and 5.5 feet in depth. 12/22/2022 1/11/2023 Alex Lopez
Humboldt, Trinity, and Shasta Vero Fiber Networks Digital 299 Broadband Project
The purpose of the proposed activity is to install a fiber optic lines to provide broadband services to residents within portions of Humboldt, Trinity, and Shasta counties between Cottonwood and Eureka, California known to have no, or poor broadband infrastructure. Public Notice. 12/13/2022 1/03/2023 Stephen Barlow
Kern Southern California Edison TD1757687, TD1818016, TD1818018 Kern Preserve project The primary purpose of the Project is to remove/replace deteriorated wood poles, anchor removal/replacement, and overhead work on 15 poles along the Faye 12V circuit. 12/09/2022 12/30/2022 Samantha Parker
Riverside County Southern California Edison TD1944035 Palo Verde Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing a deteriorated wooden pole (2297181E) with a new composite pole. 12/07/2022 12/28/2022 Robert Stoddard
Mono County Southern California Edison TD1552549 Old Mammoth Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project Pole 2055471E The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one deteriorated wood distribution pole (Pole 2055471E) with a new wood pole inside a 24-inch sonotube with gravel backfill to help stabilize the pole. 11/30/2022 12/20/2022 Alex Lopez
Siskiyou Pacific Power Happy Camp Core Part 3 Pole 8100 Removal The purpose of the Project is to remove one wooden electrical distribution pole within a wetland. 11/10/2022 12/01/2022 Samantha Parker
Calaveras, San Joaquin, Contra Costa Counties East Bay Municipal Utility District Aqueduct Recoating Project The Project will improve the exposed pipe sections (gully-crossings) of Mokelumne Aqueduct No. 1. The work will occur at 17 sites in Calaveras County, 13 sites in San Joaquin County, and 26 sites in Contra Costa County. Improvements to the coating system include removing the existing coating by abrasive blasting and recoating the steel aqueduct. 10/28/2022 11/18/2022 Mark Chin
Riverside County Pulte Homes Murrieta Hills Project The primary purpose of the Project is to provide 750 single-and-multiple-family housing units, as well as general commercial and open space land use. 10/25/2022 11/23/2022 Alex Lopez
Los Angeles County Southern California Edison Southern California Edison TD1513267 Titan Infrastructure Replacement Project The project proposes to remove and replace eleven electricity poles and install ten anchor replacements. 10/19/2022 11/09/2022 Chris Monary
San Diego County San Diego Gas and Electric eTS 57115.01 TL686 Pole Replacement Z118311 Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities project is to remove and replace pole Z118311 with a new, similar sized Douglas fir pole that is 65 feet in height. 10/19/2022 11/09/2022 Robert Stoddard
San Joaquin SFPP, L.P. (a Kinder Morgan Subsidiary) LS-9 Pipeline Assessment and Repairs Project (Joint 47260) The project involves assessment and repairs to Joint 47260 on the LS-9 pipeline near Stockton. Dents, including metal loss, cracking or stress risers have been observed at this location requiring immediate investigation and repair. The project includes assessment of the exposed pipeline at JT 47260 to remove the pipeline coating and weld a metal sleeve (B-sleeve) to the pipeline. 10/11/2022 11/01/2022 Samantha Parker
Monterey County Carmel Valley Manor Carmel Valley Manor Sewer Main Extension Project The Project would extend sewer service to the existing Carmel Valley Manor senior living facility. 10/06/2022 10/27/2022 Alex Lopez
Riverside County Southern California Gas Company Pipeline Safety Enhancement Program Line 2001 West Section D Badlands-Hydrostatic Test Project The purpose of this project is to perform seven hydrostatic tests of approximately 6.03 miles of 30-inch-diameter pipe along L2001W-D Badlands 10/05/2022 10/26/2022 Robert Stoddard
Ventura County Southern California Edison TD1869637 Sycamore Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project Replace one wood utility pole (Pole 88552E) with a new wood pole fitted with a caisson. 9/30/2022 10/21/2022 Chris Monary
San Diego County San Diego Gas and Electric Cleveland National Forest Access Roads Repair Project for Transmission Line 6957 The project proposes to install the following over an ephemeral watercourse road crossing: a stabilized rock crossing, riprap on both roadsides, and velocity dissipators up- and downstream of the crossing. 9/29/2022 10/20/2022 Devin Jokerst
Alpine, Merced, and Stanislaus Caltrans-District 10 Broadband Middle Mile (BBMM) Installation The purpose of the project is to install conduit through, on, over, or under bridge structures crossing designated navigable waters of the United States at the Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Merced, and East Fork Carson Rivers. 9/23/2022 10/14/2022 Samantha Parker
San Diego County SFPP, L.P. SFPP LS-126 Carroll Canyon Pipeline Replacement Project SFPP will replace an approximate 67-foot segment of pipeline. 9/20/2022 10/11/2022 Robert Stoddard
Orange County Southern California Edison Bommer Canyon Conduit Line Installation The proposed project involves the installation of an underground conduit line along the Arnold 12kV circuit. Ground disturbance for the conduit line installation includes initial excavation by heavy machinery of a trench line measuring approximately two feet wide by three to six feet deep along the roadside of Bommer Canyon Road. Where the trench line intersects a drainage feature that cross through the project area, a bore-hole machine will be used to horizontal directional drill (HDD) under the aquatic feature. 9/16/2022 10/6/2022 Chris Monary
Humboldt Briceland Community Services District Water Treatment Improvement Project The purpose of the Project is to improve the existing water infrastructure within the community of Briceland, including replacement of an existing water line over an unnamed tributary. 9/19/2022 10/10/2022 Devin Jokerst
Los Angeles County Southern California Edison TD1657903 / TD1657907 / TD1657884 / TD1657909 / TD1821342 / TD1658003 / TD1989471 Wood Rd Deteriorated Poles Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing seven wood utility poles with new wood poles and caissons. The new poles will be set by truck. Crews will drill a 3-ft diameter hole using a boom truck with a pole auger. 9/8/2022 9/28/2022 Alex Lopez
Ventura County Southern California Edison TD1891865 Hermosa Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The project involves removing and replacing one wood utility pole (Pole 4732415E) with a new wood pole. 9/7/2022 9/28/2022 Robert Stoddard
San Diego County San Diego Gas and Electric eTS 51054 Broken Culvert Daley Ranch, Z12894, Escondido SDG&E proposes to repair a damaged culvert and restore an existing access road to maintain accessibility to SDG&E transmission structures. The replaced culvert will provide flow for the existing drainage under the road and will prevent undermining of the existing access road during flow events. 9/6/2022 9/26/2022 Alex Lopez
