Ocean Plan Requirements for Seawater Desalination Facilities
NEW! Notice – The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) is accepting comments on the general scope and potential amendments to the Seawater Desalination Provisions of the Water Quality Control Plan for Ocean Waters of California through 12:00 noon on November 13, 2024. The State Water Board's Division of Water Quality will hold a public scoping meeting on October 28 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm.
NEW! Aviso – La Junta Estatal de Control de Recursos del Agua (Junta Estatal del Agua), está aceptando comentarios sobre el alcance general y enmiendas potenciales a las Provisiones de Desalación de Agua del Mar indicadas en el Plan de Control de Calidad del Agua para Aguas del Océano de California (Proyecto Propuesto). La fecha límite para recibir comentarios es el 13 de noviembre de 2024 (12 m). El 28 de octubre (1:00 a 4:00 pm), la División de Calidad del Agua de la Junta Estatal del Agua, tendrá una reunión pública sobre el alcance del Proyecto Propuesto.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We are excited to announce the launch of our latest resource aimed at answering the most frequently asked questions! The new FAQ invites interaction through questions and answers, encouraging dialogue and exploration of the topic of seawater desalination. Click below to access the FAQ:
- Desalination Plant Entrainment Impacts and Mitigation, October 9, 2013
- Hyper-Salinity Toxicity Thresholds for Nine California Ocean Plan Toxicity Test Protocols, July 2012
- Mitigation and Fees for the Intake of Seawater by Desalination and Power Plants, March 14, 2012
- Management of Brine Discharges to Coastal Waters - Recommendations of a Science Advisory Panel, March 2012
Ocean Plan Chapter III.M
On May 6, 2015, the State Water Board adopted an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for Ocean Waters of California (Ocean Plan) to address effects associated with the construction and operation of seawater desalination facilities (Desalination Regulations). The Desalination Regulations support the use of ocean water as a reliable supplement to traditional water supplies while protecting marine life and water quality. The Desalination Regulations, found in Chapter III.M of the Ocean Plan, provide a uniform, consistent process for permitting seawater desalination facilities statewide. In doing so, it provides direction for regional water boards when permitting new or expanded facilities and outlines specific implementation and monitoring and reporting requirements. The Office of Administrative Law approved the Desalination Regulations on January 28, 2016. The United States Environmental Protection Agency approved the portions of the Desalination Regulations that implement the federal Clean Water Act on April 7, 2016. Therefore, the Desalination Regulations are fully in effect.
The Desalination Regulations require new or expanded seawater desalination plants to use the best available, site, design, technology, and mitigation measures feasible to minimize intake and mortality of all forms of marine life. Based on the best available science, the Desalination Regulations identify preferred technologies; however, alternative intake and disposal methods can be used if demonstrated to be as protective of marine life as the preferred technologies. Additionally, the Desalination Regulations require mitigation measures to address harmful impacts on marine life that occur after a desalination facility uses the best available site, design, and technology feasible. Feasibility considerations regarding site, design, technology, and mitigation measures take into account economic, environmental, social, and technological factors and whether something is capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time.
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Seawater Desalination Facilities
Contact Us
Jeanie Mascia, Supervisor
Ocean Desalination Unit
(916) 323-2871
Gintare Huckeba, Environmental Scientist
Ocean Desalination Unit
(916) 322-7787
Christine Manhart, Engineering Geologist
Ocean Desalination Unit
(916) 341-5746