Hearings Program

Imperial Irrigation District – Long Term Transfer


Exhibit No. Description
SWRCB 1 SWRCB Files for Application No. 7482 including but not limited to:
SWRCB 1a Permit No. 7643
SWRCB 1b Joint Petition of IID and SDCWA for Change In Point of Diversion and Place of Use
SWRCB 1c First Amendment to the Joint Petition of IID and SDCWA
SWRCB 1d Second Amendment to the Joint Petition of IID and SDCWA
SWRCB 2 SWRCB Decision 1600
SWRCB 2a SWRCB Order 84-12
SWRCB 2b SWRCB Order WR 88-20
SWRCB 2c IID Water Conservation Progress Reports submitted between June 20, 1989 and December 19, 2001
SWRCB 2d IID Water Conservation Plan, dated 1985 –
The items listed under SWRCB Staff Exhibit 2, et seq. are contained in the SWRCB Complaint File: 262.0/13-02 Salton Sea – Imperial Irrigation District
SWRCB 3 Quantification Settlement Agreement (Draft, June 2001)
SWRCB 4 Seven-Party Water Agreement of August 18, 1931
SWRCB 5 California’s Colorado River Water Use Plan (Draft - May 11, 2000)
SWRCB 6 The Status of Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Animals and Plants of California, Annual Report for 2000. CDFG Publication.
SWRCB 7 IID Water Conservation and Transfer Project/ Draft Habitat Conservation Plan and Draft EIR/EIS