Clean Water Act Section 401 – Certification and Wetlands Program
General Orders
Projects that involve discharges to waters of the state in more than one region are under the jurisdiction of the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board). Regional Water Quality Control Boards issue orders for projects that fall within their jurisdiction, with the exception of orders for enrollment under Nationwide Permits 12, 57, and 58, which are issued by the State Water Board. The following certification orders have been issued by the State Water Board.
- CWA Section 401 Water Quality Certification Program - Home Page
- Individual Orders for Single Projects
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2013 | 2012 | 2004 | 2003
Note: None available for these years: 2011, 2010 & 2005
Applicant | Date Issued | Subject |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit No. 41 for Invasive Plant and Algae Removal | 09/05/2024 | Water Quality Order WQ 2024-0067-DWQ Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Order for Regional General Permit 41 for Eradication and Removal of Invasive, Non-Native Plant and Algal Species from Waters of the U.S. |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit No. 63 for Emergency Activities | 10/18/2023 | Water Quality Order WQ 2023-0095-DWQ Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification for Regional General Permit 63 for Emergency Repair and Protection Activities |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit No. 23 for the Middle-mile Broadband Network Initiative | 8/14/2023 |
Water Quality Order WQ 2023-0068-DWQ Waste Discharge Requirements and Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification for Regional General Permit 23 for the Middle-mile Broadband Network Initiative
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit No. 8 for Emergency Activities | 8/1/2023 |
Water Quality Order WQ 2023-0061-DWQ Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification for Regional General Permit 8 for Emergency Repair and Protection Activities |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit No. 10 for Wildfire Mitigation | 7/7/2023 |
Statewide General Water Quality Certification Order for Discharges of Dredged or Fill Material to Waters of the State from Wildfire Mitigation Activities (Water Quality Order No. 2023-0055-DWQ)
State Water Board Initiative | 7/13/2023 |
Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Dredged or Fill Material to Waters of the State from Emergency Repair and Protection Activities (Water Quality Order No. 2023-0058-DWQ) |
PG&E Bay Area Operations and Maintenance Order | 4/4/2023 |
Order for Waste Discharge Requirements and Water Quality Certification for the Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s (PG&E) Bay Area Operations and Maintenance Program (Order No. WQ 2023-0022-DWQ)
Prior Years
Applicant | Date Issued | Subject |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Nationwide Permits 1, 3a, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 20, 22, 28, 32, 36, 54 | 10/12/2021 |
EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 25, 2022 - 2021 State Water Board General Order for the Corps’ Nationwide Permits (Order No. WQ 2021-0048-DWQ) Dischargers seeking enrollment under NWPs 12, 57, or 58 (utility related permits), should follow the instructions in the 2020 State Water Board Certification of the NWPs (Order No. [WQ] 2020-0039-EXEC), see below under Year 2020.
NWP projects must meet specific size thresholds and other CEQA or locational requirements to enroll under this General Order (No. WQ 2021-0048-DWQ). Below is a non-exclusive list of such thresholds. If your project does not qualify for enrollment under this General Order, submit an individual application to the appropriate Water Board.
Important Note: Only the project types listed below may be eligible for enrollment under this General Order [No. WQ 2021-0048-DWQ]. Applicants seeking enrollment for projects under a Nationwide Permit not listed below or for projects not eligible for coverage under any of the Water Board's General Orders should submit an individual application to the appropriate Water Board. Visit the State Water Board's 401 Water Quality Certification and Waste Discharge Requirements webpage for individual application instructions.:
Nationwide Permits - other resources:
Applicant | Date Issued | Subject |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Nationwide Permits 12, 57, and 58 |
12/09/2020 |
State Water Board General Order for the Corps' Nationwide Permits (Order No. 2020-0039-EXEC) Effective March 15, 2021 Important Note: Only the following project types may be eligible for enrollment under this General Order:
NWP 12, 57, and 58 projects must meet specific size thresholds and other CEQA or locational requirements to enroll under this General Order (No. 2020-0039-EXEC). Below is a non-exclusive list of such thresholds. If your project does not qualify for enrollment under this General Order, submit an individual application to the appropriate Water Board.
How to Apply:
2020 Order and Attachments
Projects enrolled under this General Order Applicants seeking enrollment for projects under a Nationwide Permit not listed above or for projects not eligible for coverage under any of the Water Board's General Orders should submit an individual application to the appropriate Water Board. Visit the State Water Board's 401 Water Quality Certification and Waste Discharge Requirements webpage for individual application instructions. |
Applicant | Date Issued | Subject |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District | 08/30/2019 |
Regional General Permit (RGP) 5 for Emergency Repair and Protection Activities
Applicant | Date Issued | Subject |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District | EXPIRED |
NEW PROJECTS SHOULD USE ORDER WQ 2023-0095-DWQ FOUND ABOVE Regional General Permit (RGP) 63 for Emergency Repair and Protection Activities
Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District | 06/13/2018 |
2018 Existing Flood Control Facilities Maintenance Authorized Under U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regional General Permit (RGP) 99
Applicant | Date Issued | Subject |
State Water Board Initiative | 03/27/2013 |
Amended General Water Quality Certification for Small Habitat Restoration Projects
Applicant | Date Issued | Subject |
State Water Board Initiative | 09/06/2012 |
General Water Quality Certification for Small Habitat Restoration Projects File # SB09016GN
Applicant | Date Issued | Subject |
State Water Board Initiative | 05/14/2004 |
Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Dredge or Fill Discharges to Waters Deemed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to be Outside Federal Jurisdiction (WQO 2004-0004) |
Applicant | Date Issued | Subject |
State Water Board Initiative | 11/19/2003 |
401 - Regulated Projects (WQ Order 2003-0017) |