San Diego County San Diego Gas and Electric SDG&E eTS 51330 Bridge and Rock Drainage Crossing, Z415753 SDG&E proposes to repair the access road across two drainages due to erosional issues causing instability. To maintain function of the access road for SDG&E crews, improvements at an existing bridge crossing, at Drainage 1, and installation of a new rock crossing, at Drainage 2, are proposed. 9/6/2022 9/26/2022 Alex Lopez
Santa Clara Pacific Gas & Electric Electric R-1570 L-300A MP 463.16-464.23 Replace Pipe Project The purpose of the project is to replace approximately 1,750 feet of existing 34-inch vintage pipe with new 34-inch pipe in order to mitigate risks from the old pipeline. 9/2/2022 9/26/2022 Samantha Parker
San Diego County San Diego Gas and Electric eTS 51184 Access Road Erosion Repair at Z96568 Project The purpose of this project is to make access road improvements by installing headwalls and a riprap rock dissipator to mitigate the erosion occurring at the existing culvert drainage 9/1/2022 9/21/2022 Alex Lopez
San Diego County San Diego Gas and Electric eTS 49238 TCM Access Road Repair Escondido Project The purpose of this project is to make access road improvements by installing an 18-inch high-density polyethylene (HDPE) culvert and wing type headwalls at a drainage crossing for an existing access road 9/1/2022 9/21/2022 Alex Lopez
Riverside Southern California Edison TD1754980 Florida Ave Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The project’s purpose is to replace a single deteriorated pole within the intermittent South Fork San Jacinto River using a bucket truck, a truck-mounted auger, pickup truck, and hand tools. 9/1/2022 9/21/2022 Devin Jokerst
Los Angeles County Southern California Edison TD1683382 Fir Tree Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this project is to remove one existing 65-feet tall wood pole and replace it with a new 60-feet tall wood pole that will be installed approximately 90-feet south of the existing location. 8/31/2022 9/21/2022 Robert Stoddard
Kern County Southern California Edison TD1662943 Shepherd Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed project involves removing and replacing one existing 40-foot-tall wood utility pole (Pole 2253962E) with a new 45-foot-tall composite pole. The location will be accessed on foot from Highway 178 and the new pole will be set by hand. 8/30/2022 9/20/2022 Alex Lopez
Del Norte County Pacific Power Pacific Power’s Line 87 Pole Replacement Project Replace a deteriorating creosote transmission structure near a culvert, which has created surrounding wetland conditions. 8/30/2022 9/20/2022 Chris Monary
San Diego San Diego Gas and Electric Cleveland National Forest (CNF) Access Roads Repair Project for Transmission Line (TL) 625C The purpose of the project is to install a 10.7 foot long, 12.3 foot wide stabilized rock crossing to remedy erosion and/or sediment transport along an access road associated with TL625C. 8/26/2022 9/16/2022 Samantha Parker
San Diego San Diego Gas and Electric Cleveland National Forest Access Roads Repair Project for Circuit 442 The purpose of this project is to install riprap dissipators up and downstream of a watercourse road crossing, install 22-inch stabilized rock at the drainage, and install riprap along the proposed edge of the road and downstream along the flowline of the existing channel. 8/24/2022 9/14/2022 Devin Jokerst
Ventura Southern California Edison Santa Paula Pole Replacement Project The purpose of the project is to remove and replace four existing wood poles on the Balcom 16 kilovolt Fillmore–Sub Distribution Circuit Pole 925612E, Pole 925611E, Pole 925610E and Pole 4376251E. 8/22/2022 9/13/2022 Samantha Parker
Kern County Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC Phillips 66 Pipeline, NC-14 SID 2060 Anomaly Investigation and Repair The purpose of the project is to investigate and repair anomalies along a section of crude oil pipeline. 8/16/2022 9/5/2022 Alex Lopez
Los Angeles County California Water Service Olmsted Creek Pipe Crossing Project The project involves the replacement and relocation of 100 feet of an existing 16-inch water pipeline within Olmstead Creek. 8/16/2022 9/5/2022 Alex Lopez
Alameda Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Newark-Nummi 115 kV Transmission Line – Tower 000/004 The purpose of this project is to install eight 1-inch diameter metal screw anchors around the base of Tower 000/004. Two anchors will be installed at each of the four tower leg foundations. 8/16/2022 9/7/2022 Robert Stoddard
Sonoma Pacific Gas and Electric R-1355 L-021B MP 8.7 Lower Pipe Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 12 (oil or natural gas pipeline activities) project is to replace an existing gas transmission pipeline that spans an intermittent stream. 8/12/2022 9/1/2022 Devin Jokerst
Yolo Kinder Morgan, SFPP Line 2051 Post ILI Digs Project The project is located within Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, in unincorporated Yolo County, California, 8/10/2022 8/31/2022 Samantha Parker
San Diego San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) eTS 21207 Deer Creek Bridge Span Project SDG&E proposes to install a bridge over Deer Canyon Creek at an existing access road to minimize impacts to the creek and allow continued access along TL23001 8/10/2022 8/31/2022 Robert Stoddard
Inyo Southern California Edison (SCE) 902776932 Horton Creek Mesa Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project Removing 2 deteriorated wood transmission poles consisting of 1 H-frame structure and replacing them with new wood transmission poles 8/9/2022 8/30/2022 Chris Monary
Riverside Southern California Gas Company Line 2051 Post ILI Digs Project The purpose of the Project is to expose sections of an existing natural gas pipeline within federal waters to verify the condition of the pipe and make necessary repairs based on previous in-line inspection results. 8/9/2022 8/30/2022 Samantha Parker
San Diego County Otay Water District Steele Canyon Road Bridge 20-inch Water Line and 6-inch Sewer Line Renovation Project The project proposes repair to several corroded sections of a 20-inch welded steel waterline and a 6-inch steel sewer pipeline attached to the underside of Steele Canyon Road Bridge, which spans a tributary to Sweetwater River. 8/8/2022 8/29/2022
Kern County Southern California Edison (SCE) Southern California Edison (SCE) TD1679198 St Peters Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing six existing wood poles (SCE Poles 4090994E, 4389244E, 685470E, 28251CIT, 28252CIT, and 4254620E) and two anchors associated with Poles 4389244E, and 4254620E. 7/29/2022 8/18/2022 Chris Monary
Riverside County Southern California Edison TD1755143 Charles St. Banning Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one deteriorated wood utility pole (78682S) with a new wood pole (new number 4949713E). 7/18/2022 8/7/2022 Alex Lopez
Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, Sonoma Pacific Gas and Electric PG&E Bay Area Operations and Maintenance Program PG&E’s Bay Area Operation and Maintenance Program consists of activities required to maintain safe and operable electrical and gas utility infrastructure including operation and maintenance of PG&E’s gas and electrical transmission and distribution systems and minor new construction.

