Project 4b: Eliminate Barriers to Funding Storm Water Programs and Identify Funding for Storm Water Capture and Use Projects

Project Contact Information

Project Lead:
Jeffrey Albrecht
(916) 322-8569

What's New

Update: 9/1/2016

The Implementation Sub-Committee for this project is in development. Please see the STORMS Implementation Committee page and/or contact the project manager for additional information.

Project Description


Very High, Assessment: Critically important, achievable with moderate barriers

Project Objective

Support the identification, functionality, collaboration, and accessibility of storm water funding programs throughout the state


Review funding programs including the: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, Infrastructure State Revolving Fund (I-Bank), the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, and the Caltrans Cooperative Implementation Agreements, and state bond funded programs, including the Storm Water Grant Program and the Integrated Regional Water Management Grant Program.

The project will evaluate opportunities for the State Water Board to support funding of storm water programs throughout the state. Potential Board actions include: (1) adopting a resolution that recognizes consistent funding sources as a key to treating storm water as resource; (2) supporting the concept that storm water is a utility and supporting efforts to amending Proposition 218; (3) engaging local elected officials and establishing regional resource centers; and (4) supporting changes to grant and loan guidelines to help meet storm water program requirements and make loans more accessible to municipalities. The State Water Board should also develop a strategy to educate the public and improve the dissemination of information regarding storm water funding opportunities.


Municipal storm water programs in California are either not funded by fees or have fees that may be inadequate to fully fund the requirements of municipal storm water permits. Many municipal storm water programs are unable to utilize the State Revolving Fund loan programs because they do not have a dedicated source of revenue for loan repayment. The Water Boards' support for consistent funding of storm water programs will enable municipalities to more effectively improve water quality and comply with regulations. Additionally, improved collaboration between water quality and water supply interests may support funding flexibility and accessibility, while potentially mitigating drought conditions. Estimates of the cost needed for storm water programs will be informed by Projects 3g, 4c, and 4d.