Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund (USTCF)


The following links provide the processing cycle status of Reimbursement Requests (RRs). RRs will move between lists from the “Awaiting Review” to “Being Reviewed” to “Payments Released” lists. Occasionally, an RR will appear on one of the “On Hold” lists for reasons communicated to the claimant. Please check the lists frequently as the information is updated nightly. If you are unable to find the information on a specific RR, send an email with the Claim Number, RR Number, and the specific question to the USTCF general email account at ustcleanupfund@waterboards.ca.gov.

Pending RRs (https://geotracker.waterboards.ca.gov/cuf_report?report=paymentspend) – The report provides the current status of the RRs where a decision has yet to be made. Each status available on the report is explained below.
Filtering options are available on the report to assist with finding the current status. The report will automatically default to listing RRs received within the last 30-days.

  • Awaiting Review: RRs received by the program that have yet to be assigned for review.
  • Awaiting Review – No LOC: RRs received by the program that have yet to be assigned for review because the claim has not yet received a Letter of Commitment (LOC).
  • Being Reviewed: RRs received by the program that are undergoing review by staff.
  • On Hold: RRs received by the program that may have undergone review, however, cannot be released for reimbursement payment until an internal program issue is resolved.
  • On Hold – 5% Cap Reached: RRs received by the program that have undergone review, however, cannot be released for reimbursement payment because the claimant has reached the 5% statutory limitation placed on an entity receiving funding for a single fiscal year.
  • On Hold – Suspended: RRs received by the program that cannot complete the review process because additional information or documentation is needed, which has yet to be provided by the claimant.
  • On Hold – Missing Wet Signature Documents: RRs received by the program that cannot complete the review process because the RR Form and CUF Invoicing Summary with the claimant’s original signature has yet to be received.
  • Returned Unpaid: RRs received by the program that could not be accepted for review for an issue and were returned to the claimant unprocessed.

Payments Released (https://geotracker.waterboards.ca.gov/cuf_report?report=paymentspaid) – The report displays the reimbursement payments released to the State Water Board Accounting Office. Information on this report also include when the State Water Board Accounting Office releases the reimbursement payment to the State Controller’s Office (SCO) for check issuance and the date of the check issued by the SCO. The check issuance process is a function that occurs between the State Water Board Accounting Office and the SCO, which may take between 4-6 weeks.
Filtering options are available on the report to assist with finding the reimbursement payment. The report will automatically default to listing reimbursement payments released to the State Water Board Accounting Office within the current fiscal year.