PG&E Bay Area O&M General Order
7/12/2022 8/26/2022 Samantha Parker
Mono County Southern California Edison TD1684084 Crowley Campground Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities project is to replace two wood utility poles and install their respective anchors south of Lake Crowley, Mono County. 7/8/2022 7/28/2022 Samantha Parker
Riverside County Southern California Edison TD1752869 Monolith Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities project is to replace one wood utility pole and anchor (Pole1760527E) with one new wood pole and anchor near Perris within Riverside County. 7/1/2022 7/22/2022 Robert Stoddard
Los Angeles County Southern California Edison Southern California Edison (SCE) TD1660228 Woodside Pole Removal Project (Project). The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 (Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities) project is to remove two existing pole butts (SCE Poles 1008164E and 1004588E) and fill the hole with native dirt or pea gravel. 6/30/2022 7/20/2022 Alex Lopez
Los Angeles Southern California Edison Multiple TD Devil’s Gate Deteriorated Pole replacement Project The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 57 (Electric Utility Line and Telecommunications Activities) Activities project is to trim and remove vegetation to minimize fire hazards posed by trees and other vegetation surrounding SCE powerlines. The Project may result in 0.001 acres (10 linear feet) of temporary impacts to potentially jurisdictional non-wetland Waters of the U.S/Waters of the State from crossing an unnamed drainage to access to Pole 4894358E. No permanent impacts will occur to non-wetland Waters of the U.S/Waters of the State, however 32 riparian trees will be removed from associated riparian habitat. 6/21/2022 7/11/2022 Samantha Parker
Orange County California Department of Transportation, District 12 State Route 91 Improvement Project between State Route 57 and State Route 55 (OCTA M2 "Project I"), Segment 1 The primary goal of the proposed Project is to improve traffic operations on State Route 91 (SR-91) between Acacia Street (west of SR-57) and just east of Lakeview Avenue (east of SR-55). 6/28/2022 7/18/2022 Sarmad Alkayssi
San Bernardino County Federal Highway Administration Cima Road
To improve road conditions along four main access routes in the Mojave National Preserve for the benefit and safety of visitors. See Public Notice Document. 6/24/2022 7/14/2022 Stephen Barlow
San Bernardino County Southern California Edison (SCE) TD1817105 Jellystone Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project Removing and replacing one deteriorated wood distribution pole (Pole 4846667E) with a new wood pole as well as installing one new anchor associated with Pole 4846667E 6/22/2022 7/7/2022 Chris Monary
Orange California Resources Corporation Platform Emmy Pipelines Rectification Project Rectification of 3 pipeline span areas to return 3-inch HP gas pipeline and 3-inch freshwater pipeline to approximate maximum span requirements 6/17/2022 7/7/2022 Devin Jokerst
San Bernardino San Bernardino County Department of Public Works Routine Maintenance of Concrete Facilities for the San Bernardino County Master Stormwater System Maintenance Program For a description of the proposed project see the draft Order and Public Notice Document. 6/16/2022 7/16/2022 Mark Chin
Yolo Kinder Morgan
SFPP LS-130 SWML Anomaly Repair at Sites CA-187, CA-188, and CA-189 Complete direct assessment on LS-130 pipeline using direct assessment by excavation on 3 sites in close proximity. 6/8/2022 6/29/2022 Chris Monary
Solano County Pacific Gas and Electric Fulton Jct-Vaca 050/314 PG&E proposes to remove a tower foundation and associated rock and concrete piling, then backfill the remaining hole. Work will be performed using hand power tools and a backhoe. 6/7/2022 6/27/2022 Alex Lopez
Yolo Kinder Morgan (SFPP, L.P.) SFPP LS-130 SWML Anomaly Repair at Site CA-180 This project conducts direct assessment on 8-inch Line Segment 130 (LS-130) pipeline of seam weld metal loss (SWML) by excavation. Pipeline will be evaluated and repairs completed, as necessary, to maintain the pipeline’s integrity. 6/1/2022 6/21/2022 Samantha Parker
San Bernardino California Department of Transportation, District 8 Median Regrading on I-40 from Post Mile R25 to Post Mile R50 The purpose of the Project is to reduce the severity and number of accidents in the I-40 median between Post Mile R25 and R50 by flattening the slopes and upgrading the existing highway safety features within the clear recovery zone.
