Water Recycling Funding Program (WRFP)

The purpose of the WRFP is to promote water recycling by providing technical and financial assistance to local agencies and other stakeholders in support of water recycling projects and research. The WRFP functions through a number of core and supporting activities.

The Water Recycling Funding Program (WRFP) provides funding for construction loans and grants, and planning grants.

  • Proposition 1 provides for $625 million in funding for recycled water projects. Financial assistance is provided through Loans and grant for planning and construction activities.
  • Proposition 13, approved by voters in 2000, provided financial assistance through loans and grants for planning and construction activities. The funding capacity under this authority is now very limited.
  • Proposition 68, approved by voters in June 2018, provided $72 million in loans and grants for recycled water planning and construction.
  • Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program, which provides low-interest loans to public agencies for planning, design, and construction of water recycling projects.

Learn About:

Apply online with FAAST (Financial Assistance Application Submittal Tool). Applications are accepted continuously.

  • FAAST How-To Videos
  • Planning Grants: Select the “Water Recycling Funding Program - Planning Grant Application” RFP.
  • Construction Funding: Select the “the “Water Recycling Funding Program - Construction Application” RFP.

Application Requirements


The mission of the Water Recycling Funding Program (WRFP) is to promote the beneficial use of treated municipal wastewater (water recycling) in order to augment fresh water supplies in California by providing technical and financial assistance to agencies and other stakeholders in support of water recycling projects and research.


Our vision is to achieve maximum reuse of treated municipal wastewater for beneficial uses in California.

Questions or Comments?

Please contact:

Sandeep Kals
Senior Water Resources Control Engineer
(916) 324-8404

Division of Financial Assistance
Water Recycling Funding Program
State Water Resources Control Board
P.O. Box 944212
Sacramento, CA 94244-2120