5/31/2022 6/29/2022 Sarmad Alkayssi
Riverside Southern California Edison Shaver Summit Pressure Limiting Station Redesign Project SoCalGas proposes to modify the existing Shaver Summit Pressure Limiting Station to meet current standards associated with corrosion and cathodic protection. 5/31/2022 6/20/2022 Devin Jokerst
Alameda County Pacific Gas and Electric I-660 DFM-2403-12 MP 0.70 Replace 12" Pipe PG&E proposes to upgrade two (2) elbows on the existing gas line to allow the passage of a pipeline investigative tool. In order to replace the elbows, PG&E would excavate within a drainage ditch to expose the existing gas line, cut out the elbow segments and replace it with a new section of the pipe in the same location 5/25/2022 6/14/2022 Alex Lopez
Ventura County Southern California Edison TD1481134, TD1908637, TD1596556 Santa Paula Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The Project involves removing and replacing three existing wood poles on the Balcom 16 kilovolt Fillmore–Sub Distribution Circuit (refer to Table 1, below, for Project components): Pole 925612E, Pole 925611E, and Pole 4376251E. The Project is located approximately 0.25 mile up an existing, gated, dirt access road, north of a private citrus farm. The dirt access road can be reached from Loftus Canyon Road via South Mountain Road. 5/18/2022 6/8/2022 Samantha Parker
Ventura Southern California Edison TD1485942 Arroyo View Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of the Nationwide Permit 57 project is to remove and replace a single wood pole in Arroyo Canejo. 5/10/2022 6/1/2022 Devin Jokerst
Santa Barbara County Southern California Edison SCE TD1724479 Bailard Carp Pole Replacement Project The Project involved replacing one deteriorated 60-foot-tall wooden pole with a new 60-foot-tall wooden pole. 5/11/2022 5/31/2022 Alexander Lopez
Ventura County Southern California Edison Saugus-Fillmore-Santa Clara-Wakefield (Idle)-Timber Canyon 66-kV Line (S-F-SC-W-TC) Deteriorated Pole Replacement (TD1468324) The project consists of removing five deteriorated wood poles (composed of two H-frames and a single wood pole) and replacing them with three tubular steel poles (TSPs). Poles will be accessed via temporary graded access paths, and replaced using heavy equipment including but not limited to backhoe, augur, crane, and concrete delivery/pumping trucks. 4/29/2022 5/20/2022 Alexander Lopez
San Luis Obispo Southern California Gas Company eTS 51916 SL44-307 Morro Creek Crossing Recoat Project in Morro Bay The purpose of this Nationwide Permit 12 project is to remove the damaged coating, inspect the pipe, and recoat the pipe along the span and for a short distance beneath the stream banks. The pipeline will be excavated and exposed using hand tools. 4/29/2022 5/20/2022 Devin Jokerst
San Diego County San Diego Gas & Electric Company eTS 8363 TL 6926 Fire Hardening Project The Project will involve: 1) the removal of 7 miles of TL 6926, leaving the existing distribution circuits in place from the Rincon Substation to the Valley Center Substation; 2) the installation of an underground alignment from Valley Center Substation to a cable pole on Pauma Heights Road; and 3) rebuilding 3 miles of an existing single circuit to a double circuit from able pole on Pauma Heights Road to the Rincon Substation. 5/2/2022 5/20/2022 Samantha Parker
San Diego County San Diego Gas & Electric Company Line 1600 Daley Ranch Hydrotest Project To safely conduct the strength test and prevent leaks from occurring, SDG&E will first remove one pressure-control fitting, remove 11 elbow bends, remove two wrinkle bends, install test heads, and replace and reroute two sections of pipe. 4/27/2022 5/18/2022 Samantha Parker
Imperial County SoCalGas SoCalGas Pipeline Safety Enhancement Plan (PSEP) for Line 41-6000-1 Line Abandonment Project The purpose of the Nationwide Permit 12 project is to remove a segment of a natural gas pipeline and replace service connection to an existing meter at the Calipatria State Prison. 4/11/2022 5/2/2022 Alex Lopez
Placer County Kinder Morgan (SFPP, L.P.) SFPP LS-64 SWML Anomaly Repair at Site CA-69 This project will conduct direct assessment of potential seam weld metal loss by excavation on its 8-inch Line Section 64 pipeline. Repairs will be made as necessary to maintain the pipeline’s integrity. 3/30/2022 4/20/2022 Ashley Powell
Humboldt, Mendocino, Monterey, Siskiyou, and Sonoma Counties California Department of Fish and Wildlife 2021 Fisheries Habitat Restoration Projects

The Project would include the following restoration or enhancement activity classes: Instream Habitat Improvements, Unanchored Large Woody Debris, Fish Passage at Stream Crossings, Riparian Habitat Restoration, Upslope Restoration, and Watershed and Stream Bank Stability.

For a description of the proposed Project, see the public notice document.

3/24/2022 4/14/2022 Brendan Reed
Los Angeles County Southern California Edison TD1559926 Lake Palmdale Idle Pole Removal Project The proposed Project involves removing three idle 40-foot-tall Class 5 wood poles (SCE Poles 800359E, 800360E, and 800361E) as they are no longer utilized to distribute power to customers. 3/17/2022 4/7/2022 Ashley Powell
Humboldt, Trinity, and Shasta Vero Fiber Networks Digital 299 Broadband Project For a description of the proposed Project, see the public notice document. 3/11/2022 4/1/2022 Brendan Reed
San Bernardino County Southern California Edison TD1362226 Blythe Black Meadow Landing Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood pole with a new wood pole in the same location. The new hole will be dug by hand or mechanical auger, and the pole will be set by truck. Standard excavation depths range between 6 and 10 feet with a diameter of 2 to 3 feet. 3/3/2022 3/23/2022 Alex Lopez
Contra Costa County SFPP, LP SFPP LS-8 SWML Anomaly Repair at Site CA-80 The project will assess the pipeline using excavation to evaluate the pipeline’s integrity. 3/2/2022 3/23/2022 Ashley Powell
Mono County Southern California Edison Twin Lakes Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Project proposes to install a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) to improve the reliability of SCE’s Highland Electrical Grid. The project includes trenching, grading, and the installation of a concrete foundation to support the battery placement, storage area, enclosed switches and conductors. A perimeter wall will also be installed around the BESS facility. Access improvements for the BESS will involve the culverting of a roadside ditch. 3/1/2022 3/21/2022 Alex Lopez
Riverside County Southern California Edison TD1658477 Wildomar Balloon Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The project will remove and replace deteriorated wooden pole 1885590E and install one caisson. 2/25/2022 3/18/2022 Ashley Powell
Contra Costa County SFPP, LP SFPP LS-8 SWML Anomaly Repair at Site CA-88 The purpose of this project is to inspect and repair a crude oil pipeline. The pipeline will be accessed via trench excavation. 2/24/2022 3/16/2022 Alex Lopez
Contra Costa County SFPP, LP SFPP LS-8 SWML Anomaly Repair at Site CA-87 The project will complete direct assessments on the 8-inch LA-8 Pipeline via open trench excavation. Repairs will be made if necessary. 2/18/2022 2/11/2022 Ashley Powell
Alameda County SFPP, LP SFPP LS-16 SWML Integrity Digs CA-164 and CA-165 Project aims to complete two pipeline assessments and, if necessary, repairs along a petroleum pipeline. The pipeline will be accessed by open trench excavation. 2/17/2022 3/10/2022 Alex Lopez
San Bernardino County Southern California Edison TD1389728 Cima Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The purpose of this project is to remove and replace Pole X15872E. 02/17/2022 03/10/2022 Ashley Powell
Contra Costa County SFPP, LP SFPP LS-72 SWML Anomaly Repair at Site CA-106 The purpose of this project is to inspect and repair a crude oil pipeline. The pipeline will be accessed via trench excavation. 2/10/2022 3/2/2022 Alex Lopez
Contra Costa County SFPP, LP SFPP LS-72 SWML Anomaly Repair at Site CA-105 The purpose of this project is to inspect and repair a crude oil pipeline. The pipeline will be accessed via trench excavation. 2/7/2022 2/27/2022 Alex Lopez
Solano County Pacific Gas and Electric T-1541 L-150 MP 10.87-15.75 Test Pb-185 - Location H PG&E will be conducting hydrostatic strength testing of the existing 6-inch diameter L-150 natural gas pipeline in Solano County. 01-25-2022 02-15-2022 Alex Lopez
San Diego County San Diego Gas & Electric Company Line 1600 Moosa Creek Hydrotest Project To safely conduct the strength test and prevent leaks from occurring, SDG&E must first remove three pressure control fittings and nine elbow bends (BNDs) on the existing pipeline, install test heads, and install a two-inch-diameter temporary bypass line to feed Regulator Station 1483. 01-24-2022 02-13-2022 Alex Lopez
San Joaquin County California Department of Transportation 10-1E610 - SJ Drainage Pump Plant Upgrade The proposed Drainage Pump Plant Upgrade project proposes to rehabilitate five (5) storm water pumping plants on State Routes (SRs) 4, SR 99 and SR 120 in San Joaquin (SJ) County. 01-12-2021 02-02-2022 Ashley Powell


County Name Applicant Project Name Project Purpose Posting Date Comment Deadline Contact
Santa Clara County Pacific Gas and Electric R-1243 L-300A Mile Point (MP) 485.8-486 Pipe Replacement Project The project includes a vintage pipe replacement consisting of approximately 1,400-feet of L-300A. The segment contains an approximately 45-foot-long span within a jurisdictional wetland that will be replaced via open trench. Trenches will be backfilled with a mix of native and non-native material. The existing span will be removed. Existing contours will be restored. 12-31-2021 01-20-2022 Jean Bandura
Los Angeles County Southern California Edison TD1650157 San Francisquito Canyon Anchor Replacement Project The proposed Project involves installation of a new anchor for SCE Pole 4103836E 12-31-2021 01-20-2022 Alex Lopez
Ventura County Southern California Edison TD1721125 Gonzalez Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The Project involves replacing one deteriorated pole (Pole 803583E) with a new wood pole located on the Carnegie 16 kilovolt (kV) line. The new pole will be set 1- foot northwest of the existing pole. The pole will be accessed from Harbor Boulevard and will require approximately 530 feet of travel along an existing dirt road. 12-23-2021 01-12-2022 Alex Lopez
Mono County Pacific Gas and Electric Company TD1366659 Mammoth Cottonwood Canyon Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood pole (Pole 4464444E) with a new wood pole in the same location. The old pole will be accessed by truck and on foot. It will be removed and carried out. The new hole will be dug by hand or mechanical auger and the new pole will be set by truck. 12-23-2021 01-12-2022 Alex Lopez
Riverside County Southern California Edison TD1755155 Redlands Stubby Grid Resiliency Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood pole (Pole 4824453E) with a new wood pole. The new pole will be set approximately 1 foot north of the old pole location. The pole will be accessed by truck via an existing dirt road. The new pole hole will be dug by machine auger or by hand. 12-23-2021 01-12-2022 Alex Lopez
Santa Clara County Pacific Gas and Electric Company T-1533 GCUST5783 Test 572’ Project

The project involves hydrostatic testing of an approximately 0.6-mile-long segment of an existing natural gas pipeline, a portion of which traverses under a wetland subject to Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act.

10-14-2021 11-03-2021 Alex Lopez
San Bernardino County Calnev Pipe Line LLC Calnev SWML Anomaly Digs 2021

The need for the proposed project is to perform inspections and maintenance of the buried pipeline to confirm and maintain the integrity of the pipeline.

10-14-2021 11-04-2021 Ashley Powell
San Bernardino County Calnev Pipe Line LLC Calnev ML-1 Anomaly Dig Repair at JT 13651 in Cajon Wash

The purpose of the proposed project is to maintain the existing pipeline conveyance system for public safety, protection of the environment, and operation of its facilities in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

09-30-2021 10-21-2021 Ashley Powell
Fresno County Pacific Gas and Electric Company Los Banos North Crossing Rehabilitation Project

For a description of the proposed project see the draft Order.

Public noticing document
09-10-2021 10-11-2021 Brendan Reed
Napa County City of Calistoga Water Reliability Transmission and Distribution Improvement - Conn Creek Water Line Project The objective of the project is to protect and extend the life of critical water infrastructure from scour and flooding conditions, which may interrupt service, by relocating the existing NBA pipeline out of Conn Creek. 09-07-2021 09-28-2021 Ashley Powell
Mono County Southern California Edison TD1696113 Mammoth Crowley Lake Drive Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing one wood pole (Pole 424177S) with a new composite sectional pole in the same location. 08-26-2021 09-15-2021 Ashley Powell
Alameda County Phillips 66 Pipeline Company, LLC Line 200 Repair SID 191, 500.28.61 Project This project will conduct maintenance repairs on the pipeline as required to prevent a “derate” in operating pressure. 08-19-2021 09-09-2021 Ashley Powell
Statewide U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2021 General Water Quality Certification of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permits For a description of the project purpose, see the Public Notice of Application for Water Quality Certification for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permits 08-18-2021 10-2-2021 Beth Payne
Siskiyou County PacificCorp North Ring Fence The purpose of this project is to bring this section of electrical distribution line up to Pacific Power standards for fire resiliency 08-13-2021 09-3-2021 Ashley Powell
Tulare County Southern California Edison TD1548884 Soda Springs Grid Resiliency Project The proposed Project involves pole replacement, pole removal, anchor installation, and/or overhead work on fifteen pole locations. 08-11-2021 08-31-2021 Alex Lopez
Sonoma County Pacific Gas and Electric Project R-1269 This project is designed to repair and protect the pipeline that is currently re-buried under approximately 8” of sediment. 08-10-2021 08-31-2021 Ashley Powell
San Joaquin Pacific Gas and Electric Bellota Substation 115kV Pad Expansion Project This project proposed to develop, construct, and operate the North Central Valley Energy Center located in San Joaquin County, California. 08-04-2021 08-25-2021 Ashley Powell
Monterey County Chevron Pipe Line Company 19-SAL-02 Repair Site
The purpose of the Project is to complete a repair of an identified anomaly on the Salinas River Lateral Pipeline system. The repairs will be completed via temporary open-trenching. 08-04-2021 08-25-2021 Ashley Powell
Ventura County Southern California Edison TD1515478 Daggett Deteriorated Pole Replacement This project will remove an existing H-Frame and install a new H-frame and associated caissons immediately southeast of the existing H-frame and caissons on the Kramer-Coolwater 115kV circuit line. 07-14-2021 08-04-2021 Alex Lopez
San Bernardino County Southern California Edison TD1496827, TD1645008, TD1645009, and TD1645010 Lytle Creek Green Mountain Road Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The proposed Project involves removing and replacing fourteen (14) wood poles with new wood poles, with one pole (4538196E) being located within RWQCB and USACE jurisdiction. 07-14-2021 08-03-2021 Alex Lopez
Contra Costa County Chevron Environmental Management Company Old Valley Pipeline Section Removal Across Refugio Creek Project seeks to remove a section of the Old Valley Pipeline to enhance the safety of the retired pipeline by removing it from where it crosses over the Refugio Creek. 07-13-2021 08-02-2021 Alex Lopez
San Bernardino County Frontier Communications Frontier 5251436 Project proposes to repair and upgrade an underground fiber optic cable using an existing conduit within Badger Channel. 07-02-2021 07-22-2021 Alex Lopez
Sonoma County Sonoma County Pavement Preservation Program

Routine maintenance of existing roadways, including culverts, guard rails, and roadside ditches.

07-01-2021 07-31-2021 Mark Chin
Multiple N/A Statewide Restoration General Order Proposed Order for Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Waste Discharge Requirements for Restoration Projects Statewide.
  • Notice and Documents for Public Review
06-30-2021 08-13-2021 See Notice for contact information
Ventura County Southern California Gas eTs 45579 L406 MP 17.76 Aggen Span Maintenance Project Includes pipeline inspection, paint abatement, coating removal, and recoating that will require the temporary installation of scaffolding within the channel in LA RWQCB jurisdiction. 06-30-2021 07-21-2021 Ashley Powell
Mariposa County National Park Service Rehabilitation of Bridalveil Creek Campground Water Distribution System Phase I The project will replace approximately 12,000 linear feet of existing cast iron and galvanized steel water line with all appurtenances, including nine hydrants; replace one existing meter and a badly deteriorated underground water tank with an above ground storage tank at Bridalveil Creek Campground; and install new water meters throughout the Bridalveil Creek Campground. 06-29-2021 07-19-2021 Alex Lopez
San Bernardino County Southern California Edison TD1344599 Lytle Creek Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project The Project aims to remove and replace one deteriorated wood electricity pole with a new wood pole, as well as to install an anchor to support the new pole. 06-22-2021 07-12-2021 Alex Lopez
Contra Costa County City of Hercules Sycamore Avenue Trunk Sewer Replacement Project The existing pipeline will be replaced with a 30-inch fusible polyvinyl chloride (FPVC) or high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe generally in the same alignment. 06-08-2021 06-29-2021 Ashley Powell
Merced County SFPP, LP, a subsidiary of Kinder Morgan LS-62 Pipeline Exposure at Merced River Project Project proposes to remove a section of exposed petroleum pipeline from the Merced River. 5-28-2021 6-17-2021 Alex Lopez
Sacramento County Pacific Gas and Electric (V-519) PROJECT The purpose of the project is to permanently remove the inoperable cross-tie valve and
replace with one (1) new 16 inch-pipe and one (1) new 12-inch pipe approximately 6 feet
long to strengthen the integrity of the SP2Z and SP4Z gas pipelines.
5-25-2021 6-15-2021 Ashley Powell
Mono County Southern California Edison TD1622181 Casa Diablo-Control-Sherwin 115kV Subtransmission Line Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project SCE or SCE contracted crews propose to replace one existing deteriorated wood H-frame structure one new Light-Weight Steel H-frame structure. This structure will be removed and replaced using a helicopter set and foot access (hand digging). 5-20-2021 6-9-2021 Ashley Powell
Inyo County Southern California Edison 903098758 Control-Haiwee Remediation Project Project intends to repair two legs of an electrical transmission tower. Repairs are needed to address damaged concrete caps and corroded steel leg members. 5-20-2021 6-9-2021 Alex Lopez
Mono County Southern California Edison TD1663124 Mammoth Point Ranch Deteriorated Pole Replacement Project Project proposes the removal and replacement of a deteriorated wood pole with a new wood pole and includes placement of a 24-inch sonotube around the pole with 2 cubic yards of pea-sized gravel fill material between the pole and the form. 5-19-2021 6-8-2021 Ashley Powell

Ventura County

Southern California Gas Company

Line 8109 Erosion Repair Project

Project aims to excavate, examine, and remediate a pipeline exposure in order to prevent future exposure due to erosion.



Alex Lopez

San Luis Obispo County

Pacific Gas and Electric

Morro Creek Tributary Crossing Rehabilitation (South Culvert)

Replace existing culvert crossing of Escabroso Rd to ensure long-term access to electric transmission facilities.



Ashley Powell

Sonoma County Sonoma County Pavement Preservation Program Routine maintenance of existing roadways, including culverts, guard rails, and roadside ditches 5-4-2021 5-25-2021 Mark Chin
San Luis Obispo County Pacific Gas and Electric- Fresno Morro Creek Tributary Crossing Rehabilitation (North Culvert) Replace existing culvert crossing of Escabroso Rd to ensure long-term access to electric transmission facilities. 4-26-2021 6-9-2021 Ashley Powell
San Bernardino County San Bernardino County Master Storm Water System Maintenance Program – Concrete Facilities Routine maintenance of concrete lined flood control facilities. 4-19-2021 5-19-2021 Mark Chin
Contra Costa County Chevron Pipe Line Company Chevron Pipe Line Company BAPL 2020-AB-010 PIM Repair Project To investigate and repair/replace a specific anomaly in the Avon to Bethany leg of the Bay Area Product Line. 4-5-2021 4-25-2021 Alex Lopez
Riverside Southern California Gas Company PSEP Line 2001 West Santa Ana River Crossing Pipe Bridge Removal Demolition of existing suspension pipe bridge 4-1-2021 4-21-2021 Elizabeth Reece
Yolo County Chevron Pipe Line Company Bay Area Product Line Sacramento Ship Channel Mat Remediation Replace five displaced or damaged articulated concrete mats protecting an oil pipeline at its crossing in the Sacramento Deep Water Ship Channel 3-22-2021 4-11-2021 Alex Lopez
Los Angeles County Southern California Gas Company Line 225 MP 80.12 Exposure Repair Project Repair a natural gas pipeline and cover the pipeline with erosion-protecting mats. 3-22-2021 4-11-2021 Alex Lopez
Contra Costa County Chevron Pipe Line Company BAPL 2020-RA-001 and 2020-RA-002 PIM Repairs Project Investigate and repair/replace specific anomalies identified in the Bay Area Products Line (BAPL) Richmond leg of the pipeline that could compromise pipeline integrity. 3-19-2021 4-09-2021 Julia Beals
San Diego County SFPP, LP SFPP LS-126 Carlsbad Pipeline Exposure Evaluation Project Evaluate and repair, if applicable, a 238-foot segment of exposed pipeline. 3-19-2021 4-09-2021 Julia Beals
Multiple Cal Fish & Wildlife 2020 Fisheries Habitat Restoration Projects Implement Restoration Activities funded through California Department of Fish and Wildlife grant programs. 2-26-2021 3-19-2021 Brendan Reed